April 2, 2006

Samuel: Well greetings, dears.

Greetings, Samuel.

S: So, are you nervous about the storm? The storm. [Heavy rains can be heard on the roof.] Well, I asked because you’re all sitting there with your energy just so closed. Not beaming out at all. So, that’s getting better.

This is a wonderful, wonderful time, and those things that are going on with you right now are about to change. They’re about to change and you need to know how you want them to change, because you’re in charge, whether you’re willing to take charge or not.

So, dropping that on your lap, who remembers where we were going in the questions and answers last week . . . month? Sort of about . . .

One of the things you said you would like to discuss later, either in a newsletter or in a questions and answers, was about sacred sex.

S: And that was somewhat discussed. Yes. What I’m looking for is for you to remember, if you can, I know that . . .

[sees all three dogs] . . . well, I’ve got another one and another one after that. You know we’ve got this competition thing that happens.

And where I’m going is asking for a few of those subjects that were discussed only because I want you to remember how you have seen them in your life over those next few weeks.

You did mention something about finances or money.

S: Yes.

Insofar as being careful that you know where it goes, and I think that’s been an issue for many of us.

[Dog run back and forth across the podium]

This is dog park.

S: I’m very sorry to ask you to do this, Frank, but hook them up.

[Cindy] I’ll hook up Oma. She’s the one that’s causing trouble.

S: It was not Oma that just went charging across the platform here. I want you, darling, to do whatever you need to with her, but I’m very happy for her to continue wandering. I like to use her as a barometer, and I don’t know there’s something that seems just about a dog whose job is to be hooked up to be free while the dogs that are not usually hooked up are. Don’t you think that just sounds sort of like balance?

So, remember where I’m going. What I’ve been asking is the things that we discussed started to show. And the reason I’m wanting to go with that is because I’m going to talk a little bit further about what gets in your way from meeting your goals, stepping forward, making changes, the things that could possibly help avoid the pitfalls.

So Heidi, then Paula.

You mentioned that we’re coming into a time where our honesty might be questioned.

S: That’s right. That’s right. And, of course, that is sometimes in ways that are a lot different than “you told a lie.” Your honesty is questioned in a multitude of ways, sometimes without even words.

The one thing I remember you saying was that our future is made out of the ingredients of our now, which I thought was really interesting.

S: And it is, of course, in every possible way.


I would just like to point out that on the recording we couldn’t hear what Colleen was saying because of the dog activity so that was not . . .

S: Colleen!

Last month you made a comment about that we needed to be aware of where our money was going, and that brings me back to finances, which has been a challenge for most of us at one time or another.

S: Aye. Aye. And, of course, with all of the new and interesting changes going on in your life that comes to a head once again—what’s going to happen there?—aye. It will be good.

You said that there were going to be changes in electrical [things], some electrical systems.

S: I’m not talking electrical system as in “plug in a . . .”


S: Appliance, yes. Thank you. I’m talking about changes in what happens when you walk into a room. When you try to wear a watch. When you are working with electrical equipment quite a bit. It’s because of you. Yes. More.

Is that what’s wrong with the audio-visual.

S: Well, you know, that’s very possible. Although Oma is obviously responding, and that’s what I like. I like her to show exactly what it is [with] the energy going on, and Kathy said “Well, is that sort of what Oma is responding to, the electrical energy?” Not quite the same way. I would say this, though; she is right now what you could be.

Oh, Lord.

S: Hello love. She is a good girl.

I’m not sure what you mean by that.

S: Well, what do you think I mean by that?


S: Excited.


S: Happy. Joyous.

More in touch with the energy and able to read that easily.

S: Reading the energy and responding.

Absolutely in the moment.

S: In that moment. Absolutely. How about this one? Filled with energy. Able to run around the room.

The popular word is she is plugged in.

S: She is plugged in. Aye there, you too could be plugged in.

It’s not about just running around in circles, not knowing where you’re supposed to be next?

S: Well, that also at this time when you are working so much with the laws of extremes, seeing one far end or the other. Seeking balance is always necessary. You often do not know, however, that you are needing to create balance because you are so accustomed to those extremes. You are becoming so used to life—well, a lot of things come into mind here, all of them probably not particularly useful—but you are so used to life at high speed. You are so used to drama. You are so used to amazing occurrences that it does not necessarily seem as though balance is what is being asked for until a gift from Oma shows up in which she’s running, alive, happy, in the now, or from another perspective running in circles not knowing where to go. And you see that those are two extremes that need to be brought into balance, so balance is the key when you are looking at extremes.

