March 5, 2000
Samuel: Hello, dears. Do you feel like you’ve been through a lot lately? And how are you doing with your lot?
The best we can with what we have in the moment.
S: Good answer. Good answer. Say it louder.
The best we can, with what we have in the moment.
S: Good. Good. Would you all agree that’s how you’re doing right now?
S: Aye. And would anyone else agree with you, with your agreement? Not necessarily.
You’re coming to a point where you’re going to see change and balance. You’re going to come to cosmic payback. And by that, what I’m saying is, You are, within the cycle of your year, coming to that time in which you have a point of balance. And just as everything that’s going on in the greater picture is also something that you will find in the smaller picture, so you can also know that you’re a part of the flow when you see the parallels in your life with that larger picture.
And what you have coming your way now is a time of balance between . . . oh, to say the light and the dark actually isn’t what the time of the equinox is about, but insofar as making it the easiest, understandable statement, that one certainly works as good as any other. It is a time of balance. A time of preparation. A time of new beginning. It is a time of closing down, of letting go.
Hello, wait a minute here! Those sound like opposites. What am I talking about there? Why is it opposites? Aye, love.
So that, in order that [there can be] new beginnings, you have to let . . . new beginnings come after endings and completions.
S: Indeed. And after you have a beginning, you’re going to have also . . .
completions and endings.
S: Sure. Hopefully. Aye. And on a planetary scale, why? It’s so hard. I’ll give you a hint. You’ve got the Northern Hemisphere, and you’ve got the . . .
The Southern.
S: And therefore you have . . .
S: You have the vernal equinox that is at the same time the autumnal one. Aye. And so you have in your life that same picture. You have the same choices before you that the maiden has preparing for a great marriage: a time in which the bridegroom meets the bride, and hope comes forth, and life is renewed. And at the very same time, you are balancing the forces that remind you to release in order to have. And this is the energy that you are going to be seeing playing out in your life now. And this is the energy you are going to be seeing playing out in your world now. And this is the energy that you are going to be seeing—and I do wish all of you to see all of these things—playing out as the planet now. Look for ways that you can adapt and adjust your experience to best be a part of that program, instead of apart from it.
What do you need to help you do that? What would most help now? A couple of things. And there’s a couple of ways I want to bring this information through, but I think that the one that I’m going to choose to use would be telling a bit of a story and getting you to tell the points. Aye.
So, remember first, where I’m going is ways for you to be able to adjust, adapt. Things you can do. Things that will help as you are working to bring balance into your life. Ultimately, I’m going to make two points—that’s only fitting in this case, don’t you think?—but those points are going to have all that you get from it as a part of them. Remember that how you teach one another is such a massive part of it all.
Once upon a time . . . what’s the next line here?
Long, long ago.
In a galaxy far, far away.
S: Long, long ago and in a galaxy far, far away there was a craftsperson. This craftsperson was a stonecutter. Now, what does a stonecutter do? Anybody here know?
Cuts stones.
S: Cuts stones. Gwendolyn, might you tell a bit what a stonecutter does?
Well, it’s the process of creating something, where they start with an idea, but that idea is influenced by the stone that they’re about to work on.
S: Aye.
And then they have tools.
S: Hopefully. Ideally.
Yes. Ideally. They have the appropriate tools—chisels, hammers, that type of thing.
S: Hopefully.
Hopefully. Today, a stonecutter has a lot of electric tools, and power tools.
S: Indeed?
Oh, yes.
S: […] string and ice and rocks. Those were the days. A stonecutter today might be called what?
A mason.
A sculptor.
S: A sculptor. Sure. Hopefully, an artist.
So this stonecutter was walking down the road—and let’s make it a lovely day. What makes a day lovely?
S: Sunshine. All right.
Green meadow.
Nice breeze.
Birds singing.
S: Nice breeze. Birds are singing.
Seventy degrees.
S: You’re scaring me! It was a very nice day, not because this was a person who felt a lot of love, and absolutely was able to exude that presence of spirit into the world. Instead, it depended upon the sun shining, and the birds singing. Hmm, maybe I should go to a more basic story than this.
