January 1, 2012
Samuel: Hello, dears.
Hello, Samuel.
S: How was 2011 for you? What new things did you bring into your life, and what things that you no longer needed did you let go of? What about yourself served you the best? What about yourself served you the least? What did 2011 teach you about yourself?
What were three really great things that came into your life in 2011? One, two, three.
And now I’m going to alter it a bit: . . . that you want to repeat in 2012?
What does death mean to you?
What does change mean to you? Nobody rattle your pockets. What does change mean to you? Well, no wonder. If you were thinking about the end of life as you know it, what would that mean to you?
What do you want in 2012? I did not say, “What do you need?” I said, “What you want in 2012?”
What are you willing to do to get it, to make it happen?
Now, here is going to come a kind of awkward one because you don’t much like this word: What are willing to give up in order to receive what you want? Even to the point of giving up what you want, are you willing to do that? And that really does make sense; you just have to play with it a bit.
All right, Janet, it’s truth time. [referring to a bruise on her face] What happened?
Steve’s hand, did you see it? [laughter] I was bending forward to pick up a receipt and the wind blew the car door, and I went down when the car door came, and it hit me right in the face. It looks a lot better.
You should see the car door.
That’s her story and she’s sticking to it.
S: When the stories are that weird, that’s probably about right. […] It’s not a good sign. Specifically do healing work on it. Consider compresses of castor oil. It’s a little late at this point for that, but it will help that bruising disperse.
S: That has other purposes. Where was I?
Are you willing?
What are you passionate about?
What new thing are you passionate about? New is a relative term; you can judge it, but if you notice that that “new” has to be made within the year instead of within the month, not good. Many, many passions in life make life good.
What’s the hardest thing you do these days? It might be getting up, which is also another story, but. . . . Can that thing, that hardest thing, cause the world to come to an end?
When you’re saying the hardest thing, you’re saying something that you don’t want to do, as opposed to hardest thing, meaning it’s hard but it’s still enjoyable.
S: Take your choice. And if there’s more than one, take them all, because you need to look square into the face of those things that are making your life hard or you’ll never be able to bring changes there.
Next question, very much like it but different: What sucks the passion out of you? And by the way, that’s something you consider hard to deal with.
And why can that suck passion out of you? I know, trick question; sorry. Why can anything suck the passion out of you? So is it a problem with the suck or with the passion? Because sometimes the things you think you’re passionate about, you really aren’t. They’re just keeping you occupied and satisfied in a way that you enjoy, so you think that’s a passion, and it’s not.
If you were not in form and would be what this world calls, “God” . . . that was to avoid my saying “if you could be Source,” because you are. So if you could be Source—but you are—what would you say this world needs from you? There you are, the great point of creation of this universe; what would you say this world needs of you?
Does whatever it is that comes to mind with that question make you feel good or not good, or frustrated, or confused, or what goes on within you with your answer to that last question?
If you were you, and you crossed this dimension and you went up to—I guess depending upon how you need to see it—you go up to the Crystal Palace, you go up to heaven and you talk to God on the big throne—it’s always been an interesting picture—and you are going to tell God what this world needs because you’re right here in the middle of it—you’ve been in the trenches, you know—what would you say? What would you whisper into God’s ear? And why is it you think that? What makes that important? How does it matter?
If you could change yourself in one way, what would it be?
Is it adding something on or taking something away?—because that’s an important thing to realize.
Now this one may seem like a little bit of fun, but it’s not really: If a stranger were to spend a typical day with you, what would they say is your super-power? If a stranger spent one of your typical days with you, what would they say is your super-power?
What would they say is your kryptonite, or weakness?
And how do those two things, how are they alike? What parts are the same?
Why do you think the Mayan calendar ended at what you call 2012, and what does that mean to you?
Are you proud of yourself?
In what areas are you proud of yourself?
What are you good at? You would be amazed how many people, like apparently many of you right now, don’t have an answer to that question, “What am I good at?” Well, what are you good at?
What are you great at?
How do you incorporate those things in your day-to-day life? How do they show up? Because I will promise you those things you’re good at and those things you’re great at make you happy. You’re so very good at it because you really enjoy it.
All right, all right, I hear you, I hear you. For those of you that are saying, “Look, I’m really good at this, but I don’t really enjoy it,” what is it about it you don’t enjoy?
