March 1, 1998

Samuel: Well greetings, dears.

Greetings, Samuel.

S: So how have your days been?



S: Good. Aye. Intense. Intense. How so?

It seems like my energy mingled with everybody else’s is just a very intense experience. And sometimes very good, and other times difficult.

S: But is that different than usual for her, do you think? Joyous’s energy mixed with everybody else’s. Aye. Anybody else noticing that perhaps over the last week energy seemed to be a bit different maybe?

A quickening.

S: Quickening?

Yes. Seems like it’s more … I want to say more instant. I guess you’re seeing results faster, and less time delay in your thoughts and actions and consequences.

S: Quickening. Aye. Giving life to. I like that. Aye.

Cosmically speaking, you’ve had a very busy week in which the energy of change has been quickening. Not meaning speeding up and getting faster, but that awareness of creation has been clearer. Whose awareness? Your awareness. Right. So how’s your week been? Good.

It’s been great.

S: Good. Because how your week has been is a statement of how your life is going. And that’s not some great, let-me-write-that-down sort of statement. It’s a reality in your world.

This one in particular or any week?

S: Well, any week makes up your life, but this week has been a statement of your life. And I think that if you were to take a look at the things that have gone on for you during the week, you would see very clearly your patterns. And I hope that’s good for you, because this is a week in which creation energy and your awareness of it have been clear. That’s what I’m saying. So the things that you have been aware of this week are perhaps things you can use as a means of looking at your life and determining what it is you do and don’t want to continue in the process.

That’s actually not where I’m going this week, that was just a little fish bait. See what I’d pull up by throwing it out there. Got some interesting fishing done there I’d say.

Actually what I’m going after this week is to ease into a topic. And I’m going to ease into it by asking you a couple of questions, because what my desire this night is to try something a bit different on you. So let me ease in and see what happens.

If you were to look back over this century, what would you say are some of the most important events or teachings? New information. What are some of the things that have changed lives?

Global communication.

S: Absolutely.

The ability to talk, and to talk with people from other nations. Internets. TV. To break down the barriers of prejudice and ignorance.

S: To talk with people in the next house was amazing. To talk with people in the next room, I suppose, is how it started in that particular way. But to talk with people in the next country now. To talk with people on the other side of the world. You’re right. Communication changes. Absolutely. That’s a good one. Aye.

Well, quantum physics and the theory of relativity, and then even for maybe a bomb, maybe that wasn’t so great, but the impact ultimately of that change in quantum physics.

S: An awareness of a molecular structure, and things that could be done with energy and altering energy. Sure. Frank.

This may be the same thing Colleen just said, but a little different. I think with the nuclear energy work in the forties that led to the atomic, and the work through there, humanity got to begin working with light energy in very many different ways, which has also, I think, affected the spiritual work of humanity where it was easier to work with light in a much easier and better way, and a relationship with humanity and light in all its form I think are different now than it was a hundred years ago.

S: Indeed. So, communication, working with energy, the ability to create weapons of massive destruction that radically changed the nature of warfare. Working with light and an awareness of light affecting both internal and external activity. Good. Just give them to me.

Space travel.

S: Space travel. Very good. Aye. Aye. Leaving your planet. Good.

Women’s rights.

S: Women’s rights. Aye.

The impact of Sigmund Freud, and his ideas of the unconscious.

S: Changes in understanding the way the human mind works. Awareness and a labelling, if you will, of the unconscious, which isn’t quite yet the right label.

Work with the collective unconscious.

S: An awareness also of a collective consciousness is a part of that, but lets put that under changes in the awareness of the psychology—the psychological aspects—the greater inner workings of humanity. True. Aye.

Medical technology.

S: Medical technology. Incredible medical technology. In this century alone. Aye.

The awareness of equality in the quality of your life, in human life.

S: Issues of equality and life quality. Good. Good. Yes. Yes.

Gandhi, and the movement to create change with non-violence.

S: Not only Gandhi’s movement, but movements in which humanity is made aware that there are alternatives, and that those alternatives bringing in others so that there is a mass working, can change things without violence. Aye.

It seems like all of this underlies the idea that there’s a shift in the focus of power—where the power is and who has the power. I mean a lot of these are man-made things we’re talking about, and a hundred years ago man was still struggling with the power of nature or the world. And now man thinks they have power over that, whether they do or not, that there’s a shift in the emphasis of where the power is.