All right, we’ll go there, though. It was a lovely day out there, and the stonecutter was enjoying it, walking down the road, seeing the beauty of the day, and—being human—began noticing the contrast of the beauty of the day with the nature of his life, started feeling insignificant. You know how humans tend to want to do that. Oh, things are so lovely out here, why isn’t my life? Oh, things look so good out there, why doesn’t my life?
And as he walked along the way past a wealthy merchant, and he looked at that merchant and said, If only I could be a wealthy merchant like that, then I’d be able to enjoy this lovely day so much better. I would be able to have the things that I need, be able to get a family, and support them. My life would be so much better if I could be like that merchant.
And so the gods took mercy on this one. All right, maybe it wasn’t taking mercy; maybe it was playing jokes. Sometimes they’re not exactly so far apart, you know. And poof, all of a sudden, this stonecutter was the wealthy merchant.
Now, think about that for a moment. And he enjoyed it. Look at this. I have all of these things that I need, and I’ve got a profitable business, and I no longer have to fight to get any pennies to feed myself, and I no longer have to work so hard with my arms. I can work instead with my head, and that’s so much better, and I really love this.
And as he continued down the road this time as that wealthy merchant, he continued on enjoying himself when he was stopped by one of the King’s representatives, who said, “Hello there, wealthy merchant. You have something for us, don’t you?” As the representatives of the King are wont to do, are they not? Or is that next month’s message—April?
And so all of a sudden, he had to dig into his pockets and give over large amounts of his wealth, and he said, This isn’t so good. I don’t think I like this. I think where the real power is, and where the real joy is to be found is to be one of those. I want to be one of those. I want to be one of the King’s messengers.
And once again the gods had mercy, and gave him what he asked for. And, poof, all of a sudden here he is, a messenger of the King. And he’s wandering down the road, feeling absolutely powerful, because he knew that he had the ability to take from the rich and do what he wished with it. Aye, interesting for you to see it that way.
He was continuing through the path, and enjoying the taking as he was, and building up his coffers, and feeling so proud of what this particular life gave, until the day started to end and he went back to the palace and he visited the King. And the king started going through what he did and said, “Just a moment there. This is not enough. You should have a lot more than this . Have you been keeping it for yourself?” “Well, of course not. Why would I ever do that? This is the best life I’ve ever had.” “Out to the dungeons with you!”
And as he was going to the dungeons, he said, you know, I’m not so certain this is the life I really wanted. I think where the true power is, where the true ability to use what I’m here to do, where I can best serve in this world, would be to be the king.
And the gods, of course, what did they do? They had mercy, of sorts, and they said, Let’s give him his wish. Poof! And he was the King who was out on the roads in a beautiful cart, being led by lovely horses. And as he was in that cart, in a beautiful day, which, of course meant such things as . . .
S: The sun was shining, the king started feeling a bit heated, and he had all of these great robes on that explained to everybody, just by their sight, to see them, this is the King. Look how rich and powerful he is. Look at the beautiful clothes that he can wear compared to what just the little people must wear. Look how grand this one is.
But that sun was so hot, and he was getting pretty warm, and he started wanting to take some of those robes off. And as he was removing his clothes, he realized, You know, the real power here is not being the King, it would be the sun. I want to be the sun!
So what happened?
The gods had mercy.
S: The gods had mercy, of sorts, upon him. And, of course, by this time, they’re just about hysterical in their laughter, watching this outrageous human experience. And, of course, you know what came next. Poof! He was the sun, and enjoying it so much.
This is what I’m here to do. I am here to radiate my beneficence upon the planet. To allow everything to grow because of my energy. This is the truest service I can offer. This is the power I am here to express. And with a great release of energy, he just expressed.
Until he realized that something had come across the face of him. It was sort of dark and it was stopping his power from doing the work it was meant to do. And the sun said, “What is this?” And the cloud looked up and said, “Got you!” And naturally, he said, Well look, being the sun is not where the power is. It is not the best use of my energy. There is something better. I want to be a rain cloud.