For those of you who are sending those thoughts up to me, because I will tell you it’s not the act itself; it’s that you have lost your freedom with regard to it. Freedom of what? Choice? Responsibility? Independence?
If you knew that in six months this world would go through massive upheaval, changing your societies in many ways, a greatly destructive situation, and that in that six months there is a chance that those you care about deeply may no longer be there, and in fact there is a possibility that you would no longer be here, what would you do now for your next six months?
Does it make a difference if you did not know it but all signs led to it? Does that change things? If you knew it, you might travel, but since you don’t actually know it, you’ll just keep things going as they are.
How important are you in this world? Why are you here? And yes, that, too, can be answered in more than one way. Answer it in all the ways you see an option for.
What are you doing to fulfill the reason you are here?
How do you feel about that last question?
Do you believe in miracles?
How would you define a miracle?
Can you make miracles happen? Or do you believe they are sprinkled like fairy dust on the deserving and if that’s the case, why do you know what a . . . sorry.
If 2012 is going to be the year you are remembered by—it’s not to say it’s the end of your life, it’s to say “the pivotal year”—what is it they are going to remember?
Is that what you want?
I asked you earlier if you were proud of you. Now I’m going to ask, do you respect you?
Do you give yourself credit?
Do you know how to tactfully and appropriately give yourself credit in front of someone else? Or do you think humility means you do not give yourself credit out loud?
Do you ever, or do you know somebody who takes undue credit?
And why is that? What causes that—within yourself or, projecting, within another?
Everybody needs a recognition. How do you recognize those people around you, the everyday people that cross your path? Americans are known for vacant smiles.
What do you need to be happy?
Do you really believe your answer?
Does your life reflect that answer?
Why not? Or if you feel it does, in how many ways?
Do you think being happy is important?
Why? Is it going to pay your bills? Is it going to help you get done what you are here to do? Maybe it is. Maybe this is the only country on the planet in which there is a God-given right to be happy.
Are you fulfilled—down the rabbit hole—are you fulfilled?
What does fulfillment mean to you? Hard one.
Is it something that matters?
In what areas of your life do you feel fulfilled?
If there are areas in which you do not feel fulfilled, what would it take for that to change? If the answer has to do with an act of God, I’d like to remind you . . .
And you were hoping tonight to come for a light-hearted evening. My apologies. I’m giving you a lifetime of therapy. If you will answer these questions honestly you will know yourself in ways that will give you what you need for this year. That’s a big one.
If you died tomorrow, who would care?
How would you know they care?
Is that the way to judge caring? If you died tomorrow, who would care? Why would they care? Because their income was cut off? Or because their heart was broken? Because their teacher was no longer there?
How do you define family?
Who is a part of your family? No, be more specific than that; that’s just a general answer. Be more specific. Who is a part of your family?
And if they are not related to you by blood, do they know that you consider them a part of your family?
How do you know they know? A lot of assumptions happen in this world. How do you know they know?
What are the ways you express your love? How do you express love without saying, “I love you?” I want you to think about somebody in your life that you deeply care for. Do they know that you love them? Without saying, “I love you,” what are all the ways you let them know you love them? What are the behaviors, what are the actions? There is a zinger coming. These behaviors are the way that you personally define love. How many people do you give them to? How often do you express this way? Is it a lucky few or the way you live and breathe every day? What makes that person so special? They all are.
What would you have to sacrifice to love all of life force that way?
Are you willing? Why not?
Do you believe there’s enough time in the day?
What’s causing the backup?
Does what’s causing the backup feed you?
Is it worth it? Are you willing?
How do you spend your free time? Yes you do. I know, we play around like this and you think I don’t hear you because usually I just ignore it. How do you spend your free time?
Why do you spend it that way?
Stop playing word games with me. “Well, if I’m doing something in my free time, it’s not free.”
I’m going to ask something another time: Are you proud of you?
If you were just meeting you, would you enjoy you?
Are you happy?
Does it matter?
Are you fulfilled?
Does it matter?
What do you need to be the best you can be?
What are you doing to get there?
Do you really believe, do you really believe, that you’re in this world to make a difference?
How do you do that?
You are a pioneer, a rebel. You’re not good at conforming . . . no matter what I do. But you mistake resistance with independence, and you mistake independence with freedom, and you mistake freedom with the ability to choose. They’re all different things.
Are you capable of change?
What does it take to bring about a big change in your life?
