March 2, 2014

Samuel: Well, greetings, dears.

Hello, Samuel.

S: So are you thinking that just maybe spring’s never going to come?

[. . .]

Look behind you.

S: [Looking at the tableau done each month by Angela and Lillibeth] Do you have a picture of that? Good. You outdo yourselves. Thank you for that. I love having something with such beauty here because it is a reminder—[to pookas] yes, you’re beautiful, too. These pookas, they get talkative, don’t they? Because it is a reminder of why you’re here, that this planet has so much hope, so much goodness, so much beauty. That there are people who know how to work with the kingdoms, be they the animal kingdom or the plant kingdom. And you are here for the human kingdom.

It’s a pretty amazing time and you’ve got a lot of fun this month. You ready for it?

Not only is this the month of your equinox, for spring, and of course that talks of balance at this end of the planet. I guess this end isn’t the right way to say that, is it. Not this end. This side, this part of the planet, this hemisphere. But it’s not spring everywhere. But it’s also going to be a time with a letup of a bit of the energy that has been creating such constant inflow. And the opening of some that should be tickling your pineal tremendously. That’s only good, only good. So, one of the things that I wanted to do this night before I talk a little bit about balance and hopefully get in a couple of questions and answers—because you may have noticed I like to do that around equinoxes—I wanted to talk a bit about that pineal. So, let me change what I just said. I want to have you teach me about the pineal. I’ve talked and talked and talked about it. So let me start this way. Why is the pineal called the third eye?

Because it has retinal cells in it.

S: Yes! Isn’t that amazing?

It has no business being there.

S: It does! It has retinal cells in it and is able to translate light because of that. It works particularly with light, and as a result of that—the light thing—what does the pineal tend to regulate?

Circadian rhythms.

S: That’s right. And what are your circadian rhythms?

Sleep patterns.

S: All right. The way your body manages sleep and awake; your body’s ability to be awake when your culture is awake and asleep when your culture is asleep. It’s why you get jet lag. Which is to say that you may be noticing as you continue doing pineal exercises, which we’ll discuss in just a moment, you may be able to shorten jet lag—make that much easier for you. If you are going to be going to Cambodia soon, that would be very helpful. Yes, says Lakshmi, who goes very, very close [to Cambodia] and knows exactly what that’s about.

What is inside of the pineal? Wait . . . what is the best way to describe what is inside that tiny pineal gland?

A crystalline structure.

S: Aye, it does have a crystalline structure, but what I was looking for was it’s a gel-like, sort of like the inside of your eyeball, vitreous humor. That’s definitely not a phrase that makes sense. Nonetheless, what happens as you age, to that gel-like substance?

It atrophies.

S: It atrophies, it hardens, it thickens. It gets gritty like sand as it hardens and crumbles. What happens when it gets hardened like that?

It does not work so well. It does not respond to the light.

S: That’s right. That’s why so many people when they have become much older in their lives, have difficulty sleeping. Now, how many of you in this room are not at the outer edges and yet you have difficulty sleeping? Don’t raise your hand, because a whole lot of you in here would be saying that. And I’m going to be giving you a hint about that. You need full darkness. Now, I don’t know that everybody has a bedroom set up like the form’s is, but that’s the only one I can tell you about. There are little slats on the blinds—little slats they open, they close—there are blinds, and there are curtains over the top of that, and they close all the way, and they go all the way to the edge of the wall, but they’re not dark enough. You would think that would be dark enough, but it’s not dark enough. You need to have—close your eyes and put your hands over your eyes, you, too, in TV land—that dark. That dark. You may have a clock with a light in it; you may have a computer light. Your room might have all kinds of light that you have become so used to that you’re just not aware of anymore. Try getting rid . . . put your robe over your clock, or whatever. Try having the room as dark as possible. There are curtains that are meant to black things out. Try for that. You might, if you have blinds, you might want to look at if you need another layer over the blinds as well. Something for you to take a look at. The darker, the better.

After you have had at least a week, I would go so far as to say ten nights, of sleeping in that kind of really good darkness, you’re going to find your body doing this: [relaxes, exhales] relaxing, de-stressing. Because you constantly have a certain amount of light coming in totally throwing off the important work of your pineal gland, which deals with putting out particular chemicals into your body that make you feel good, think well, and allow your organs to function at their best. So, try ten nights of really good sleep. “Samuel, can I put a mask on? Will that work?” If you can sleep in it, yes, that will work.