Right now in your life—I’m going to move on—right now in your life you have been awakening from sleep. “Samuel, I have been awake for twenty years, ten years, and five years. What are you talking about—awake from sleep?” But that’s exactly what I mean.

I’m not speaking physically, and I’m even—although anything done to its highest is spiritual—I’m not referring specifically even to your spiritual energy, because indeed it has not been asleep, and it cannot truly sleep. I am referring to your emotional energy. You have been asleep and you are beginning to wake up, and your reactions, actions, beliefs as to good, bad, your sense of sinking, treading water or moving forward to the goal, all of that is in great change where it shows up in your emotional life, because you have been asleep.

Now, what do I mean by asleep when I say that? Well, I’m going to give you this much of a hint: I only call it asleep because what you are doing is awakening—awakening to a new understanding, new power, control, hope with regard to your emotional understanding.

Now, quickly, what are emotions?

They’re signposts to beliefs.

S: They’re signposts to your beliefs. That’s exactly what they are. So when I am saying, “there is a part of you—your emotional self—that has been asleep, or is awakening,” what am I saying there?

Well, for instance, we can get stuck in certain patterns of emotional reactions.

S: Yes.

Kind of like a rut, and when we’re awakening to our emotions, we’re awakening to a new or a more aware use of them that is much more conscious and purposefully directed in a way that benefits us and comes from a higher place.

S: Good. That was perfect. That was perfect! Absolutely. What she said. Thank you for coming. That was good. Maybe you’ve been thinking about that, and doing some good thinking.


For me, I’m realizing that for years you’ve been teaching that we have emotional reactions, especially negative emotional reactions. it’s a signpost to a belief that isn’t working any more for us, and I’m realizing that when I’m having positive emotions, it’s a signpost to beliefs that are working for me.

S: That are working for you. Yes.

So I’m trying to become more aware of what I’m doing, what’s going on in my mind and my emotions when I’m having times that I’d like to repeat, because that lets me see belief systems that I have, and then I can determine whether I want to change them or not [ . . . ] but I’m waking up more to the full dynamics of types of emotions and how they work to tell about myself.

S: You should come sit up next to Colleen. That’s good. That’s very, very good. Paula; David; Heidi.

I think I’m awakening to an understanding of how much my emotional reactions not only affect me, but affect everybody around me.

S: Good. Good.

Whether it’s what I call good or bad emotions, it doesn’t matter. It affects people who are there with me, or even not there with me.

S: You throw a rock in the pond, there will be ripples. Anything in the pond is going to be affected by those ripples.

Stuart are you changing a tape?


S: You are raising a hand. Yes?


S: All right, later.

Well since the emotions are the signposts to our beliefs, I would take it that the emotions are awake then that means we’re also becoming more aware of our beliefs.

S: Yes, hopefully yes, because that is what allows you to see the effect that you’re having on others, because you’re aware of what’s going on in you. Makes a huge difference. Heidi.

Hypothetically, of course . . .

S: Hypothetically.

. . . emotions can have the effect of being your life, and running your life, that you are so identified with—whether it’s the fear or the sadness—that that’s what you are, rather than a passing belief

S: And to move that into what Colleen was saying, it can even be habit. No reality there for it, simply habit. That’s not little people seeking rings.


S: It’s a habit. It’s a rut that you can become so used to that you don’t recognize it any more. You know that when you are in a really deep rut, what you are seeing—using the example of rut—what you are seeing is walls of stirred up dirt, and you’re walking through it, creating a pathway, from the stirred up dirt. A rut is the way that you convince yourself that you don’t need to change; you’d rather be bored than afraid, which is a pity.


I was going to say, years ago you said that a rut was a grave without end.

S: There you go.

I like that.

S: Stuart.

I was thinking what Paula said about emotions affecting other people, and I was thinking about them talking about electrical energy, and how emotions can electrically charge a space, a room, a crowd, an environment, whether you’re with just one person or a whole room full of people.

S: Have you ever seen someone walk into a room and all of the energy changed? Not even necessarily in a good way. What you’re thinking has a great effect, not only on you but on everybody you come into contact with. The way that you express yourself is going to say a whole lot about what you’re really thinking of the life you’re living and the world you’re in. And that expressing oneself is not only—just to put it down and be able to put it aside—is not only functioning in a more positive fashion, consciously working to be more positive in what you are doing, and what you are saying, it’s not only that, but it’s the way that you look when you say it. It’s the way that you present yourself and all of the things that can mean in any particular situation.