S: Very good observation. That many of these things that have brought about such radical changes have also brought about a change in one’s awareness of power. Power out there. Power centered in governmental or corporate focus. And also power within—the awareness of that, as well. And so shifts are seen through these phases of growth in many other areas. Good. More.

An awareness of our relationship and responsibility to the earth, and the environmental awareness.

S: Over the last hundred years, gradually, an increased awareness of the effect humanity’s changes, technologically and psychologically, have had on the earth that you’re a part of here. What’s brought about a lot of that change?

Great dictators and tyrants who can mobilize people to come to a common cause.

S: All right. Hold that thought just a moment. The changes regarding your awareness to the planet. What’s brought about much of that change?


S: And that’s a good, holy answer.

The industrial revolution, which has brought us to the brink of destruction of resources that we’re still […] eating up the materials.

S: Aye. You’ve been learning an awful lot about what you need to stop doing. Consequences—good—have been one of the means by which you’ve done a lot of that learning. Aye. That has been one of the means by which you have made some of the leaps in awareness. Go again, Suzie.

Well there are great dictators and tyrants. People that mobilize movement to stop or movements to globalize, like a One-Heart kind of idea, because they want these people to stop what they’re doing. So people from around the world just like with, you know, Saddam Hussein now, the whole world united to become one to talk him out of what he was doing.

S: They have?

Well, for now. We think.

S: So one of the great changes in the world is that many more governments are willing to come together for a common cause. I’ll leave it right at that.

For selfish gains.

S: Well now let’s not get too cynical over there. And I’d agree with that. There have been, and there will continue to be, tyranny, the tyrants, those who create an opportunity for the strong to flex. More. Changes in your century.

There’ve been other […]. In the arts, there’s been from the beginning of the century a kind of a going … a destroying of organization. Almost an anarchy kind of a situation in the graphic arts and in music, and then there’s been the rejection of that, and the coming more to more organization. Particularly in music. And more … not a returning so much as finding that there wasn’t a future in that anarchy kind of situation.

S: A constant change, which of course would be what the arts would always need, a constant process of change that was both focused and directed, unfocused, undirected. Focused. Directed. Unfocused. Undirected. Focused and directed, as it continued its path of change and growth and movement over this time. Aye. That’s a good realization. Perhaps you could even allow yourself to realize that because creativity is such an intensely spiritual working, that it would follow, in its best circumstances, the constant parallel to what all of the constructs in your world are doing. That is how change happens. Moving out of that comfortable little seed, as we discussed last week—last week?—moving forth, opening up. Starting the process over. Moving forth, starting up, starting the process over. Growth works that way. That’s good. That’s a good one. Aye.

I think humanity as creator has blossomed in this last century. And it’s been at times created without compassion, and created without responsibility, but the power of creation with inventions and knowledge and so forth.

S: Aye. Aye.

And I think we’re beginning the movements toward a recognition of interdependency, which will dictate that we become compassionate and responsible for conditions.

S: Good. Good. Yes. Good.

There’s been a change in the construct of the family, going from the large family, nuclear family, to often these days single-parent families, much smaller families. There’s been a whole swing.

S: As a result of or in response to the changes that are being seen in relationships as a whole? What do you think?

I think in response to different ways of living, because of a whole lot of technology and lifestyle being graduated from the farm […], you know, when you saw a family work together, because it was necessary for survival. The lifestyle changed to more of a singular […].

S: And as those individual pursuits were made acceptable, the acceptance became tolerance of the changes that were brought about because of that. Remember that. I’m not certain that it’s a particularly good way to work things, but it certainly is how it tends to go.

I see some of that perhaps caused by a more going within of the individual, and learning and personal growth. And sometimes the breakdown in relationships is the consequence of that. Breakdown in the old, traditional family patterns. The breakdown of that. That that’s a part of the process.

S: Can be. Can be. And actually that’s probably a good time for me to move on to where I’m going this night, because you’re starting to do it automatically anyway.

I wanted you to think about the massive changes that you’ve seen in the last hundred years or so. Changes in technology. Changes in what you know, knowledge, education. Changes in the arts, sciences. How you live your life is so different, every day, right now, than the lives your parents lived. And it’s radically different from the lives their parents lived. And it’s radically different, as you continue on that way. What brought about those changes? And you started moving into it, some of you, as you started thinking about some of those changes. You went from saying a radical change in communication with the computers and the telephones and so forth to recognizing that there’s something from the inside bringing that about. What’s making those changes happen? Ideas?

As we become more secure, both physically and personally in an inner level, we gain a freedom that gives us a power that allows us to move beyond some of the structures.