Are you ready for me to speed this story up a bit? Are you wondering how far I can go with it?
So the gods, they had mercy.
Of sorts.
S: Of sorts. And the next thing you know, he became . . .
A rain cloud.
S: A rain cloud. And immediately began just pouring forth energy. Looked to the world like rain. And poured it forth, and poured it forth, and watched the results of all that he was doing. [He] said, Look at this. I am so powerful. Look at me filling up that river there. Look at me. I am so powerful feeding the new shoots, getting ready to grow here. Look at me. I’m so powerful, everything down there is being affected. Look at all the people running. I used to be one of those people, long, long ago.
But just a minute, there’s something there that’s not being affected at all. What is that there? And it was a huge rock. A huge rock that was not being affected at all. And he said, Wait a minute here. This is not where the power is. I want to be a rock, because a rock does not flood out. A rock does not even feel that what I’m putting out here is power. I made the wrong choice. I want to be a rock.
Well, you know what happened next. The gods had mercy, and poof!—he was sitting there as a rock, really enjoying the power of his rockedness. Well, what else would it be?
S: Of his rockdom? Sounds like there should be guitars and drums.
So there he is, sitting there as a rock, recognizing that of every choice he’s ever made, this is the best one. This is the one that holds the most power. This is the one that allows him to have the greatest force and the greatest effect, and the greatest use of his energy, and the greatest power in all the world. Without a doubt.
And as he was sitting there, being a rock—go ahead, sit there for a moment and be a rock. Put yourself in that mind-state of rock. Are you there? Ancient. A part of the original creation. You have your roots, so to speak, attached to every rock on the planet. You are huge, even if you are grit. It is ultimately fantastic power.
And as he was sitting there, he realized he was hearing something. [Makes tapping sound on table next to him] Sort of irritating. And he looked down and saw a stonecutter. That was one.
Now take a moment. We’re talking a balance, and what you need to best function within it. What do you need? Tell me. From that story, what am I saying you need. Aye.
Well, there’s a couple of things in there.
S: A couple. Absolutely!
[…] very powerful. One is to recognize the power of who you are now.
S: Thank you.
And to appreciate the fact that you’re your own creation.
S: Who you are now. Where you are now. What. How. Yes.
And then the other was, he did see the power in other things outside of himself as well. He was a little misguided in that he wanted to be all those things, but he did see it. He saw that there was power outside, too.
S: That’s good. That’s good. More.
You need flexibility and adaptability so that you can see those other aspects within yourself.
S: Indeed. Yes. Yes.
Always be careful what you ask for.
S: Hah, that too. Absolutely.
It sort of reminds me of the whole process of being, and being in your power, instead of needing to constantly change just to be more.
S: Very good. Yes. Good.
To go along with what Heidi said, to realize that everything you ask for, you do get. Even when you shouldn’t.
S: Because the gods do have mercy, you do get what you ask for. Aye. Indeed.
You may as well ask to be God.
S: So you may as well ask to be God. Sure. Believe me, this never stops.
Like Kathy said, it’s the process and not the destination.
S: Lovely. Good. Keep thinking this through, because you’re getting what you’re going to be needing. Do you understand what I’m saying there? The moral of the story is, the gods are having mercy on you, giving you what you need to be what you need to do what you need. So what you are receiving as that moral of the story, the comment Kathy makes or Jeanean makes that resonates. Yes, that’s good. I like that. Maybe even opens the door to more—yes, that too—because these are things that are going to be helpful for you. Pay attention. [A] couple more. Aye.
Comparison. Comparing yourself to others and their power is very disempowering for who you are at that time.
S: Thank you. Yes indeed. Yes indeed.
The way you . . . who you are in the here and now fits in perfectly with the larger picture.
S: Aye.
Recognizing yourself in all of Creation.
S: Recognizing yourself within all of Creation. Aye. Then I’ll keep going.
As an additional aspect to the things that you have offered, I’m going to toss in another point, but by way of another story as well.