Are you motivated by pain? Everyone in here should have answered yes to that one.
Are you motivated by fear?
What makes you angry?
Do you ever get angry to cover fear?
Are you impatient?
Are you strong willed, stubborn, hard headed? “Absolutely not, ever, not!” (Laughter)
Are you a good friend?
How do you judge that? What is it that makes you say you are a good friend?
Are you loyal? Loyalty is a quality of stubbornness.
Do you have a best friend?
Do you have more than one?
Do you have friends or do you have acquaintances some of which you see more than others?
Friends take time and friends take patience, and you’ve got to work out those issues of things that make you angry and still keep loving them. Can you do that?
How can you change the world if you can’t make friends?
Think about those qualities that you love about your friend. Those are qualities that mean something to you. Those are the qualities that you want to work this year to express as often as possible, because those are qualities that mean something to you.
If you died yesterday, what would your obituary say?
And do those things matter? I hope they do because you’ve spent all these years being that person. If there’s something that you would change about that obituary, what would you want it to say?
He didn’t die.
S: You are the hope of this world.
Frank is?
S: Yes, you are the light in the darkness, and sometimes you are a tiny little flame, and sometimes you are a great and burning fire. You flicker and you roar; you matter.
The Mayans are not the only ones who said 2012 was going to be a time of great change. Their calculations were built not only upon certain astronomical formulations, but also on the results of interesting little hallucinogenic experiences.
Two-thousand-twelve is going to be a year of massive change, but I don’t see it as good or bad. Right now it’s sitting like an egg in front of you—not that vegans eat eggs—and you don’t necessarily know what is going to come out of that egg. Because of the shell, you just can’t see it. Well, what’s in that egg is your world, and it’s going to crack open. You have seen how what you do shows up in the world. You have seen it regularly. What you do matters, what you say matters, what you think matters. What you want changes things.
You lead the way. I wonder what it is you are leading the way into. Do you know? Do you care? What are you doing to help that egg crack open into a new and better world with hope and promise, joy and fulfillment?
How are you using your time to bring about what there is so little time to bring about? How are you making a difference? Does it matter to you? Or do you just get through the day?
How do you avoid you? You can do that with your spiritual pursuits, you know? Please stop putting “hiding by way of spirituality” into the Grid, needless to say, hiding by the way of judgment and untruth and just a little karmic injustice here and there as long as you can get your way. You will not come out unscathed, but you will come out on the other side of it victorious if you want. And that, my loves, that’s the bottom line. Do you want to? And are you willing to sacrifice to get there? Are you willing not to live in fairy tale land but in the trenches of here and now? Here. And now.
You are so needed and you are so loved and there are those beyond form who are cheering you on so big. There’s so much more than what you see, than what you think you know. There is so much more waiting for you. Don’t waste it.
It’s not going to be a pretty year, but it’s going to be a great one. Twenty-eleven wasn’t a pretty year—challenges around every corner—but you made changes in your life, or had the opportunity to, that equipped you for 2012. What have you done with it?
This is your year, your beautiful, amazing, nothing-will-ever-be-the-same-again year. You can lead the way or you can keep hiding, keep distracting, keep letting the human win.
There is no greater motivator than fear. Remember that this year and do not fall prey.
Know yourself so that you will know what is right.
As I recently answered a friend who asked, “How do you know what’s right?” well, look at it. Is it a situation that makes you angry, frustrated, or irritated, or does it feed you and fill you and give you hope? If you’re angry and frustrated and irritated, it’s because you’re attached to something, and this is the year you will let it go.
Be the best you, please. Give it all you’ve got. Make your minutes worth it. Figure out your priorities, what matters, what feeds you. And even if it doesn’t make you happy and doesn’t make you feel fulfilled, move in that direction until it does.
Be able to support yourself in all important ways.
Be willing to let go of what doesn’t matter, but know what doesn’t matter. Stop living your life with strings attached. Cut the bay’unz. Every day be born anew.
You can change this world. You’re here to do that. You change this world by changing yourself, because you lead the way. But when you change yourself by way of fear or manipulation, you hurt yourself and you focus on the humanity of you. When you change yourself with love, you help not only yourself but this world you live in. It’s a powerful force.
And in 2012, you are going to learn, over and over and over, what it really means: This is the time. This is the time. The Shining Ones are coming back. Are you ready?
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