Two small asides with that regard: when you have been asleep and you wake up and get out of bed, is there anybody in here who finds that it takes a little bit of adjustment before you are really moving right along when you first get out of bed?

About two days.

S: And it might also be that you find that it helps to put some stimulation in your body, give it some caffeine shock, and help that get you going. When you have been asleep, it is very normal to have to stretch and push oneself a bit more to get the former position out of your body. And that’s no different with an emotional sleep. You have been functioning in this emotional dramatic rut without even thinking about the effect it could have on others, and never thinking about the long-term effect it might have on you, because you aren’t thinking; you are simply reacting day by day.

The number-one pitfall Guardians come into in their lives right now, the number-one thing that stops you cold, is that you are too tired, physically mentally and spiritually, perhaps, but too tired to move a step further beyond, and you deal with the rut because it just takes so much energy to move out of it. And yet when you have been asleep, it’s pretty natural to purposefully stretch yourself out of position—horizontal, vertical—give yourself an infusion of liquid energy maybe, get the body working, nourish it, fuel it,. And that’s what it requires for you to be able to meet the goals that are in front of you, having awakened out of a sleep because that’s a lot nicer than stupor, don’t you think? To come out of that sleep you need to determine that you’re going to stretch a bit, fuel yourself, and move. And in an emotional rut, when your life is functioning out of habit, when you’re just pushing through, “Today’s over; all right, what’s next? Today’s over again; what’s next?”

[ . . . ]

S: Yes, which is one of the reasons it feels so much like your time is slipping away so fast, because you’re not living your moments. They’re passing you by very quickly because you’re in a rut and you’re not paying attention to them.

But your emotional sleep is coming awake, and you see the extremes around you, and you have your comfort place in those extremes, and you look at the idea of bringing balance there, and you’re too tired. It’s too much work. And yet every day—well, almost every day; for every one of you in here it’s not true to say every day because sometimes you don’t get up every day—but when you have been in bed and you are ready to get up—oh, that’s the key, isn’t it?—and you are ready to get up, you do what is needed to be able to move on.

What makes you tired? I want to give you a hint. It is not necessarily physical extremes—overwork, hiking up the mountain and back—that will make you tired, but the sort of tired I’m talking about here, what makes you tired?

Some of your thoughts, for instance. Your thought patterns can sometimes be exhausting, depending on what you get into.

S: Very true. Some of your thought patterns can be absolutely exhausting.

Frank; Paula; Steven.

Dealing with a lot of resistance makes you tired.

S: Resistance makes you tired. Yes.

Stress and overwhelm makes me feel very tired.

S: Stress and overwhelm.

Emotional imbalance, depression.

S: Emotional imbalance, be it the extreme of depression or the hyper-aware extreme. Both of those will wear you out.


Being a couch potato.

That’s somebody that sits on the couch all the time watching television.

S: Why a potato?

I don’t know.

It’s a vegetable.

S: Why not a couch egg?

Because it has eyes to see the TV.

S: Couch potatoes.

Being bored makes me tired.

Sometimes sleeping too much, and sleeping all of the time makes you continually tired.

Maybe taking the wrong kind of medication or too much medication.

S: Good. Good. What makes you tired is being out of balance, and all of these things are symptoms of being out of balance.

Not seeing options.

S: Not seeing options can absolutely wear you out. And not seeing options is a symptom of a rut, because when you can’t get off the path, all you’re doing is going back and forth on the same one. That’s a rut, and it’s because you’re not seeing options.

Being tired happens because you are living in extreme—extreme dramatic; extreme denial. Those are the extremes that affect your emotional self, your beliefs. Denial or drama. Now that’s a pretty wild pair, don’t you think? And do you see how it is that they are the opposite ends? When I’m talking drama, what am I talking about?

A very strong emotional reaction to anything that’s happening in your life, tending toward exaggeration, tending toward “This is the most important thing that’s ever happened, and everybody needs to pay attention, because otherwise the world’s going to end!”

S: Yes, present company excluded, of course.

Well, I’ve had a lot of practice seeing this in others.

S: Got it.

And when I look in the mirror actually.

S: Stuart, did you have your hand up there?