Once upon a time . . .
Far, far away, long, long ago.
In a galaxy.
S: You’ve got it. There was a great ocean voyager who also happened to be an incredible shipbuilder. They are not always the same. You can be a shipbuilder, without being a great ocean explorer, but this one was both.
He lived so much of his life exploring the seas, he had truly done his greatest growing up on the water. But, one day, as it happens now and again, something went awry and the ship came up on the rocks, and he landed far away, lost what little crew he had, and severely damaged the ship. And landed in a place that looked like nothing but sand.
He was quite afraid. He knew that he could repair the ship, but how? There was nothing there that he could use. No trees grew that he could cut down, that he could take pitch from, that he could build with.
Just when he thought he was going to die from frustration—have you ever felt like that?—self-pity perhaps, starvation definitely—he came upon a person who said, “Oh goodness, let me help you. Let me take you to my village. Get on to my ship.”
Ship? Oh, good. Ship. Excellent. And [he] turned around , and started looking out the water to see if something had been anchored out there while he was not looking.
And the fellow looked at him, and said, “Well come on. This way. Here we go. She’s tied up there behind the dune.”
“Tied up behind the dune? Well gracious, man, how did you get it there?”
“Well, it wasn’t hard. We just came across the desert.” What ship was he talking about?
A camel.
S: Sure. He called it a ship. A ship of the desert. A camel. Yes?
Now, what’s my point?
S: Expectation is in there.
There’s more than one way to get around.
S: That’s in there. Can you put, perhaps, a word on to that? How about perspective? Perspective. Your perspective, your viewpoint, determines how far you’re going to be able to go. Well, if the only ship there is is the kind that’s on the sea, then you’re going to miss getting anywhere else that an ocean vessel will not be able to go. If the only way that you think a ship is defined is by a split foot and a hump or two, then you might never know that you can move across the water. If a ship to you is made of wood, then you’re going to miss out on making use of reed. You harm yourself, you harm yourself, by insisting that your perspective is the only one, is the right one.
Although it would probably be most effective to do this as a visual aid, I’ll just ask you to think it. I want you to imagine that I called you up front here and I asked you to shut your eyes, and I showed the audience a full hand. Like this. And I said, “What do you see? What are you looking at? Take a good look at it.” And then I asked you to open your eyes, and I showed you a full hand. Would the description of the audience and your description be the same?
S: No, it would not. Why?
You see it differently.
Different perspectives.
S: Who’s right?
All of the above.
S: Who’s wrong?
None of the above.
The one that insisted it’s their way.
S: You’re good. You earn that seat. The one who’s wrong is the one who insists that theirs is the only right way.
Now, let me give you a different version of that one. I want you to put yourself into the body of a wee ant. Aye. You got it? You imagining it? Now, look around you. What’s your world like? Everything’s bigger than you are. It would be like being Heidi.
Ah, yeah, I was going to say, “So what’s new?”
S: And I want you to imagine that you look up one day and the whole world has turned dark. It has turned absolutely dark, and you are totally convinced that it’s the end of the world. The sky is certainly falling. In fact, it’s not only falling, but you see it coming closer to you. And it’s very frightening. And being frightened, and very true to form, you realize that you have a choice. You can get out of there or recognize that it is absolutely hopeless, there is nothing you can do, and let the fear paralyze you. What do you do? What is your pattern?
And so, there you are, looking horrified, and you realize that not only has everything gone dark, and that the sky is literally falling, and that your world is quickly coming to an end, but it’s even worse than you thought, because as your world is rapidly coming to an end, you realize that what you’re looking at is one of those giants who rules the earth’s shoe, and that you are about to be crushed. Certainly, it will be fast, but you will certainly be dead, nonetheless. The world indeed is ending, but you realize it’s not actually the whole world; it’s your world. It’s coming to an abrupt and complete end. What do you do? Look at the patterns in your life. What do you do?
Find a crack.
S: And the point that you’re making is a good one up here. “Find a crack,” she said. “Start digging,” she said. Is that what the master does, recognize that there are yet choices?