What kinds of other things, other than a natural aging process, can cause the pineal to misbehave, or can cause you to have problems because the pineal is misbehaving? Lillibeth?

Well, some things in your diet can affect it.

S: Diet is a big one. What’s another?


S: Fluoride. Absolutely. How many of you have stopped brushing your teeth with fluoride? Are your teeth really rotting out of your head now without that fluoride? No, they’re not, are they. They’re doing pretty fine, aren’t they? Amazing how that works. You’ve probably built up enough to last your whole life.

Pollution in the air, water, soil. I’ve backed off using regular shampoos or anything scented. I don’t tolerate it well anyway, but the chemical burden has been just too much.

S: Nobody’s going to mention exercises?

Sun bonding.

S: How to get rid of those problems—diet. Sun bonding makes a good difference, yes, that’s very true.

Spin it, in all directions, like a gyroscope.

S: That’s right. Very, very helpful. Take just a moment right now and imagine you have something the size of maybe a small seed and just picture it for the sake of picturing it, here, picture it just right behind your forehead. It is not right behind your forehead. Nonetheless, picture it there and imagine that you are spinning it. Now here is something interesting. The more you do this, the easier it becomes to do that exercise. It starts out not hard, you can picture it, but you find your forehead kind of tensing up a bit. But the more you do it, the faster it spins, and you no longer have that effect. Your intent to affect the pineal with that idea of spinning it is affecting the pineal even though it’s not actually spinning. But that spinning gets that flow going.

What’s another good thing you can do?


S: Yes.

There is a person in this group right now who is helping people with this. It’s Carol Gailey, a magnificent sound worker. Sound is a frequency work, and you can hear the frequency of a particular tuning fork . . . Which one is that?


. . .  to help your pineal clear. It shakes it right up, clears out all the gunk.

S: Here is the chime version of it. When you hear it, pay attention to where you feel it. Do you know that Steven made this setup? Is he a clever guy? And will you also give it a good bang?

[Steven sounds the 480 Hz chime] Is that enough or do you want to let it linger?

S: No. That frequency cracks the form’s head. Lovely. Thank you.

Where did you feel that the most?

It reminds me of when we do the [. . .] Group of Twelve. It’s almost like it’s going across.

I feel it in the front of my forehead like where the sinuses are. It feels different.

It feels like the top part of my head goes in and out of this dimension. It becomes elastic.

S: It’s a very lovely tone, a very powerful tone, and you cannot [i.e. must not] misuse it; you’ve got to be careful. Very, very nice.

The pineal is the way that your cells receive communication through photons out of the . . . I really don’t like to use the word plasma, but it’s such an easy word to use. Matrix sounds like a movie. Matrix or plasma matrix is probably the best way to say it, but it’s really out of the nothing, which is something, travels information. And when it moves through you, your pineal translates it for the body.

The energy coming in over the next three months. You’re at the beginning of March now? Yes? Then you have April and May? All right. So up to the beginning of June. All right. You should have . . . the clearer your pineal is the more you’re going to experience this. With a clear pineal, you should have a constant flow of feel-good energy. About time, don’t you think?

March is a time in which your seasons, theoretically, start turning. The expression, “It comes in like a lion, goes out like a lamb”? I would say it’s coming in like a lion. So this lion, at about the twentieth or twenty-first is going to be having a balance of light and dark. Right now, very, very much of the energy that you are dealing with right now in your personal life is all about balance. The higher the frequency you work at, the more you flow with the earth’s natural cycles. In winter, you tend to hibernate up in these climes. When spring comes, you are preparing for new beginnings. In the summer, you are full of action, ideas. Abilities increase. At the autumn, you begin slowing down and planning for letting go, and endings to prepare to begin again.

The equinox is about balance, and right now you are dealing with issues having to do with balance: balancing your life; balancing your activities; balancing how active you are, how inactive you are; your spiritual work with your mundane. It’s really important right now that you be consciously working toward bringing balance in every area of your life? How do you know if it’s an area that doesn’t have balance? This is not a hard question. How do you know? You are on tonight.

You notice it in that area of your life more.

S: You might be really drawn to pay a lot of attention to that area. I will tell you, it’s often because things aren’t going real well in that area. They don’t have to be crashing down around you, but just not at its best.