S: That will hopefully allow you to move beyond.

That can, and sometimes will.

S: Free will, you know, it’s there again.

As I learn to depend on myself, and realize that I can exist financially—a roof, food, clothing—on my own, and emotionally, there’s less of a need for the extended family. And as I see my siblings and other people doing it, …

S: There appears to be less of a need.

The model seems to not be there so there’s much more freedom as the needs seem to be breaking down.

S: All right. You’re saying that because the technology and the advances in what you know have allowed you to have, theoretically, more time, you’re no longer having to merely survive. Theoretically. And as a result that gives you more time to go within, because you’re not spending all your time going without. Aye. And you’re making a very good point there, love. You are. You’re making a very good point there that’s had very much to do with the large, creative bursts. What’s it about?

More meaning in life.

S: Searching for meaning. It’s the search for meaning, isn’t it? It’s that known.

It’s like an initiatory process in that there’s an understanding. There’s more of an understanding, I think, of humanity now over relationship with Source, even if it’s not identified consciously that way. But there’s a connection that’s happening that seems to mimic Source in that it’s this desire to explore and to expand and to understand more and to add to. And I see that everywhere.

S: The desire to reach beyond the known. As an example—it is an example—of the drive toward reaching that unknown. The Source of all things. Aye. And you’re seeing humanity seeking as a means of filling. I like that.

Perhaps when people are unhappy and things aren’t working out well in their life, they look for a change.

S: Sometimes when individuals are unhappy, and things are not working well, they’ll look for a change. Ideally. Yes. Unhappiness is an incredible motivator for change, but, darling, are you insinuating that you’ve got all of these marvelous things available to you, and you might be unhappy? Well, look at all the good stuff you’ve got. Why you’ve got a telephone. And you’ve got … have you been to a grocery store lately? Do you have any idea what sort of miracle it is? Any idea what sort of miracle your corner drugstore is?

You don’t have to […].

S: Just going back a hundred years. That’s true too. But the sort of selection and freshness you have available to you. The medications. Why you’ve got a medication for a bit of everything, don’t you?

And then some.

S: Aye. You don’t ever have to worry about not smelling good. You only have to worry about not being good.

I was going to kind of say about the family unit, I think one of the reasons is before a lot of people were, you know, just living to survive and so forth, and they felt that they had a meaning in their life. That this is what they had to do, this is their purpose.

S: Or maybe they were too busy to think about it.

Yeah. Right, and I think another thing is a lot of people now are unhappy because … now I can’t say it the way I wanted to say it! They want more. We have all these things, and find they make us happy maybe for—like toys—make us happy for a little bit, but yet we want more, we want more, and sometimes with relationships we try to find this total connection, this total oneness. And we feel like we’re lacking all the time when we’re trying to work our way back, I think, just the oneness, the connection with Source.

S: Aye.

I don’t know if it came across the way I wanted it to.

S: Perfectly. Aye.

I also have to wonder if the enormous advances in communication have allowed the isolated aspects of the world, that lived and created in isolation previously, to have such fast contact with each other that inventions, advances, information spreads around the world so much more quickly. And then I think with that, that goes with the coming together that we are doing at this point in a greater unity of the world, and spiritually with the earth.

S: As your technology is allowing the world to become more aware of the world—and along with that, as you have very clearly stated, comes the awareness that all of the stuff in the world isn’t necessarily going to answer all of the questions; there is a seeking for more. More stuff. More within.

I think possibilities have been expanded, because people don’t move or migrate towards a new thing that isn’t somewhere out there. So I think it’s started by few people, and then a bunch of people realize that it can be achieved, and then they gradually go in that direction, but I think that the possibility being out there creates the hope for something new, and something different.

S: That you’re in a time in your world in which the idea represents a possibility. Limitation is not so in your face. Is that what you’d say? In your face. It’s not so in your face, because there is so much change going on, and that’s a good thing.

Just a couple more. Aye.

If our ideas are gifts to us …

S: Are they?

From the other side.

S: Are they?

Then [we] believe that all of this is an orchestration from the other side. So all of the technology, everything, is a result from the other side.

S: And I would suppose that if indeed your first statement that ideas are from the other side were accurate, second part would be true, as well.

So you’re saying that ideas are created on earth, rather than …

S: And you see my friend, not to get too far away from it, it’s just rather holding me in.

We know.

