April 7, 1991

Samuel: Hello, dears.

Hi, Samuel.

S: All right. Gifts. Aye?

My gift is that a few weeks ago—sharing in your perspective and your frustration of people not using your teachings—a few weeks ago I was encouraging people to go a presentation in Louisville and learn about guardianship of some of the animals that we’ve been doing, and I was very frustrated at meeting general apathy, but not uniform apathy, and it made me look at some of the excuses that I’ve been using not to use some of your teachings. And I found a lot of lousy excuses. And as a result of that I’ve put more action into my life and changed that.

S: Good. The guardianship of the creatures. What’s that talking about? The guardianship of the creatures. What does that mean?

Your own individual response to the animal kingdom and the care that humanity can show toward the animal kingdom in the form of something as simple as adopting a pet from the humane society.

S: Or rescuing it, as the case may be. One of the marks of a soul that’s advancing in its process, one of the marks is an awareness of the animal kingdom in a very awakened sense. You recognize your guardianship as they recognize your responsibility. Anybody here ever had the experience of all of a sudden the creatures start coming to you? All of a sudden the cats won’t leave you alone. You walk into a room and the dogs rush over to see you. Even when you’re out in the country it seems that the wild creatures fly around, hang out in trees and watch you. Have you noticed that? Have you not found that, as you are doing more and more and more to consciously put love into your life, one of the first changes that you’re seeing is that, not only your attitude toward the creatures, perhaps a softening, a tenderness, a reaching out, but it’s also the creatures’ attitude toward you. This is the guardianship that I speak of and it’s one of those signposts along the way, that as you are waking up, you’re finding that the way you view this planet is very different.

Well, what you’ve just heard is, as somebody was working to get individuals to a program in which they would hear more about the needs of the animal kingdom at this time, he started hearing a lot of excuses. You’ve not ever had that, have you? There is something you are absolutely impressed with, something that’s very meaningful to you and you want somebody else to know, and you go and you pour out your heart, and you let them know, here is this marvelous thing, and they say—what do they say?—they say, “Oh, I’m so sorry, but the Simpsons are on that night. You know I can’t miss the Simpsons.” What else do they say? They say, “Oh I’m so sorry but I’ve just been so busy I just can’t do one more thing.” Or … what else, what else do they say?

“I’m overdrawn and I can’t afford it.”

S: “I’m overdrawn. I cannot afford it.” I’m overdrawn, that sounds like something a poor artist does. Isn’t it? You overdraw something, aye?

Poor artists are overdrawn too.

S: Works together, eh? And here Keith is saying he stopped and started hearing his own self. Well now, you know, that’s the gift. When you’re awake enough to see yourself out there, reflected in everybody that you see. When you are awake enough to start hearing your voice coming out of somebody else’s mouth. When you’re on to you. That’s one of the biggest gifts you can give yourself. The conscious awareness of you. Good work. Good work.

One more. Aye.

This week I started to get a new identity in two senses. One, I chopped off my hair, and chopping off … as people that know me know I had way longer hair, and secondly, I wrote a lot of letters to politicians which I have normally avoided like the plague. And not just letters of complaint, but letters saying please do something like this.

S: Excellent! Excellent! Excellent! Why is that a gift?

For one, it’s me coming out and being overt in action.

S: It’s taking action, aye.

It was giving direction where they might not necessarily have direction. Even so far as to be so bold as write the head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and saying please do something protective like this. Who knows?

S: Please look at life.

Putting all the educational training I’ve had over the last forty-odd years into practice and becoming active.

S: Good. Good. Well now, although she’s giving that as a gift to herself, I believe that what that is is a gift to the planet. Individual who takes enough care to get themselves involved, and that’s not a small way to get themselves involved, are going to make a difference. And do you know there is some sort of interesting means of every letter that comes in is determined that there are so many hundreds of people that believe the very same thing, depending upon the particular place that you are writing. Your letters make a difference. And, as Jennifer said, not just the ones that say, Oh you lousy whatever, also the ones that say, Very good, very, very good. And you know, if you can get one that says both, very, very good in all of these things but there’s just this one small thing that’s been bothering me, they might even keep that one, pay attention to it.

You can make a difference. Oh, you can make a difference, that’s right, by following the spiritual principles that are taught here and many other marvelous places, but you can make a difference for those of you who are putting off your service until you have a better idea of what it’s about by using your mind and putting pieces of it out there to your elected representation. Good work. I’m proud of such action. Good work.

All right, what is it we’re dealing with here?


The form’s allergies.

She has antihistamines that she’s taking for the sinuses.