Yes. I had an experience this past week where I had worked really hard to get something together to be able to communicate it to another person only to find out that . . . oh, she said, “Well, that’s already been done,” and I had invested a lot of energy into making that happen, and then found out that indeed somebody else had already done it. So I was a little dramatic at that point within myself, and maybe with Frank because he happened to be walking by at the time. And I was just really tired. I was like, “Why did I even do this?” You know, if I’m going to spend all this time and energy trying to communicate with all of these different people, I can tell someone that a certain date works. And then only to find out that they had given it to somebody else. They didn’t even tell me they were [ . . . ] it with other people. And that’s an example of where I got really dramatic and tired. I was just like “Why bother?” Fortunately, it didn’t last, the why-bother. It all got resolved later that day, but I had a moment of being very frustrated and tired.

S: I want to tell you something about drama: It’s very possible that you are honest enough with yourself that you recognize that you’ve had moments of high drama. It is possible that you know people who’ve had moments—gracious, who’ve had lifetimes—of high drama. And you know that repeatedly I have reminded you that people exchange drama, or they take drama, when they have no passion. Passion gets put aside. Drama takes its place. And drama shows up in the sorts of things that you have expressed as intense anger, or it’s so involved.

Here is the thing about drama: Drama requires an audience. Without an audience, it’s not drama, because drama requires an audience. You are acting out for somebody else’s benefit, or somebody you know is acting out and if you’re there, it’s for your benefit. Yes. So don’t be an audience.


What is it when there’s not an audience?

S: What is it if there’s not an audience there, because you might be feeling like there’s drama? Intensity, perhaps.


S: Rehearsal, he said. Rehearsal for the drama.

It could just be anger, pent-up anger. I mean you could just kind of stuff it in, and [ . . . ] and stress of it.

S: True.

But there’s no audience, so it’s not an outward dramatic experience.

S: And if you look at that in your own life, you might even recognize that something happens and you just . . . but even if you punch the wall, what’s the purpose of it if you don’t have somebody to watch, if you don’t have somebody to feed it back to you, to give you sympathy, to give you a pat on the back, to get angry with you or for you, to be frightened by the outbursts so that you get to feel powerful? Drama requires an audience.

So when you are looking at one of the versions of waking up and the extreme of drama is there, remember that you’re looking for balance, not the other extreme, which is denial.

Another thing that stops you on your path to being awake and aware and functioning in this world after being tired is not knowing where you’re going. Now by that I don’t mean San Francisco today or tomorrow? I mean you may as well stay in bed if you’re not needing to go to the bathroom, to the kitchen, to work. It’s having a place to go that gets you there. And that sounds very obvious, but it’s not, is it?

Having a place to go involves dealing with your sabotage, figuring out what you really want. Have you ever gotten up in the morning, and you can’t decide “Should I take a shower now, or should I go down and eat breakfast?” Sure you have. Sometimes it’s not that clear. If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll never get anywhere.

So what do you do to figure out where it is you want to go? Well, we’re looking at your beliefs, those ego-driven responses to the world around—because that’s very often what beliefs are made up of; and remember, when I’m saying ego-driven I’m not saying ego’s a bad thing. I’m saying it’s the way you present yourself into the world, the costume you’re wearing at the time.

[Long pause] And why I’m hesitating here is because you do not give your emotions their due, because it’s handy for them not to be a part of your power, to not be something that you have control over, to be something that erupts on its own. It’s really handy because it allows you to disengage; it allows you to not be responsible; it allows you to not try to figure out what it is you want that’s worth the effort. Not knowing where you’re going, not having somewhere to go, is sabotage, not a reality. You may not know how you’re getting through the day, but you are getting through the day. You may not know how you’re going to get to Cincinnati—always a handy illustration for looking for a route—but do not confuse the journey with the destination. But you will confuse it, you will have trouble with it, you will sabotage it if your destination is so vague and unclear that all you have available to you is the journey. Does that make sense?

Emotionally speaking, what would be a goal? What would be a destination? I’ve talked about emotional awakening and part of that is an awareness of the way your energy affects the world around you, so what is, with that regard, a destination?

To be balanced emotionally.

At peace.

S: At peace. Balanced. These are not destinations as much as they are vehicles on that road. What is your destination?

You mean like fulfillment?

S: Fulfillment would also be a by-product. And let me tell you this, you’re giving nice, spiritual, look-deeply-inside answers, and this is right on the surface and it’s really easy. Colleen and Frank?

You want employment or a way of bringing money into your life. That is a destination or a goal. You might not know all the details of how that’s going to pan out, and that’s part of the journey toward having that.

S: Very good. Now let me play with that just a little bit. Why do you have a job, employment?

[ . . . ] you want to travel, you know, we want to go on the trips, we want to do what we’re here to do. Therefore we need the means to live, we need the employment, we need to eat, we need to have housing, we need to have it all.