S: Don’t you, though. You’re leaving out the beauty of your mind. And you’re leaving out the power of that mind when it’s touched into the heart. Creativity is the gift of the soul, but the soul, that which is created in your world—be it science or art, it’s all the same—that soul isn’t something over there, pulling the strings. That soul is the doorway into more firmly lodged, right here in all of these boundaries and rules, the fact that humanity has done so much with what all of you would consider very little, I’m sure.

But hasn’t it been through the guidance from above?

S: Guiding and giving the idea for it are two different things, though. I think it’s very important that you do not give credit where it’s not due, and that you do give credit where it is due. Humanity has done some truly horrifying things, and that’s a good reason for a lot of humanity to desire to not be responsible, but humanity has also done some incredibly beautiful things. Worth being accountable for. It’s too easy. One more way to just put it out there, blame, responsibility, acceptance, personal power, one more way to put out there when you need a God that pulls the strings for you. When you need Source to be the one that makes everything happen for you. Believe me, as much as I make fun of free will, it’s given you a lot of good things. You’ve made do pretty well with it, wouldn’t you say?

But I’m not just trying to jump you with that one. Where I am wanting to go is that you’re making some very quick awarenesses that some of the greatest changes that you have in your world are the result of things going on within. Awareness of spirit, yours, others. Understandings about god-ness. Understandings of unity, mass consciousness, psychology. The inside. Why? Some of you have touched on it. What stimulates change on the inside? What stimulates inner growth? What stimulates enough change on the inside that it shows up on the outside, be it the “Ah! I’ve got it!” for an invention, or a wonderful new piece of music, or an awareness of an ability that had been latent, perhaps, for generations. What?

A desire for joy.

S: Seeking joy. A desire for joy. I’ll go with that. A desire for Joy. And she’s here.

Pure curiosity. Wanting to know what is.

S: Curiosity, and perhaps joy, could both be symptoms, couldn’t they?

A desire for more.

S: A desire for more.


S: Intention. Clearer.

It’s a cousin to desire, but to intend, to create, to be a loving force, to get more.

S: To choose to focus on that choice. And to choose expansion. Yes. Good.

A knowing that there’s more, and seeking to …

S: But do you? Do you know there is more? Or do you fear there is not? Are you working to prove the good, or to prove that the bad isn’t?

I think there’s a feeling that there’s more, and as one seeks it, it becomes apparent, it becomes experiential knowledge that there is more. As you realize and live with the fact that there is more, it changes things.

S: But why do you think there’s more? What is it that makes you seek joy? What the heck is joy that makes you seek to create and do? What is that more that drives you, that’s never happened before, perhaps, or never quite this way? What is it that gives you hope that there’s even a chance that something can happen? What is the more?

The Christ energy, and all of the things that have come in …

S: Don’t get too airy-fairy on me here!

Okay, I won’t. If the major events that we’ve witnessed have taken us out of a place of fear, more and more and more …

S: And do you think that that’s true for humanity as a whole?

I think the [..] because the people I work with have a fear-based life, and I’ve seen over the past maybe ten years they’re much more open to changing that, and they’re much more open to letting it come in. And I think that’s due to the actual change in mass humanity that’s happened because of all the cosmic, and all the things that people, with more awareness of it have participated in, and pushed and pushed and pushed, and done it. The trickle-down effect has happened, and mass humanity’s less afraid too, and they feel the need for more, because of living one type of love more often that’s in place of fear now. [Pause] Bad idea, huh?

S: Very good idea. Is it reality in your world? Do you think so? Do you live in that world? Do you?

I think you’re maybe asking us to put words to or to describe something that’s really a mystery.

S: A mystery?

Yes, while we …

S: [Singing] Sweet mystery of life.

Because I think it’s different for each individual. The motivation, the drive, the passion to create. It’s different for different people. Some people do …

S: Is it?

I believe so. And I think that the reason we do these things is most of the masters of any generation, in any art form or creation, if they ask them why they did it, they probably would not have an answer, except that not doing it is not an option for them. They do what they do because it is what gives them their connection to the highest part of their being, whatever they conceive that to be. Whether it’s God or Allah or the Goddess, or whatever that happens to be, but I think it’s something that’s beyond labels and words.

S: So the great changes of your past generations are because the people who brought them about couldn’t do anything but that, because they were driven to seek God as they knew it. And that has motivated humanity through eons. Aye. You think? Gracious, it sounds a little scary that way, doesn’t it?

I was responding to the question when you were saying a moment ago about why we do the things we do to bring us joy and happiness, and I think personally it’s different for each person, and we have to find that for ourselves, and once we find it, the people … you become passionate about it, and it becomes no longer an option not to do it.