S: Well, you know, dear, I can stop what’s going on with the sinuses, but I can’t stop anything like that. I can interfere with the form, not the chemicals the form is taking. Aye, let her know that she could hold off on such things before I’m going to be here. It won’t be a problem, I promise not to sneeze in front of the group. She spent years being afraid that I’d not use a raggy if it was necessary. Finally she became aware that when I was there it was never necessary. Only that which pertains to the immediate function of what’s going on is necessary to keep going while I am here. So, although to keep it breathing it might need to cough, it certainly doesn’t need to drip, eh? But when you put such chemicals into your system, you’re not working on your own body’s version of how the body works. When you put chemicals into your system, your body isn’t anything that you can control. It starts working on its own in response, in reaction. Well, not even I would mess with that setup. Just remind her, eh? It’s not necessary.

All right. April. What happens in April?

Wesak of will.

S: Now, wait a minute here. How can that be? A Wesak? Are not the Wesaks supposed to be the first three full moons after the spring equinox? What’s going on here? Traditionally that’s the setting, and Samuel, you’re making the Wesaks April, May and June full moons. What’s going on? Why?

All right, you heard the lecture last year. Find your notes. Why?

Times are different.

S: That’s right. In fact times are what?

The most powerful time to date. [Laughter]

S: The Wesak festival is a spiritual celebration based upon, not created energy coming out of the planet, but energy coming into the planet. It has a trampoline effect, however. Where it matches like minds, it amplifies and bounces back out to its original source, another like mind. Amplified and bounced back, until by the end of the three holidays you are set up for an absolutely, overwhelmingly powerful summer solstice.

April, May, June is a lot more functional in understanding for individuals rather than the first full moon after the second Wednesday before Turkey Day. Now that humanity is at that place of growth, at that place of bridging and transitioning, to be able to make those dates available for the greatest number of people, now that there is a very large group sending from the planet, which it had not been, then approximately three years ago the dates began moving to easily settle into the full moon of April, of May and of June. Now I’m not using this night to talk altogether about the Wesaks, but what I am going to do is talk about the energy that this particular Wesak is about.

The first Wesak is a celebration of what?


The desire to be.

S: Desire. Desire to be. To be what?


S: To be alive. Say again?


S: The desire to manifest. Will is desire. Anything to add to that?

Well there’s freedom, and there’s freedom to want something. Conceive it.

S: A freedom of choice is in there. A freedom to be able to have desires. All right. Will.

It’s the action you take to bring about.

S: The actions you take to bring something about.

In order to have will, you need to have consciousness of what you’re desiring.

S: In order to express will, you must be consciously aware of what it is you desire. Hello? Let’s see if this word does anything. Pure stubbornness. Put your feet into the ground and absolutely hold fast. Willful. Could that be in there anywhere?

Could be.

S: Could be, could be, that’s right. Could be. I will. I am determined. That’s how you function. I will. I am determined. I have the will, the desire. I am willful. I am going to make this happen.

This is the energy that is coming through, beginning in about a week. For those of you who are aware and able to do something with it, you’re going to find it some of the most grand experiences of focusing and acting on your goals and seeing things manifested and actually being a part of a very powerful happening. For those of you who are not aware of it or choosing not to use it, you are going to find yourself mired in willfulness, stubbornness. You are going to find doors closing to you, and you’re going to be wondering why in the world things aren’t working. Because in this work, my souls, in this life, your choice is make it easy or make it hard. And you make that choice based upon one thing only. What is it?


Ignorance! [Laughter]

S: Ultimately. You make it based upon your awareness of your connection with the Source. Hear that. Everything that you do is a reflection of whether or not you believe you are doing it all by yourself or not. And if you believe you’re doing it all by yourself, do you believe there’s any hope in doing that?

I said recently that, just as a year ago all the metaphors and stories I was using seemed to be horse-related, now it looks like they’re going to be dog-related. All right, Stuart. How do you train that dog?

Well, if you train for some type of behavior, such as like house-breaking the animal, you can only modify behavior while the creature’s in the act of doing something that you don’t want. You can’t find that he chewed your shoe and come back an hour later and yell to him or punish him, because he doesn’t understand. Only at the moment.

S: What you’re getting at, and that’s accurate, one of the things that you must do is act immediately, and that’s true, but that’s a symptom. What is the first thing you must do? Maybe the problem is you don’t know this. When you are establishing a relationship of training and you are dealing with a being which has will—which by the way is you, or a puppy—what must you do?

Establish leadership.