S: Because you have needs, and your needs are your goals. As you function to be able to do what you’re here to do, there are certain labels that get put on that. This is the “income” label. This is the “go to work every day” label. And they are the very things that create the closed-down rut, unless they are a part of a workable destination.

And that is the third thing that people do to sabotage that journey. They don’t have a workable destination. When I say “workable destination,” what do I mean by “workable”? Believable is one. “All right, next week I’m going to take a sailing journey around the world.” But maybe first you need to take sailing lessons; maybe you need to start building the boat. Maybe you should learn to swim. And you laugh, but this is what Guardians do. I’m not talking mass consciousness. I’m talking [sic] this is what Guardians do. “I want peace on earth in my lifetime. That is my only goal. Once we have the fulfillment of the Plan, the completion of Sacred Status, once there is Absorption, everything will be so beautiful and good, and that’s what I’m working for.” Well, good, but that’s not going to buy your next meal. And spiritually speaking that’s a perfect goal, but emotionally speaking it’s not going to take you anywhere. It’s going to be a cause of a rut really fast. It’s going to be a cause of denial or drama. It’s going to be behind all of your security modes to put brakes on, because it’s not a believable goal for you.

Paula first.

When you’re talking about emotions, it’s interesting because I want a new kitchen. And I’ve been working on this thing for several years now, and I’ve gone from one emotional extreme to the other. When things haven’t popped up the way I wanted—you know, the money hasn’t come in the way I want it to—I’ve gotten depressed. “Oh, I’ll never get a new kitchen. Oh, this is so miserable to work in this kitchen.” And then I’ve gone to the other extreme and had expectations that have gotten me, you know, excited and feeling like . . . it’s not been real, it’s kind of a false sort of feeling.

S: Well said.

In the back of my head I’ve thought, “You know, this really isn’t it.” And then what I’ve done is in the middle, I’ve kind of brought myself back to the center and I’ve said, “Okay, I may or I may not get this, but what I’m going to do right now is I’m going to put a shelf up there, because I’m so tired of having my laundry stuff on the floor,” and that has brought me into an emotional balance because it’s given me something that I want, and at the same time it’s not such a huge thing that I feel it’s pushing me to one extreme of emotion or the other.

S: In every audience that I speak with, there are always people that I should not call on, because they are going to be a step ahead, and if I’m not paying attention, I will have to say—as I’m about am to Paula—I want you to come right back to those two things. One of them is expectation, which is the next block on the road, and the number one way to turn it around is take a positive action, a baby step. Take a step toward it. Come back to that.

I thought you were going to say “Leave!”

S: No. No. You’re at the head of the class. You’re already recognizing that next step in there. But right now, at this particular step.


I may have written it down wrong, or I’m lost, or both. For number-two item, I’ve written down “It’s not knowing where you’re going.” And this one you said, “It’s not having a workable destination,” and I don’t see the difference.

S: What I said was “not believing.” It’s not a believable goal or destination. You know that you’re going to go to Cincinnati. That’s a workable goal, right? But the way that you’re going to get there is you are going to put on a jet pack and fly the whole way, and it’s going to be beautiful, and every fifty miles you’re going—well, there’s not all that many miles is there?—so every twenty miles, you’re going to come down and you’re going to spread flowers amongst all of the people who are staring at you in awe for the remarkable transportation that you are bringing into their sight. That’s not a believable goal, right?

But I don’t see how that’s different than not knowing where I’m going.

S: Somebody want to help me here? Lakshmi.

It’s like I get in my car and I don’t know where I’m going so I just drive around in circles, versus I want to go to Cincinnati, but I want to go through Atlanta, and then Chicago, and all that in one day.

S: Good.

You’re saying one is not having any place to go.

S: Correct.

And the other is having a place, but it’s not a believable or a realistic one.

S: Yes.

Okay. Got it.

S: Thank you. You see how often it takes somebody else’s perspective to make it clear? Remember that, because that goes with the ways to move beyond this—baby steps.

Two questions: one is, Are you using goal and destination interchangeably?

S: Yes.

Okay, thank you. The other one is, When we’re talking about emotional awakening, and then you’re talking about, you know, the peace and the balance and all that [being] applicable to this area, does that mean because the emotional awakening . . . do those have to do with our body needs, or security needs, those kinds of destinations and goals? The reason I’m asking this is because, in manifestation, I’m sometimes having trouble coming up with stuff I want to manifest, because the kinds of things that I want to manifest are not [ . . . ] because I can do that. That’s not a problem. Okay, I find it. Okay, I buy it. Somebody gives it to me. It always comes. But so what do I really want? I want to be surrounded by beauty. Okay. Or I want to have a life that’s interesting. Or I want to . . . you know, that kind of thing, but that’s too amorphous, it’s too vague, and I get caught in that vague part a lot.

