January 4, 2015
Samuel: Greetings, dears.
Hello, Samuel.
S: So, what do you want to change this year from last year? What do you want to keep this year from last year? Change, keep. Keep, change.
S: Some of you got it. What do you want to change from last year? So take a moment and think about 2014. Think about 2014. That was quite a year wasn’t it? For some of you, 2014 was a year of constant . . . growth.
S: That’s a good thing. Challenge. Change. It was a year of great power, is what it was. And it was a year in which you learned something about yourself and power. Think about that for a moment. What sort of things did you learn about how you manage power, how you deal with people who have power? How you accept your own power—or not. Do you recognize any new versions of your power now because of this past year? Did you misuse power this past year? How is power misused? What are ways in which power can be misused? Answer me here. Hypothetically, of course, because nobody in here would ever misuse power, I know, so you’re just making it up, obviously.
S: Manipulating . . . maybe not just others. You can manipulate your own self, you know. But manipulation, sure. What else.
People who have a certain amount of influence that direct it in a negative way toward a situation or person. That type of thing.
S: Which might become manipulation. Aye. What else?
Not recognizing your own power.
S: Not recognizing your own power is a means of abusing power. I’m going to disagree with that. I’m going to change it to purposefully choosing not to recognize your own power is a way to abuse your own power. “I don’t see anything.” That’s purposefully abusing your power. “I don’t see anything.”
Using power to benefit oneself at the expense of others.
S: All right.
Using your position to manipulative people.
S: Manipulate again. That word’s going to come up a lot in this conversation because the greatest abuse of power always has a lot to do with manipulation. Remember that. And ultimately, ultimately, all of the abuses can be brought down to a broad term: manipulation. Even choosing not to see, you could call a manipulation of yourself.
Abusing power and manipulation is a conscious behavior. That stinks.
So let’s talk for a moment of not abusing power. How do you not abuse power? How do you use power?
S: With right intent. All right. What are example of right intent?
What is for the greater good?
S: Consciously seeking that which is for the greater good, meaning, if it’s not what I am wanting it is what Source is wanting. It is that which is the function of love in this situation. It is not a function of ego. It is not my will. “Not my will but thy will be done.”
All right, what else?
Seeking win/win solutions.
S: All right, all right. Sometimes it’s seeking win/win. Sometimes it’s seeking “you win I lose.” Even though I lose when you should have won. “Samuel that can’t be right. Why would I ever do that? That’s making me powerless.”
Working on our own personal healing, because when we’re in pain and we’ve not healed, we’ve not forgiven ourselves to forgive others, we tend to be more prone to manipulate to make the pain go away.
S: Exactly right. True.
Knowing yourself well enough. You keep it separate. Don’t try to push it on somebody in the middle of trying to resolve conflict so that you can come to compassionate understanding and maybe compassionate disagreement, but just owning yourself so you’re not causing a lot of problems.
S: Excellent. Very good.
To go in a slightly different direction and play a devil’s advocate. It still seems like manipulation. It’s just you’ve made a conscious effort, hopefully, to determine whether it’s for the highest good. But it’s still within you. It’s a fine line to walk to say, “This is for the highest good,” and “This is what I think is for the highest good.” It’s still a form of manipulation to get what I think is the highest good.
S: That very, very much goes with what Kathy just said with you’ve got to know yourself and be willing to be truly honest with yourself, truly, or you’re doing exactly what you said, you are manipulating with those right words—“This is for the highest good”—when really all you’re doing is putting yourself forward. You’re right. Very right.
Leading rather than manipulating.
S: Right. Leading. Good, good.
Allowing and celebrating diversity so everyone doesn’t have to think like us or act like us.
S: Hate that part! Absolutely. Very good.
If you’re in charge of something, then truly being responsible and accountable, and give it everything it deserves.
S: Good, good.
Actively creating a shared vision so that you’re listening, you’re seeking the input, and you’re making the decision—responding to what David said—about the greater good based on more than just you.