S: Bingo. Establish who’s boss. And it won’t work otherwise. The creature then has a desire to please. Why? Because it does not longer have to spend all of its time worried about its own security. It knows the pack leader is going to take care of it. That’s the nature of dogs. They’re pack animals, and the head wolf—ancient ancestry—the head wolf is the pack leader, and that wolf is responsible for the whole pack, the herd. What do you call them? Pack? Aye? It’s responsible for parceling out the work. It’s responsible for protecting the groupings. It’s responsible for making sure that they’re fed, that they’re secure, and the other creatures no longer have to spend all of their time fighting and worrying for those things, because the dominance has been established.

You know, my souls, what happens with humanity is that in your constant fear for your security, in your constant striving to make sure that all of your needs are met, that your territory is defended, that you have the food that you need and the play things that you want to have, in your constant striving for your security, you’re forgetting that alpha has been chosen, that very much to your good fortune the pack leader is the Universe.

Quick question. When I say “Universe” I’m making reference to what the usual western mind thinks of as God. All right. Personally, I find that concept fairly limited, but that’s all right. One of the aspects of God is omnipresence, correct? Omnipresence. Omnipresence means what?



S: Everywhere. Everywhere. Aye. Always. Graciously over, in, around, and of everything. Except you, right? [Laughter]

You’re not here alone. You just act that way because you would rather stay comfortable, fighting your life through to maintain your hold on your fears for your space, your stuff, your self. Do they like me? Do they not? Maybe if I do this, they will. That you aren’t aware that you have help, that the head wolf wants to do it with you. Now you understand full moon rituals, eh? All right. Bad joke. Sorry.

So you get a puppy and the first thing you want to do is break its will. Correct? That’s the thing. Right? Get it home first, now break that little will. You’ll teach that dog a thing or two. Boy, you’re going to be head honcho, eh? Break that will. Aye? That’s what you do. You carry around a two by four, because it’s going to be a big dog, you know. Aye. Where is Denise with her yippers when you need them? That’s what you want to do, eh? Why are you saying this? Because that’s how you think the Universe wants to treat you. That’s how you think the head of the system wants you to be. Broken spirited. Lost. Tucking your tail between your legs. So surely you must think that’s what breaking a will is about? Nay. You never a break a will, you train a will. You train it. So how do you train it?

One thing Stuart said is that you act while the actions are going on. Anybody here ever heard of something called karma? [Laughter] Ha. Ha. Ha. And that laughter is because the most common misconception about karma is that [you need to] watch out in this life, because something you did fourteen lives ago might sneak up on you in this one and get you! Because you know that life is just one long continuous process. Aye? And because it is one long continuous process the Universe, which has no concept of time—just ask Samiel, he will tell you—the Universe, which has no concept of time, obviously doesn’t realize that, Oh look, Red’s in a new life now; we should hold off that stuff, she won’t understand what it’s about. Right? Wrong! That’s not what karma is about. The Universe speaks to you like this [whispering]: Peggy, darling, don’t do that. Because it knows that you are a being of power and that you have the keenest hearing in all of the universes and that you can hear that. But Peggy has so many other things going on that she stops for just a moment and says, Did I hear something? Nay! and keeps going. And then the Universe says [louder], Peggy, perhaps you did not hear me about this? And on and on and on and on until finally [shouting at the top of his voice], Peggy, will you listen?

[Peggy:] No. [Laughter]

S: Oh, sure you do, dear. Don’t be hard on yourself. I’m just playing a game here.

I know. I’m remembering specific instances.

S: Because the Universe is constantly, constantly, constantly working with you where you are, as you are, and you are choosing, constantly choosing, to hear or not hear based on where you are, as you are. And there’s not one person in this room who cannot relate to what I’ve just said, because in many ways, every day, something in you says, Go left, and you go right anyway and then say, Darn, why didn’t I go left? That says, Oh, call that person, and then they call you and say, I was thinking of you. Oh. Opportunity after opportunity after opportunity. So the whole idea of karma, just to clear up that quick misconception is, the more awake you are, the more quick you are to hear. Because the Universe lets you know immediately; you just might not choose to act on it until several lifetimes later.

Nonetheless. So that’s one thing. But what else do you want to do in the training process? I’m looking for something very specific. How is it that you train?



S: There it is. There it is. So when that creature lets you know that it loves you so much that it considers your house its personal territory, that it has taken it into its own living space and it wants you to know that, well, with horror, you look at it and say, No, stop that!—what are you doing?

How do you do it? What do you do?