I have given this exercise repeatedly. And sitting here with me, you think it in your mind, but I have found that most of you do not continue thinking about it and keep a chart, for instance, worked out where you can see it on a regular basis. I highly recommend it. And that exercise is, when I ask you to think about all of the different facets of your life. You may think of it as the different roles you play, you may think of that as the titles you have, or maybe the way you spend your time every day. But the different facets of you. What are examples of those facets?

Work life, as a partner, life partner to someone, as a sister or a brother, as a child, as a mother or father, as a leader here, my spiritual life, maybe community.

S: You get the idea, yes? Now it’s to going to be realistic to say, “I spend the same amount of time in each of those areas.” It’s not about the time you spend in each of those; it’s about the balance between giving and receiving in each of those. You’re going to have areas of your life—here we’re going to step back a little further—you’re going to have areas in our life in which by its nature you are giving more than you are receiving. At your work you are probably giving more than you are receiving, because you tend to give a hundred and ten percent. And that might not seem a real detriment or difficult until you have several areas in which you are giving more than receiving, or receiving more than giving, creating an imbalance in your life. So, look at each facet of your life. What kind of balance do you have in each facet, and then stepping back and looking at it as a whole, within each section. When you are in a place in which you are finding that you are tending to feel tired, very stressed, over-worked, unhappy, take a look at that wheel of your life—each slice of that pie you are—and look and see where balance needs to be put in. It’s all right if you’re out of balance in a couple of spots but you’re in balance everywhere else. It’s all right as long as there’s something that you can do about it. You start running into trouble when, “This particular segment of my life cannot change. It’s out of balance, and it’s affecting every other area because of it.” If you have enough balance in every other area, you’re going to be able to compensate. When you find you cannot compensate, you’ve run into trouble and you need to take a look at those facets that you think are in balance because something’s not. Balance financially, balance in the activities that you take part in, balance in your relationships, balance in how you play, the things you enjoy.

I am not saying moderation, which does not mean that I don’t think moderation is a good thing, I do. But I’m wanting you to know that when I say balance I’m not saying moderation; I mean balance.

The balance between giving and receiving . . . I understand how giving is too much, but I don’t understand how receiving can be too much. Can you give an example, please?

S: Anybody got an example in mind?

Sometimes I’m more aware of being on the other end of this, but . . . when you’ve been let off the hook time and time again. That’s receiving too much “getting off the hook,” and it’s not good for either party.

S: That’s true.

Receiving could like self-indulgence. Giving myself lots of TV time and things that make me . . .

S: “I’m so stressed.” But, yes.

[. . .]

S: You can be in relationships in which somebody else is doing all the work and you’re just getting the benefits from it. Ideally you want to be in a relationship where both parties feel like they’re getting all the benefits. Ideally.

This is a very important year in your life, because it’s a very important year for the planet. What kind of balance is happening geopolitically? Pay attention. There’s a lot of places where you can be sending direct energy. When you send that energy, ask for balance. What is a place on your planet right now that can use some balance?




North Korea.





The US.

S: Thank you. The United States. Yes!

Remember, you have amazing power in your thoughts. They change the world. Directing your thoughts, particularly when you are doing it along with others, you are going to be finding that you are creating that balance in the world. You will see it, particularly over these three months.

Now, I’ve just finished a series of Lifescapes, and they were about relationships. Any questions? Or not about the Lifescapes . . .

I’ve got a question about spinning the pineal gland. Well, I like to take it and move beyond that, so at times I’ve taken the pineal gland and put it in a double tetrahedron, and spinning it that way. I guess I’m looking for feedback on does it make any difference at all?

S: Spin it, spin it, and spin it, however you want to spin it, but spin it. It’s interesting to me to put it in a double tetrahedron because, of course, that is a root form for the way form is created. It’s a very powerful shape. And it’s a piece of a multitude of other shapes that come out of it. Using the double tetrahedron, you are effectually allowing your pineal to migrate, because a double tetrahedron, if you will remember, is a vehicle for transportation at certain levels. The good news is, if you’re not at a frequency to actually make use of that, it’s not going anywhere. Bad news—if you notice when doing that that you get any kind of headache, stop and don’t ever do it again.

Second part of that would be, a couple of year ago you had us spinning that crystalline seed. So what if you spin your pineal gland and the crystalline seed in opposite directions?

S: No problem.