S: Beloved Stuart, I wish what you said was true. I do. And, sweet friends, just as an interesting experiment, how many of you in your own lives have experienced joy and not pursued it, for whatever reason. Of course. You’ve found that it’s not quite as hard as you wish it might be to not pursue your joy. To not seek that deeper thrill. That which you must do is unfortunately too easy to not do, isn’t it? I wish for you all that that was true.

And are you wondering whatever is the point that I’m going for tonight? Have you been sitting there just playing the game with me, and thinking, How is this going to pull together into something that is going to make a bit of sense? It may not, because where I’m going tonight is a reminder of your need to make the most of what you have now. And to ask you what it is you have now, because your society has seen remarkable changes that you are living, in one form or another, the advantages of one or two, maybe. And those changes, as you were recognizing, that have made your society different in one way or another are not based on somebody saying, “I want to build a better shoe box.” It was someone saying, “I want to build, because the building satisfies.” Eh, Martin? But why does it satisfy? And you came around to recognizing, in many different fashions, that there’s something within that starts the process that shows up without. In one way or another, everything that you experience in your world started within—not necessarily from a place of beauty and joy—and you know that in your own life. Sometimes it’s difficulty that invents that mother.

There’s a bumper sticker.

S: Sometimes some of the most incredible awarenesses in your life, the most amazing leaps that you have made to touch the very source of your existence, have not been because everything was going so well and you were able to seek the beauty that you knew was there with everything you had, because you could do nothing else—even though that sounds really good. It came out of getting so very tired of the darkness that you finally lit a match—got the candle goin—and could see an answer.

Nonetheless, points still there, that from within, from whatever necessitated the awareness, from within it begins. And I’m going for why. Is it because you’re built that way and can do nothing else about it? That’s what I’m looking for, so say it loudly.

It’s our nature.

S: Yes. It’s you’re nature.

Untried is unknown.

S: It’s instinctual.

So we came from a place of beauty and joy and happiness, and I think that’s a cure, and we’re trying to find our way back.

S: And, beloved friend, those things sound really good, don’t they? They really do. You’ve come from Source, and you’ve had a connection to all things, and the abundance of Source is within you. You have a connection into the beauty and the magnificence, and everything that you see here is available to you, and it sounds good and you like it. And that is the nitty- gritty, but that’s not what you live. What you live is, you get up in the morning, and you eat those little pieces of pressed-out sugar things, and you go to work, and you do not make enough money to live the life that you know that you want to live, to do the things that you know that you want to do. And you go home, hoping that your automobile takes care of you the way that it should, and you watch other people living their life in a little tiny view of it, and you do the same thing the next day. And most humans on your planet don’t have an understanding that love is what works and that they don’t need to fear. They live that fear every moment. And you’ve got it so easy here, it’s easy to forget that.

And that’s not where I’m going either. It’s not my desire for you to be so aware of what’s happening in the rest of the world that you’re too ashamed ever to say you’re unhappy. The point is, you have something within you that pushes. It pushes. And it’s not a thing that this society has. It’s not a thing that a certain amount of technology has. Every society has it. It pushes. And you are pushed by it. What is it?


S: Again.


S: Potential. The awareness of potential is a part of it. Yes. It’s your instinct. Your instinctual self. The basic human combination is blood and bone and brain, and a great big hole. A great big hole. Comes equipped. All new models have them. All old models have them. And humanity’s gift to the world, every gift it’s ever given, has been a means of filling that hole. Science. How can I feel this hole? Well, I’ll do it this way. Art. I fill the hole this way. Everything that you see in this room is somebody’s version of filling that hole. Everything that you do is, in one way or another, related to that hole. You’ve come here without all your marbles. You spend your life seeking that one you lost.

And some of you have mentioned what it is you’re seeking. Stuart said it doesn’t matter what the words you use are, but you’re seeking a connection to something greater. What is it that makes you aware of the hole? What is it that makes you think there’s something out there greater? Why do you think there’s hope? Why do you think maybe this time it will work? Why do you think we can make a tree with no life in it and people will bring it into their homes and love it? Well now, that’s got to be a pretty […] idea don’t you think? Certainly one of the more interesting ones. Let’s see, we have a choice. Something with life and beauty, and something without. What’s in more homes. All right. What is it that’s being sought?


S: And the word back to meaning? But what makes you think there is meaning?

A memory.

You’re seeking the self which you truly are, not necessarily as you are here, but it continues to seek the self.