You get the creature to stop and then you immediately praise it for stopping. Take it to the place where you want it …

S: While you are moving it to something else you are saying, Good for you for what you’re doing right, and let’s exchange this bad habit for a better one. Sound familiar? That’s how the Universe works with you. But, let’s face it, now and again you get a really bad dog, don’t you? You get one that’s just really willful. Aye. What do you do then? Then you break its will, right? What do you do then.

Give it more love.

S: Give it more love. What else?

Patiently set limits.

S: Patiently give it boundaries and be consistent with them. I’m sorry, darlings, there are no bad dogs. Bad trainers. No bad dogs. Fortunately for you, the Universe is a remarkable trainer. No bad humans. None. No bad humans. Humans who have, because it has been their means of survival, become so willful, because they’re so afraid that they’ve got to do it alone and if I’ve got to do it by myself then I’ve got to do it perfectly or else I’m a failure. Individuals that have become willful in order to fit in in a world they have found to be very, very harsh and, believe me, like that willful dog, are truly looking for relief. Aren’t you ready for a little relief?

You just aren’t here alone. Not only is that a spiritual statement, you are not here to do it by yourself. You have help. The Universe desires contact with you, but more than that. Look around you. This is a whole room full of people who are two things: first, absolute individuals; second, not group people. Just like you. How nice to have a bit of camaraderie now and again from a world that tells you love is outmoded and not working.

So what is it that keeps your dog from learning? One thing. Distractions. That’s it. Distractions. You see, a puppy is very active like you are, and while you are teaching it to stop doing that on the floor and pick it up and rush it outside, after two or three steps it’s forgotten that on the floor, and it’s wondering about this new flight system. Oh, what a lovely game this is. You put it down and it says, That was fun, do it again! It’s distracted.

There you are. All right Universe, I’m getting serious, I have made commitment. I am really going to start getting things done. But stuff gets in the way. Oh, it might not be the cat walking by that takes your attention. It might be a very pretty form otherwise. Universe I’m looking for a relationship, and that one would be good. Sometimes your distraction is from hearing that still small voice happen to be your own still small voice that’s not so still and not so small. You have so much mind chatter going on that you can’t hear what might not be you. You think you talk to yourself all the time. Sometimes you have conversation going and you don’t even know it, because you’re just chattering away all the time.

I’ll tell a form story here. The form talks to herself out loud through stores. Now and again she catches herself. Don’t get to that point, all right? Listen to the chatter, don’t talk back to it.

Perhaps it’s your work. You can’t let it go. You’re compulsive with it. You don’t have a cut-off time that says, This is work, this is play. Perhaps it’s your fears that are your means of sabotaging, your distractions they are. You can get so involved in working out your issues that you never get to your issues. Some of your distractions are very simple. In order to keep up with the world you functionally get yourself out of the world by reading about the world, watching about the world. How many of you found yourself addicted to news after your incredible coverage of your war? Got to get there, it’s the top of the hour. How many times have I heard you say that? Aye.

Frank liked the war.

S: You liked the war? No, dear, you did not like the war.

You cannot expect to be able to use the energy that allows you to manifest what you want in this life, to be able to manifest the energy of will that allows you to focus and move towards what is right for you now, you cannot expect to be able to use will to be alive, if you are so distracted, so willful—hear that—that you can never get to your will.

So what will you do? I challenge you. And I’m going to make this a three-tiered challenge, because I know that there are essentially three groups of you in here. There is that group that believes they are just beginning to take everything slowly and maybe not do anything, and you are not one of them. And there is that group—perhaps that [same] group—who are truly acting consciously: you might be a Warrior, but you are one who is consciously choosing to live love, to overcome those aspects of yourself that aren’t helping you. And then finally there is that group, those of you who know you have no excuses, you know. And you know who you are.

I want to challenge you to cut out a primary distraction in your life. Anybody guess what I am about to ask you to do?


S: Aye. Aye. Turn off your television. Turn it off. Keep it off. If you’re in that first group, oh, I don’t know if I can do that, and besides I don’t know why I should, because I’m not addicted to television and it’s not a distraction to me, and it doesn’t keep me from doing anything I want to do, and I’m very careful about what I watch, and … oh, what else?

I don’t want to!

S: And I don’t want to. Aye. Especially do it if you don’t want to.

Just say no!

S: I encourage you in that first group to give it three days. Three days. All right, if you must, you can begin it today, but three days, and that will still get you to the Simpsons, isn’t that right, Stuart?

Yes, but what about Arsenio?

Say no, Samuel!

S: No, Samuel. [Laughter] Give it three days. For those of you in the second group … [group starts laughing].