S: Claudia?
Power with rather than power over.
S: Very good.
. . . is which would you rather be, right or happy?”
Spoken like a married man.
S: Says a married man.
Oh, gosh . . . very similar to the power with. The true way to have power is to recognize that other people have power, to work with them to use their power and use it all together, not have power contests.
S: Yet that’s what it seems the world wants.
it all comes under the banner or tent of love and awareness.
S: What I’ve been waiting for. Yes. Love. It’s seeking the loving thing. That is a pretty good guide. “What is the most loving thing I can do in this situation? What is the most loving thing I can do here, now? What is the most loving thing I can say?” Now, “What is the most loving thing I can say right here, right now” may be very different ten minutes from now in a very different situation. But for you to cue yourself, to make it your habit, “What is the most loving thing?” is a never-fail guide. But be warned.
It is the right use of power, but it’s not the power the world likes to recognize. Now I’m going to qualify that a bit, because that’s not fully accurate. It’s not the power a certain portion of the world likes to recognize because the fact of it is a huge portion of this world is hungry for somebody to do the loving thing, to see somebody, to be in the presence of somebody willing, brave enough, kind enough, to do the loving thing. And in fact, as many of you already know, you tend to draw people to you because you do the loving thing and people like being around that kind of person. But those people who spend their lives manipulating don’t know what to do with you. They don’t know what little box to put you in. They don’t know what controls you, so they’ve got to make you look bad. Because if they can make you look bad, then those people that want what you have, won’t want what you have, right? Maybe. Doesn’t always work that way, and that really throws them off.
Twenty-fourteen has been about power. What have you learned? And that’s not something that you’re going to be able to sit here in these few minutes and come up with a good answer to. You might come up with an answer, but not the answer.
Think about that this week. What have you learned about power? What have you learned about your power? What have you learned about your use of power? What have you learned about your abuse of power? What have you learned that you want to change about your use of power? Your abuse of power? What do you want to keep?
Twenty-fourteen was about changing blueprints. Light carries information. Your cells communicate by way of that light. Your genetics communicate by light. Light coming through this universe touches through your body and affects those very cells and touches your very genetics, affecting the way your bodies work. Your physical bodies have been changing and the method of their change in 2014 got a boost. Now believe it or not, that boost was meant to make it easier. It will, I hope.
Twenty-fifteen is about mind as 2014 was about body. And mind is also emotions. Watch out. The change that began with regard to the way your physical blueprint is changing is also working now upon the mental/emotional body. The hormonal system is in play now. Now, I cannot pretend that all of a sudden the calendar has changed and—“Poof!” mental life starts now. It started about October. Nonetheless, pay attention. Feed your brain. By that I mean eat well, sleep well, exercise well. Don’t you just hate it when I say these things? Do it anyway. Encourage your imagination. Read more than you watch. I know, some of you already do. Push into the fantastical just for the practice, all right? The fantastical. Is there a better . . .
S: Fantasy. Um . . . just a moment . . . yes, that is what I mean. I’m sorry, I thought fantasy was just something that you did for other things. [Laughter] But it’s also a genre. Got it. Sorry. Science fiction fantasy. Got it.
Write. Write bad poetry. Don’t feel a need to inflict it on others. Write bad short stories. Again, don’t feel a need to inflict it on others. Paint, play, exercise your creative self. This works with your brain. When you play with color, painting, coloring, pencils, any of that, when you play with color, you activate particular chemical releases within your body. You can actually heal parts of you. You actually can stimulate emotional feelings. Play with it. Experiment. I want you to get on top of it. I don’t want you surprised, caught by it, and I really don’t want you in the negative end of it.
Some of you—if you don’t know it I promise there are others who do—already have a tendency, when you don’t know what’s going on with you you get angry. Don’t let that happen. Learn to redirect your emotions. Learn to shuffle. There’s a song somewhere in here. Go from, “All right, I don’t know what’s happening. I’m just going to be cranky and irritated.” Start shuffling through into a different kind of thinking and feeling, and let yourself be calm. I’m going to be talking about these things on and off through first Sundays, but you’ve got to take charge of you for these things.