S: Let me touch the vague part, all right? Any specific believable destination, goal, because I was using Cincinnati—that’s the end of the journey—but in life it’s goals, and it’s usually a little bit more interesting than go to Cincinnati—unless you are Don and Marion, and then it’s a life. Right? Back and forth, and back and forth, and back and forth. You believe it, and you are seeing successes with it, then it doesn’t matter what your goal is. It can be “I am going to go to Cincinnati by way of Atlanta, swing around by Pittsburgh. I’m going to be in the jet pack, and then I’m going to get there.” If you are actually seeing successes in putting that together, then that’s a fine goal. It doesn’t have to be “I want thirty-five cents in my pocket tomorrow morning.” That might be thirty-five dollars today, right? Never mind the cents. The key is you need to believe it as possible, a believable goal, and you are already able to see small steps bringing you to it.

But there’s one more thing that’s going to get in your way, before we get to those baby steps. All right, and that is . . . Paula, I said remember a word. Do you remember it?


S: Expectations, right. You have spent—and right here you fill in your age—you have spent years figuring out how to survive in this world. You are here, [so] obviously you have been successful. You have figured out how to pass for human, pass for friendly, kind, loving, pass for strong, successful, powerful, whatever. You have spent—fill in your age here—years learning how to live. In this society there is a huge cultural belief that causes much pain and suffering, and that is, “If it’s not hard, it’s not good. No pain, no gain.” This is the foundation of much drama. It is the result of much rut. I’m going to make this back-and-forth-in-a-straight-line-surrounded-by-dirt worth it by making it really hard to do, by making it a great sacrifice, by making it incredibly painful. Or, just as a reminder, one great big joke that doesn’t really matter at all—because that’s just as dramatic, isn’t it? You have a whole structure all about “this is how I am safe in this world, and this is everything I must do to protect that version of myself. I must be dramatic sometimes, and I must be at the mercy sometimes, and I must sacrifice sometimes, and I must have . . . ” And all of those boxes are all about expectations. And the number one expectation is, “If I am good enough, if I work hard enough, if I hurt enough . . . ” No pain, no gain.

I want to tell you a devastating secret in this world, all right? You can be a really nice person, following all the rules, and bad things can happen to you. And you know, of course, that if you are spiritual enough those things won’t happen, right? You’d better laugh, because it’s a very sick joke put on to society that says, “If you’re good all the time then only good things will happen to you.” That is the expectation that kills you. “Wait a minute, Samuel, this sounds really negative. That just can’t be right because like attracts like, and the microcosm and the macrocosm, and all of those positive things that we have discussed for the last eight thousand years, give or take. What are you saying? That you can be doing your very best, all the right stuff, following all the rules, doing it correctly, and it might mean bad things still happen to you?” Gosh, yes. Why? Mary Claire.

Free will of others.

S: Free will of others. Absolutely. Absolutely. Always a good easy bear to shoot. Yes. Absolutely. Cindy.

To bring you to a stronger understanding of your relationship with Source.

S: One of the reasons those things happen is, indeed, it will bring you to a greater understanding of your relationship with Source, but I want you to be careful with that one, because that still sounds sort of like good things should happen.


S: But the process that gets you to be able to look at it and say, “This is all about growth and power.” Yes, that is absolutely in there.

Stuart, was your hand up, or are you still signaling me about time?

My hand was up.

S: All right.

To learn compassion.

S: And that absolutely is in there, and is important. You’re all hitting on really good reasons. This is good.

We have a physical form. Things happen to it. We live on a physical planet. Things like hurricanes and things that can be devastating happen, and those were some good people that experienced Katrina. Or, I have a physical body and things can happen to it.

S: Yes. Yes. David.

When I was going through a bad time, I asked a friend of mine “Why are all these bad things happening to me?” And he told me I wouldn’t like the answer, but he said, “Why not?” And that’s a lot with what Colleen just said. I mean we live in this world, and we’re subject to all the vagaries of the world and probability and chance and all of that as well.

S: Because you’re not the only person here.

There’s that thinking that says there are no coincidences; everything happens for a purpose, but doesn’t that go into the, you know, everything is for the good when really it may not be.