I noticed in the Lifescapes here that you spoke about getting out there and making more friends, and you also asked, “Do you have a spiritual community outside Phoenix?” which I found to be a really intriguing question. I do, a rather extensive one. It’s a comment. I’ve found that rewarding. There have been times I’ve kicked myself and said, “Oh, my God. You’re spreading yourself too thin.” and was out of balance. I took responsibility for it. It’s been just so growthful, and it’s not that it’s the same as Phoenix at all, but it gives me opportunities for growth that I couldn’t have here. Over the years working through this and volunteering a lot in spiritual communities of one kind or another, I’ve learned to get a lot better at relating to people that aren’t so much like me as the people here are.

S: Do you remember that the reason I suggested that . . . Do you remember why I said to do that?

It was to touch, to get us out there touching other lives.

S: That’s right. Who easier to have a profound effect with than those who are already seeking spiritual growth? You don’t have to go and preach to them—unless you want to. All you have to do is be there, take part, enjoy. Nice.

This is kind of an overlap with the Guardianship Program and the relationship information in the Lifescapes. One of the things you asked us to do was to look at our finances, and how to look at our relationship with our father. We’ve done this so many times, and I was thinking I had such a great relationship with my father, but I want to look at that and see how it bleeds over into finances and how it bleeds over into personal relationships in my life. So I talked about this with my triunity, and what I noticed was, I had a terrific, loving, relationship with my father. He was like a light to me. And he traveled a lot. So, I think of my relationship with him as like a wave, and when he was present, I was happy because I had all that contact. When he was away, he kept a lot of communication going, but I was longing for that contact. So he would write to us, he would call, that kind of thing, the contact was always there so I always knew I was loved. However, my relationship with money is the same way.

S: Good girl, yes!

There is an inconsistency. My relationship with Source is the same way. And so my question is . . . in other words, I can make money, but it’s an inconsistency of contact. So sometimes it’s there and then it’s not. So my question to you is, how do you shift and change that pattern to a consistency? It showed up in my relationships as people that I am usually involved with traveling, so they’re there and then they’re not. If the consistency of communication is there, I always know I am loved; if it’s not, then I question it. So it’s like looking at those facets in your life and saying, “How has this bled over and what’s its effect on me.” So now my question is how do I get this pattern to do this so it’s consistent? I know part of it is perspective.

S: Or better to do this.

What can you say to help me?

S: Well, first, anybody want to answer that?

Start with baby steps.

S: Baby steps, always good. Remember that.

Two things come to my mind. For me, it’s like you heal this and the other related parts get healed too, because they’re all connected. The other is the belief of how you’re looking at it and changing the thinking around it. Instead of saying, “He’s physically present so this is the pattern,” believing [. . .], instead of believing, “Source is always there, I trust that,” and instead, “I’m going to trust that and bring that about,” that way.

S: Very good.

When I recognize the pattern of that wave, then I do something different than I have always done to try and get it evened out or rising.

S: Very good, very good.

Also recognizing that you are already consistent in many areas of your life and building on that.

S: Yes.

For me, to recognize that the masculine energy in my life is me, too, so that it’s not me depending upon some outside expression of masculine energy; it’s the part of me that’s masculine energy has that ability and empowerment to make it more consistent, make it higher and higher if I wish.

S: Very well said.

I think it’s important to recognize that this is not causal, but it’s reflexive. So, it allows you to see the relationship, but it didn’t cause the relationship. So you do have, in fact, the power to change. So don’t lock yourself into the thought of “That was the relationship with my father, so therefore I’m stuck with this.” You can use that as a positive springboard as well to say, “I see that as a reflection, and it’s time for me to take action to change.”

S: Good. In so far as Lilibeth’s particular situation, I don’t think you were seeing it that way. I think though, that you were using the ability to see a pattern and saying, “All right, I see how that pattern . . . ,” which is how I have taught you—God, father, masculine energy, money, your sense of self with regard to financial abundance. You’re looking for patterns there. Very, very, good, good input.

I’m going to give you a small, small preview into what I’m going to be discussing at the Retreat. Mary said very well when you see any kind of pattern that you want changed, you shift your action or thoughts, but you consciously change and do something different. In addition to that, several of you talked about the importance of creating what you want, but you want to be aware that when you are creating you need to know how to create. Now, too many of you have a tendency to create when your back is up against the wall at the last minute—emergency creators. Therefore you have to create a lot of emergencies in your life to keep your income going.