S: Because now and again it happens. Because now and again you’ve got the right shovel full and you fill that hole a bit. Because you have had moments in your life of ecstacy, of joy, of fulfillment, of happiness. And you know, by gum, if you did it once you can do it again, or you’ll die trying. And you will. And what you’re finding so very hard to answer is my point.

Yes, the memory of it happening allows you to continue seeking it again. It let’s you know that it’s there, those moments of profound delight or satisfaction. It keeps you moving just beyond, allowing humanity to continue. Allowing your life to change.

Can that hole be fulfilled by being accepted?

S: Depends upon how you label that hole, I suppose, because acceptance is one of those things for some individuals that brings about that absolute delight.

But, sweet friends, all of this delightful game we have been playing tonight is to explain why in your world there’s so much difficulty. So much fear. So much … so many different labels for what satisfies love, God, Source, in your life. Your planet cannot create One Heart, which will move to One Mind, because a room full of people who can function in One Heart cannot explain what it is. Your society has spent thousands of years organizing groups of people together saying, This is what it is, and this is how it works, and you too can have it if you come here and do these things. And how many of you, just as an idea, have taken part in one of those groups and found it did not fill that hole all the time, enough, even when you did all of those things? Many? Some? Parts? Most? Look at that. Of course, this society sort of encourages it.

You have within you that which seeks with your full experience with all that is, and therefore in order to guarantee your ability to get it, you begin sorting it out, labelling it, determining how to get it and how not to get it and what kind of person you are if the way that you get it is through acceptance as opposed to good works to other people. And what it means if through fulfilling it, you create the atom bomb rather than penicillin.

Is this also the basis for many of our powerful addictions?

S: Sure.

I mean that sense of trying to connect, whether it be through drugs or, you know, the misuse of sexual energy, that drive.

S: Fill that hole.

So what I would like to suggest that you do is stop trying to fill it. You’re trying so hard that you’re losing your ability to do what you’re after. Stop trying to fill it. Begin with, Yep, it’s a hole.

The “just do it” kind of thing.

S: “Just don’t do it” kind of thing. Aye. The bumper sticker for tomorrow: Just Don’t Do It! Stop it now. Aye. And allow yourself to experience, not the trying to fill it, seeking satisfaction, joy, creative delight, riches, poverty, because a lot of people find that satisfying as well. The next great invention for the new world. The next fortune to be had. Stop. Stop. Recognize that there is something that seeks, and just get to know it. Hello, there. Try not to seek.

Once you’ve allowed yourself that nearly impossible exercise, my hope is that what it will do is allow you an awareness without all of the accoutrements that say, Here is what it is, this is what I need, this is what I’m after, this is the answer, this is it.

I’m going to throw out a really radical exercise. Step two in the process is to talk to the hole as if it’s a hole that was put there for a reason. That everybody has one, and so maybe the hole is a projection of something else. Just talk to it. Hello, there. What are you for in me?

Step three: outrageous, but outrageous is good for you now and again. Step one, you recognize you’ve got a hole. Step two, talk to the hole. Call the hole God, or Source if it makes you feel better. Or goddess, if you want to do that, that’s all right. All That Is, that’s fine, too. Chaos works. Kroger would be fine. The grocery store from which all things come. Aye. Call it God. And at our next first Sunday, tell me what’s happened.

I am suggesting something extremely radical at a time right now when your world is experiencing great change of creative energy, in which, cosmically speaking and as far as mass consciousness is concerned, you are recreating massively. And I’m asking you to recognize a hole, talk to it, and call it God. Not because I want you to feel silly, but because I believe that you’re going to have an experience that amazes you. Amazes you. Because you are here as a radio tower. And it’s time to make use of what you can do.

The greatest things that your world has created have been the gifts of those who have either sought to close or make use of what they’ve found in that hole. Your whole life is based on your reaction to that hole. Your whole life. Nobody laughed.

What makes the hole get bigger? What makes the hole smaller? And tell me what happens. Now, don’t get airy-fairy on me. Don’t do that. This is real world stuff. Changes you will see in how you function in the world, particularly psychologically speaking. The hole will not talk back to you. Sorry. And when you know that you got what I’m after, think about what you’re going to with your life in this world, because you cannot do the work you’re here to do, you cannot meet your goals, you cannot even dream a dream that can come true until you’re fulfilling the truest of your humanity. It’s not the process of escaping this place that has brought about the greatest of changes in your life. It’s the process of really being here.

Acceptance. That’s all this is about.

Glochanumora. Happy trails. And you’re welcome to cheat at the workshop and ask.