November 1, 2015

Samuel: [Sound of small child chattering] I love that!

Greetings, dears.

Greetings, Samuel.

S: All right, you have come through a very, very powerful time in your world, and you’re about to move into another one for a very different reason. This is a time of great joy, so welcome to a very new world. [Small child continues chattering] And you’re already ready for it, aren’t you.

So, how was October?




S: Intense works. Wonderful works.

A learning experience.

S: Learning works.

You’ve been going through . . . you’ve been meeting new parts of yourself. You’ve been experiencing your own core issues over the last couple of months. Core issues often show up as those things that bring about resistance, or that you never thought were something you were ever going to have to deal with, or the world changing, forcing you to as well. Sound familiar?


S: Rather non-stop. That’s good a good thing, a really, really good thing, because what this time is about right now is releasing what you are not in order for you to fully be what you are.

So what are you choosing to be, because your choice is very, very simple? You can be human and you’re used to that, and it’s familiar, and you know the costume. And being human allows you to have low self-esteem and be depressed, and not enjoy life. Being human allows you to experience the sensual joy that form allows. Being human allows you emotions that you either control or do not control—you control them or they control you.

It offers you a cultural belief system that says here is what will make you happy, as opposed to getting to find out for yourself what makes you happy, instead of learning that happiness is a choice. Being human allows you the pleasures of autumn, the joy of spring, the delight of summer, the beauty of winter, but what it will never ever offer you is fulfillment, because fulfillment is not going to come out of your human self.

So if human is one choice, and that’s the choice through which who you think you are functions—and who you think you are comes with a name tag tonight, so you can just look at it, in case you’re forgetting. It should say “This is my human self; it’s not really me,” and then your name is under it.

The other choice is you can move beyond the human, which is just the costume. That’s what yesterday was all about—the costume. That’s what this is, the costume. You could choose to move beyond the costume into a place where you have the power, you have the choice, and you are functioning as what you truly are instead of what this world tells you you have to be. But it’s all about choosing to change out of the human mode and into the mode of brilliant and glorious and outrageous, and into the mode of pure spirit that you are only temporarily wearing whatever this is, and wishing you could shine . . . and spending your whole life trying to shine instead of being the light that shines no matter what you do and no matter what you are. It’s your choice. And November is going to be all about those choices.

Now, this is going to be a pretty quick meeting tonight because—truth—I don’t have a whole lot to tell you except this—how long I can stretch that out we’ll see—and that is: November is about your finding your path. And that path is all about functioning joyfully, committing to your destiny, releasing what has not worked and allowing what does. And although it may sound like, “Well, that’s really familiar; can’t we make every day like that?” and of course you can.

This month—it actually started at the full moon—is a new year, and you have opened into your true self, waking up in ways that over the last three years it’s been trying to get you to. This is the month for it.

But a little warning comes with that. And before that warning I’m going to give it to you in a metaphor. It’s like the beautiful leaves coming from the trees right now. All that sugar makes them pretty—no, that’s not the message. Sorry. That wasn’t it. The tree doesn’t regret letting them go. The tree knows that it’s only by releasing can it renew and be whole and even better again.

I was keeping the Form in—David, this is for you; I was keeping Lea—keeping the Form in surprise about tonight, just because I was playing with her. She likes to figure out [whispering] what am I going to say, what am I going to say, but if I had been really, really . . . on toes?

On my toes.

S: On toes? On your toes? On Suzanne’s toes in that case. What I would have done is make sure that each one of you had a beautifully colored leaf. I ruled that out, though, because the only way it would not have crumpled up and blown away and would not have been something for you to remember at all is if it was made of some sort of plastic. But think about it for a moment; the next time you look at the tree that has become gorgeous with color, look under that tree, because that’s where the old life sits and the new life is waiting.

You have in front of you two massive opportunities, two great energy transmissions, this month. One coming from an ancient gamma burst—well, you would call it ancient; you know it was just now—the constellation with the winged horse.


S: Pegasus. Pegasus—such a strange name—coming from that direction, and another toward the end of the month, right toward the end of the month. When do you have your day of thanks?


S: Twenty-sixth. So maybe a couple of days after that. And both of these energy transmissions are about completing change.

Now, here is where the warning is: change; completing. You’re about to move into three glorious years. Ready for the caveat?