Guardians aren’t really great at the nine-to-five thing—very much a tendency to resist what feels like a box that you’re in, and you aren’t comfortable in a routine that has you, “You’ve got to come in at this time, you can eat lunchat this time, you get to go away at this time.” So very many of you create jobs or find work that allows you a good amount of freedom. Right? Even if it’s nine to five, it’s nine to five on the days you want it to be on, or it’s something like that. When you’re wanting to make a big change in your life, you want to look at first, “How have I succeeded in this before?” You’re looking at income and for most of you, income comes out of the work you do. Which reminds me to tell you to remember to be careful when you’re asking for a large amount of money, because sometimes you might be getting it from inheritance or something like that, wasn’t not what you had in mind. You want to look at the times in which you have had a free flow of money. So when in your life have you had that kind of money? [Interacts with Quinn] You would know that the first thing that you’ve got to do is look at your successes. And when I say look at those successes, I am saying all of them. Go back as far as you can. Go back to childhood if you can. You got an allowance, maybe, you got money for kisses from your grandparents.

Teeth—tooth fairy.

S: [To Quinn] Did you get money when you lost your baby teeth? Did you get treats?

Look at those successes. Go back as far as you can. Look at the times you have enjoyed your successes. For instance, “I had a thousand dollars come in and because of that I was able to do this and this, and I enjoyed it.” Put them together—the successes and how you did well with them.

Next: you want to create a working Intent. Before you can create an Intent, you’ve got to release the things that are keeping you from right Creation. I talked recently about that, suggested that you imagine that what you want as a ball inside of you, and when you say, “I’ve got this great job giving me . . .” whatever the income is, and that little voice says, “Never going to happen,” put that in there. And that little voice that says you’ve never been able to keep it going so long, put that in there. Fill that ball with your fears, your denial, your beliefs that aren’t helping, attitudes, actions, cultural, personal—everything that you feel is keeping you from having the best of all good things. Put it all into that ball and create a tube of light. Let all of the energy inside that ball squeeze out and flow into the Universe to change into Creation energy to be used by others in another way. You are seeing it move out of your solar plexus area. You may have to do that several times. You want to then replace those fears and beliefs with positive, empowered thinking.

And here is where you want to have a really good Intent set up, a positive statement, not of what you want, but what you are. And that’s twofold. What you are spiritually speaking: a function of Source in this world, Creator energy, high frequency Guardian. But you also want that to be a completed Intent: I AM. “I have paid off all of my expenses. I am easily meeting all of my bills. I have a perfect and easy lifestyle and income that flows without difficulty.” What you have. Do you understand that? You need to do this—success, pleasure of that success—to start your neural pathways reconnecting. Releasing what isn’t working, what isn’t helpful, what is barring the way, but filling it with beliefs that speak of your power, your trust, your knowing of what will be. Then you want to create a short phrase—“Everything about me is whole and perfect,” or, “All of my needs are met”—positive; short—that you can constantly repeat, to rebuild that pathway and to draw.

Do you know how to do circular breathing? Do you know how to do it without doing it through the nostrils? Yogic style. Simply. No pause at the top, no pause at the bottom of the breath. That’s what you want to be putting out, because what that’s going to do is hyperventilate you a little; it’s going to shift your mind into a different frequency, closer to your creative state. And you’re going to just repeat the mantra like you’re a good Transcendental Meditator.

Now that’s really the speed version, and not necessarily very helpful. Come to the Retreat, because you should be creating what you need. You’ve had a little head start on that.

I usually work, in the spring and fall, for a company, and I have a certain number of hours at home I work for them. And I’ve been doing this exercise, and they called the other day and they needed twice the number hours. So that’s something I’ll do. It’s a temporary thing. The other thing that I’m doing: I’ve also created this same type of thing in my relationship. And what I’m noticing there is, you know, the wave of being apart, where I had that contact with my father, that was my reassurance. So now what I’m doing is, because that is not in the relationship this way, but the love is there and I know the love is there, when I get to the point where I go to the negative aspect of not having that, I say, “I know that am loved.” And it’s making a huge difference. I’m doing it in my conversations with Source, saying, “I know you’re always there.” I’ve always had that sense, but I’m actively connecting these pieces to make them stronger and in balance. And so that’s helpful.

S: This works. And, some of the details I go into will explain it further, but it’s using your transfigured energy. That’s why it’s different than what you’ve been used to hearing.

All right. We need to stop. Big month. Big few months. A lot going on.

Take a good deep breath, and as you release it let go of the winter. Let go. Do it again, and let go of those things that have held you back from feeling great. Release the old, prepare for the new. Claim balance in all of your life. Be well.