I’m going to give you another viewpoint: And so there you are, minding your own business—the stonecutter that you are, walking down the road—and just as you’re getting ready to take the next step, you realize that if you put your foot down right there, you’re going to squash a wee ant, and you realize you have a choice. I can totally change life around me or I can just shift my balance a bit and keep living. What do you do? What is your pattern?
Are you the ant? Are you the human? Are you aware enough to keep the ant alive? What’s my point? Come. We’re talking perspective here, so give it to me.
There are always choices.
S: Very good. There are always choices. That’s an excellent beginning, keep going with it.
Awareness of even the smallest things around you creates more choices.
S: Excellent. Awareness of even the smallest things around you opens up more choices. Of course, that’s a curse for those of you that don’t like to make decisions.
Everything’s connected.
S: Everything’s connected to everything that is connected to everything that is connected. More.
All life is precious.
S: And that is a dear one. Yes. All life is precious. More.
Be it ant or human, you’re going to have an effect.
S: Ants or human, you’re going to have an effect on your world. Conscious or unconscious, you’re going to have an effect on your world.
I read something that I’ve kept with me that comes to mind when there’s something that I really want for myself, give it away. So the stonecutter can choose. If he wants greater security in his life, if he wants greater power, et cetera, et cetera, he can give it away to that ant. He can serve that ant. He can be aware of that ant.
S: Nice. Yes.
When we’re at our worst, if we give away, if we give of ourselves, it can only come back to us when we’re in the throes of trouble.
S: Aye. You can only receive what it is you give, because what you give is what opens the door to what you will receive. Yes. It is a law in this world. Aye.
Those choices that you have, you can make a choice for the highest possible level that you’re capable of in that moment.
S: At any given moment, with any given choice, you have the opportunity to choose to function at the highest possible level. Aye.
One small effort on our part might make the world of difference in someone else’s life.
S: Good. What appears to be only a small effort on your part might change the whole world for another. Anne.
And from the ant’s perspective, you might want to think of it as, There is more going on than you’re aware of, and there might be choices being made that will affect what you do inevitably.
S: When you’re in the midst of absolute certainly that your world is ending in the next moment—now let’s not make that a dramatic statement that your world is going to be ending at this equinox, because that’s not what I’m saying at all—but in your personal lives when you have that time in which you just know it cannot get worse—the sky is falling, the sky is falling—remember, there are options, there are changes, that moment by moment by moment new doorways open up. New passages open up. New opportunities open up. Aye.
That mastery is knowing how to balance, regardless of the perspective.
S: Regardless of what appears to be the situation before you, the perspective you have of the situation, regardless, mastery is . . .
Learning how to balance.
S: Found in balance.
My second point tonight flows with all of those stories. It’s a totally separate point, but you will see that it could almost be the distillation of all that has been said. In your life, do not make the mistake of asking for it your way. Do not set yourself up by asking the Universe, asking the gods, to preserve you from pain, or suffering, or life. Do not ask to be kept from that which frightens you. Ask for courage when you fear. Ask for grace as you go. Do not seek to avoid. Do not seek to avoid life. Seek wisdom to deal with life. Courage to live it. Grace to grow with it, and love to rule it.
Your strength does not come from what you have successfully avoided in your world. The power you have is not the result of how fast you’ve been able to run from what comes your way. The wisdom that has brought you to this point is not the result of keeping your head in the sand. You know this. But it’s not a road that you’re asked to take alone. It’s not about, All right, I will be strong; I will bear this. Give it to me, I can do it. It’s walking that path, but not needing to do it by yourself. When you can’t go another step, ask for help for someone to go with you, to take your hand and pull you along.
And that help might look like the stonecutter sitting next to you, might look like a short term visitor—you might say angel. Ultimately, your strength is in your trust, and your power is in your faith, and your love is in your awareness of connection with One, as One, for One. You can do this.
You talked good tonight. Good work.
Balance. What you see in order to see the balance.
Glochanumora. Happy trails.
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