There’s going to be a very, very good mid-year Greenhouse that’s going to cover some of these things. It’s called . . .
Heart Math.
S: Heart Math, yes, Heart Math.
I can do that math.
S: You can do that math. It will be helpful. Pretty good timing for it as well. Here is why it matters. Here is the part I like. I told you through the holidays recently that in many ways it was as if your world was standing at a precipice. It wasn’t a precipice of everything is going to be really good or really bad. It’s not that. That isn’t what I was saying. It’s that it’s at a place of choice. Humanity is saying, “Can we really do this? Can we make a difference? Can we matter?” And you’ve seen over the last few years groups standing up, trying to matter. And the fact of it is, their causes are so scattered that they tend to be a jack-in-the-box. Boing! And back down. Boing, over here. And back down. And then another over here. Boing! And back down. And it’s lovely, I love the boing. I’m glad they’re up. And everybody notices, and good Guardians are out there sending them energy and hoping that change happens, and some change does happen. But then eventually they grow tired, they have to go back, plant the crops, feed the family, go back to their job, leave Wall Street. The sniper team comes and knocks them off the square and they go. The government agrees to a few changes, and it’s accepted. And victory is celebrated until the changes aren’t ever brought through. Boing! And the precipice people are saying, “Is it worth it? Does it make a difference? Is it doing anything more than getting our friends killed, or beat up, or kicked out of a job, or . . .” fill in the blank.
The thing is, Guardians are leaders. And I am not, I am not. It is not your job; it’s not what you’re here for. You’re not on this planet to lead the movement for better working conditions at McDonald’s. It’s not your job. You’re here to bring about Sacred Status, all right? But what your job is is to create a world in which the loving thing is acceptable, in which the first thought is, “What is the most loving thing I can do right now?” [when it] is the non-violent alternative to looting and killing. And you do that where you work and where you shop and with your friends and with your family and with your co-workers because you make a difference where you are. And it moves across the world you live in because you open doors by being here.
But what I think would help is if perhaps you were a bit more community-conscious as you did it. Do you know about Jeanean’s work? If you don’t, you ought to talk to her about it. And you might want to specifically send directed energy her way because she’s making a vital difference in the communities that she works with. It could be a means of supporting somebody energetically that’s making a big difference. There are others in this work that are out in the community, that work out in the world—because there are a whole lot of you who don’t—who work in the lives of others. Or in the lives of creatures, or in the lives of the plant kingdom. That’s true, too. And the opportunity to help support that. Or maybe you want to look at something around your town that you see as a specific need and you want to specifically spend some time directing maybe just energetic work, maybe time, physical energy. It’s up to you. But some community input. You make a difference. It’s time to purposefully direct some energy to those areas that need some of the difference you can make. Because you can, so why not? Serving balances you. Serving by sending, serving by doing, is giving. And giving is going to help you. It’s going to help you. It’s going to keep you from getting obnoxious and crazy when your emotions start getting flighty. Try it.
[To Jeanean] Sorry. Now you’re going to have all these people saying, “What is it you do, Jeanean?”
One last thing. I’m going to get a little weird this year.
Define weird.
S: But it’s because—all right—you’ve spent a lot of time working ritualistically, calling what some of you are realizing are really parts of yourselves. And it’s time for you to get better acquainted. Doing that is going to mean putting you to work doing some Earth healing. Well, we’ll just see how it goes.
S: No tease. It will be fun. Think Bal Boru or Serpent Mound, and creating portals and healing circles. Or maybe creating circles.
All right, what are you? Move back to the festival. What are you? Light. You are light. You are light. You are light, you are light. Light that holds everything that is needed because you are the light that emanates from the heart of Source. You are the light that is the glimmer in the eye of Source.
Glochanumora. Happy trails.
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