S: Everything is for the good; you just might not see it in this life.

Long-range planning.

I like to think ahead.

S: Steven.

Sometimes it just takes a momentary lack of focus for a bad thing to happen.

S: A very tiny moment. Just geologic time. Aye. Just a tiny one.

Well, I’m in disguise here, so if I’m not part of the life here then I’m not as useful as I can be in so many ways, not just being an example to others and putting it into the Grid. So I choose what is for the highest and best, making it available for others to do that. And also, if I don’t go through these things—and I have a perfect right—I have nothing to relate to people here.

S: And those things are so true. They all fit in there.

Have you ever had something happen in your life that you look back on it later and you think, “So?” Perhaps at the time it was awful, heartbreaking, life-changing, serious drama, incredible denial, and a little bit further down the road you looked at it and went, “Gosh, I’m embarrassed.” It’s all good. It’s all bad. It doesn’t matter what label you need to put on it that way; it just is. And what your experience is for is to come to that place where you see it’s good, it’s bad, it’s life. “I am empowered. I am in control. I am safe enough as I am that this experience is not going to trip me up. This is not going to be the way that I recognize myself for the rest of my life.” All of the steps that you take that move you from here to here, throughout that journey, the steps you take are what your life is about. It’s not about “I got hurt here, and I did not have a car here, and I was out on my own here, and I did not have a good enough job there, and . . . I got put in jail, and I did not do the murder, and I’ve been there for twenty years, and I’m innocent.” When outside actions determine your life, your life is over. When what Stuart said ruined my day, when what Samuel did not do ruined my life, when what Lakshmi said to Steven that I heard about, when those are how you determine your life, you’re dead. Your life is over. And we’re not talking the good kind of dead in which you are renewed; we’re talking about the zombie version: “Must kill others. Suck out life force!” And that is what you become, and I meant exactly those words—a zombie, the living dead, sucking out the life force of everything else going on around you. Have you ever heard the expression that if you are not a part of the answer, you’re a part of the problem? In a vague sort of way, that goes with what I’m talking about here.

There’s also another saying that’s common; [it] is “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.”

S: Make lemon water and just keep going.

Your expectations with regard to “what life will be like if . . . ” are dangerous. And those things that you have in your life that come from “when this happens, I will . . . ” are keeping you dead. There is a very cute expression, “When my ship comes in . . . ” “I will do this when my ship comes in.” Or the Kentucky version, “When I win the lottery.” “When I win the lottery, I will . . .” And when your ship or your promotion or your inheritance or your . . . those things are the expectations that are causing you to be the drama-driven diva. Diva wasn’t the word I was going for, but it just was flowing so prettily. So could drama-driven drivel. That is not getting anywhere and is keeping the rut going.

You wake up; you get out of bed. You stretch a little. Maybe it’s not a stretch like this, maybe it’s just a walk into the bathroom, but that’s getting you going, because you have a destination, and you have a purpose with that destination. “I’m going to the kitchen to get breakfast.” “I’m going to Earth to be a Guardian.” You don’t think yourself into the kitchen, or into Guardianship. You’ve got to put one foot in front of the other, and take yourself there, step by step. And along the way, there are going to be things that you miss out on. You go straight down to the kitchen, you miss the bathroom. Well, sometimes that’s a good thing, and sometimes it’s not a good thing. And sometimes it means that there’s extra work later, but you’ve got to make those choices. That’s all right. You make those decisions all the time. You make those decisions all the time, because what you’re going to get out of the kitchen is going to serve you better than what you’re going to get out of the bathroom at that moment. And these simple little everyday things that you do all the time successfully—“Whoa, I should have gone to the bathroom first!” —means that tomorrow, when you are stepping toward the kitchen, you think, “Should I go by the bathroom first?” because you have learned something about you. And you are going to add that to your repertoire of tricks—that is so much harder to say than you think it is—so that you can get what you’re wanting out of where you’re going without trouble.

Now, you think that you’re going to go into the bathroom because you want to brush your teeth before you go downstairs. You thought maybe I was talking about something else, didn’t you? But that, too. That’s all right. Maybe because you’re going to take a shower first. Whatever your purpose is in going to the bathroom, you get up out of bed, you start walking across the floor. You think, Do I want to go to the bathroom first, or should I get something to eat first? And do not let the homeliness of what I am discussing make you think I’m not talking about the most important decisions you have in front of you any time, because I am. But this time, “I don’t have to brush my teeth right away. I don’t have to release the fluids of the night right away, but I do want to take a shower before I go downstairs.” And you walk into the bathroom, and low and behold somebody is in your shower!