Here comes the rest of us.

S: That’s a cosmic wake up, dear.

I didn’t say it! My favorite word! I didn’t say it.

S: Very good. And if you’re in that second group—you’re a Warrior, you’re conscious, you’re awake—I advise you to give it three weeks. Three weeks! Three weeks! I think that’s un-American. Oh goodness, think how far out of things you’re going to be. Oh goodness.

All right, for those of you who are starting to get cold chills, you might choose to move back to newspaper at this time. Newspapers are slow enough that you can still keep up, but not quite be, right on the top of the hour. Try it. Three weeks. And for those of you who know who you are, eight weeks. Eight weeks.

We can tape the programs of course.

S: And catch up eight weeks later. Sure. In case you’re not who you thought you were. [Laughter]

All right. Tell me, what’s this going to do? What immediately is it going to do?

More time.

S: It’s going to give you more time, that’s right.

Takes away a huge distraction.

S: It’s going to take away a huge distraction. What else?

You’ll have to relate to people instead of the television.

S: You’re going to find yourself relating to people or going to a lot of movies. You might start reading more. You might start getting together and playing games. Social interaction. Study. You might start … aye, you’re still worried about Arsenio?

I’m going to video tape them all. […] which is a very strong use of will, so it would be an exercise of will.

S: Exactly. Exactly. And for those of you who are watching this on video, getting it as a subscription, this goes for you.

I guarantee you that.

S: I guarantee you that, aye.

Taking your television out of your life clears you energy and increases your focus.

S: And it clears your energy and increases your focus, but one of the reasons that it clears your energy is? Anybody.

You’re in your now.

S: All right, you’re in your now.

Those are energies and situations and things that I don’t want in my life, so I don’t participate in those things. I don’t allow them into my world.

S: You are a society that has become firm believers that bad breath and hemorrhoids and feminine discharge is some sort of horrible human problem. You’ve come to believe such things as having means you are. You’ve come to watch for instant gratification and then gotten angry because you’ve meditated twice and the bells didn’t ring and the body didn’t shiver. And you tried it a third time and the body shivered a bit, but it wasn’t enough, you didn’t get the writing on the wall. Instant. Turn it on, you’re entertained. You’ve forgotten how to entertain yourself. You laugh at my jokes, that’s how desperate you are!

What if your television’s already off?

S: Good. Good.

Sell it.

Say that again. I missed that.

S: What if your television’s already off? Give lessons to those who are about to go cold turkey here and have some shock.

You’ll have some fun, too.

S: You might even have more fun. You might even start re-establishing some things that late-night television has taken from you. Ahem. You might start finding that there is life beyond your local receiving station. But it will be absolutely a primary act of conscious will directed toward doing something to make you better. That will be honored. That will be honored. An action taken directed toward making yourself better will be honored. The will involved in doing it will make you a different person.

Group one. How long?

Three days.

S: Group two?

Three weeks.

S: Group three?

Eight weeks.

You could just sell the TV.

S: Oh, you might want to go back to it later.

What if you have people in your house that keep them going. I’ve been one of them, but if I wanted to separate myself from that and there’s three sets in my house, and they’re all going, short of leaving home, I don’t know how to get away from them.

Surely you can bargain to have one of them turned off.

They can double up.

I can go to my room.

S: And make it more fun to be in your room than it is for them to watch TV.

Oh, okay.

S: All the good stuff’s happening here.

You’ll have to be better than TV.

S: Aye, but that’s hard, you see, because you compare yourself to the beautiful bodies and the glib statements and the wry humor and the drummer. And you start living that life instead of this one.

I challenge you that. I challenge you that. As an act of your will to use that energy of will to help create in you the right will. One step. One small step, something like that. I challenge it. And come back and start telling me in gifts how you are recreating your life by choice. How you are retraining yourself. How you are giving yourself time, new thinking, new functions.

Television emits. It emits through its electrical charge a radiation, if you will. Not like your bombs do, but a radiation that has an effect on you. I want especially to hear from those of you who notice that you don’t have the same sort of stomach upset or sleeplessness that high television watching tends to bring on. Pay attention.

The energy is will. The Wesak. The full moon.

You are teaching?


S: Excellent. Happy April. May it be everything you choose. You are alpha in your world in which the Universe is alpha with you. Head wolf. The Universe speaks softly, constantly, lovingly, gently, training you to retrain your will. For a change, darlings, for a refreshing change, work with the Universe in this retraining process. I challenge you. Happy trails, my souls. Happy, joyous, bountiful, loving trails.

Such a good group. Good. Aye.