S: If you’ve completed and changed, because the old is not going to fit in your new world if you want your new world to be one that’s all about life and living, [and] is not about depression, is not about unhappiness, is not about not knowing what you’re doing, why you’re doing it, or who you’re doing it for.

You’ve been dealing with that for a long time now. And releasing what does not work for you, being willing to shine as you, that’s the next big step, but you won’t take it if you’re not happy with you. And there is a big issue there.

You’re going to be finding this month trust issues with—[small child screams] I know! I say the same thing. Eeeew!—with regard to relationships. [Child vocalizing loudly] I love that. It’s like having an echo in the room. “Truth there! Truth there! Truth there!” It’s a time of knowing what is truth there and what is not in your life, because this month, with these energy transmissions, you are very likely to have spotlighted your own untruths. “Samuel, it’s all right then, because I am so honest people run from me.” No, what I’m saying is, those things that you don’t admit even to yourself, particularly that untruth that says, “I’m only human,” because you know you’re not. Because you know you’re not.

You are indeed made of Source, cosmic fullness, creator energy that does not ever end, never had a beginning, and is only dreaming that you are here now, only imagining—imagining—that you are here right now. What you are is so far beyond whatever the self can think, and you get to claim that or run from it. What do you choose?

November is about happiness. Happiness. A life that makes you laugh, and love, and enjoy, and fully experience every bit of it. The human self resists that. They call it crazy. So be crazy and enjoy it.

Those things that create any other experience for you outside of full love and full joy are going to be obvious to you. And like the leaf that is finished with its cycle on that tree, your job this month is to see and be finished with those things, those people, with anything that keeps you from your best self—anything that keeps you from your best self. And it’s not like, “Oh, it’s going to be so hard. I’m not going to be able to do this. Letting go is . . . hard to do?

Breaking up is hard to do.

S: I know, but it was a song. There it was.

[To Stuart] Are you asking a question or signaling me with time?

Yes. It’s a question.

S: All right. Just a moment and I’ll be right with you.

You’ll know, like the tree does: let go and it will be just that easy. Yes, it’s very true: every winter you see a few diehard leaves holding onto those branches with everything they’ve got, and by spring they’re gone. And that’s the way it will be for you. There will be a few diehard parts that you know need to be out of there, and they will wither—you’ll see—because you won’t have that desire to keep feeding them.

[To child’s parents] No, no, no. Never shush a baby. Never, never shush a baby. That’s pure joy. I never ever mind babies or dogs yapping in here. I think it’s good.

The humans are the problem.

S: Most of the time. Especially babies in this age, you know. No such thing as a normal human baby nowadays. They come for a purpose. [To baby] And you know it, don’t you. [Child squeals] Perfectly cued.


My question—and I think you may have answered it—but you’ve talked about releasing and letting go in the past, and that doesn’t mean not having.

S: It means not being attached, it not running you. You are attached to something when you believe you can’t be without it, which is dangerous because then you are tempting the Universe to show you that “Oh no. You’re so strong. You can do without it. Look!” Kick it out of your life. It’s not being attached, not needing for the sake of your wholeness. Your wholeness isn’t about what you have; it’s about what you are. And what are you?

Well, now there’s too much whispering happening in here for me to say you don’t know what’s being said here, but you’re not saying it out loud. What are you?



S: You are Source. You are love. You are a function of Source in this world, here to live the love that you are which is the easiest and hardest thing you’ll ever do.

November is all about what you are shining. But the warning about it is you need to be okay with what you are or you will keep stuffing it back.

These next few months there will never be a better time to truly explore, accept, transform, and transmit the love you are all about. Start now.

Letting go is kind of like . . . it’s kind of like being a vegan. It is. When the time is right, it will happen, and it will be easy because you are ready for that next step. But after the third, you are going to have everything you need to be ready, so be ready.

[Child crying] Fall, go boom.

For the energy?

S: The third of the month; the first energy blast. You’ll have everything you need, all the right supplies, so be ready.


Can everything I need sometimes come to me in a form of a dream that I don’t acknowledge when I’m awake, or I think I’ve mastered when I’m awake?

S: When the Universe can’t get you to listen anywhere else, it will fill your dreams so that you can’t miss it.

I got one.

S: You got more than one.

You know what the dream was? Or did you . . .

S: Yes. Are you listening? Pay attention.

So, you ready? Big month.


S: Fun month. Make it fun. Make it fun. Play. Play. Laugh. Giggle. Enjoy. You are ready. It’s time.