Yes. It happens all the time.

Is it somebody you know?

S: What do you do?

I yell at them.

S: You rage, you say, “You have been in my shower! You’re taking all of the hot water! I am being hurt by your actions. I’m suffering”—wait, that might be a good thing—“I am trying so hard to do what I need to do and somebody got in my shower.”

Flush the toilet.

S: A different water box, showers?

Yes, but sometimes the pressure goes away from the cold water and then it gets hot! I know, it was wicked.

S: All right, so there’s always vengeance. I will warn you about that one though. The expression is “If everybody believes in an eye for eye, pretty soon everyone will be blind.”

Or scalded.

S: Or scalded. It will come back to you. And that happens in your life. There’s somebody in your shower, somebody in your job, somebody getting your raise, somebody with your boyfriend, somebody hurting you, making your good deeds worthless. And when you are listening to this recording again, pay special attention to the period where I stopped that sentence and I said, “When you’re listening to this again,” because you’re going to get something there. You’re going to get something amazing there.

Well, that was sort of like somebody being in my shower. It wasn’t my intent. It wasn’t where I was going, and look at that.

Somebody’s in your shower, and the way that you respond to that says everything about how close you are to getting what you want. “I’ll just wait. I’ll take it later. I’ll flush the toilet. I will throw them out, lecture them. Maybe I will determine that I don’t even need a shower today.”

A really big, threatening statement is about to come up so hold on to your chair. The only pain, suffering, frustration, unfair, unjust, bad stuff that shows up in your life is only there because at the moment you’re in right now that’s what it looks like. It’s not real. It’s not real. It’s not all being done to you. It’s not karma, free will, vengeance, flushed toilets—I like that.

I think I was channeling Frank.

S: She says she was channeling you, Frank.

It is because it is. It is because it is a wonderful barometer to show you if you are functioning in extremes or balance. When you’re functioning at a place of balance: “I can’t get into the bathroom right now, so I’ll go on down to breakfast,” when your world is not centered on you, you will have a much easier world.

All right. That was it. And I want to tell you why that was it. You are right now at a time in which many things are opening up in a lot of ways. Now, as Colleen, who is at the head of the class can tell you, sometimes those things open up because some other things close down, and you have in front of you an opportunity. The opportunity is to see that. “That close down, does that define my life? No. All right. This is opening up. Is this the only chance there will ever be? And if I don’t make this decision right now, it will be lost forever.” No. There are a lot of things opening up right now. And as long as you are stuck on you, you are going to be unavailable and unable to take advantage.

This is an absolutely fabulous time in the history of your world. And if you read the news and can stop crying enough to realize that at this time of war and hatred and cruelty, at this time of civilized barbarism—a particular poor choice of words there, but I like what it was saying—at this time in which there are such low lows and wide swings of extremes. In that world, there are incredible miracles and positive changes, and remarkable, uplifting, stunning leaps. There is powerful, positive affirmations of the potential of life force in this world going on in remarkable, miraculous ways, sometimes in the cloak of pain and suffering and hurt. And you need to be able to step back—oh, Jean, it is so good to see you; let us have coffee afterwards—and you have in front of you the opportunity to be a part of seeing that come together in the most wonderful way. But that’s only going to happen if you realize it’s not about you; it’s not for you; it’s not against you; it’s not about this emotional circus. [Oma groans] Actually I rather like that sound effect with this! This emotional suffering! And you’ll see. Two and a half months. Ten weeks—right?

Now, I have stuffed at least two years of bumper stickers, of reminders, of tools, into this hour plus. The good news is, listening, watching, sitting here, you’re getting more than just this layer of words, you’ll see. Wait until that little break comes.


S: That little break. You need to do something to make this happen. You are not here for the emotional gratification that life on earth provides. You are a magnificent, beautiful spirit that needs the opportunity to serve, to be happy, to be fulfilled. And over this next few weeks you get to see what’s important to you. Be aware of your distractions. Baby steps, successful and believable.

Last huge help, this: Right here, right now you are surrounded with people, some who care for you more than you care for you. People that you can reach out your heart to and have a hand reach back. Merge with one another. When you have a need, reach it out into that mental space of “Help me get off the emotional track here; let me see this through my spiritual eyes,” and watch that flow to you. You are here not only because you are a miracle but because you make them, and you make them by functioning together. One Heart; One Mind; One Body; so be it.

Glochanumora. Sorry for the punch.