November 11, 2003
Samuel: I love it when they moan like that. Greetings, dears.
Greetings, Samuel.
S: Tell me about something that changed your mind. [Pause.] And look at all these blank looks. I mean that there was a belief you had. A belief that Matthew is wearing a blue shirt—yes, not sure there—and then you find out that it’s not really blue, it’s indigo. Something like that. Or maybe it’s much more detailed than that. Perhaps it is you believed you were this or that. Or you had done this or that, and as it played out you realized that that was not the best direction to go or the best direction to be, and so you changed your mind.
I used to think that the President of the United States and the different party than the one I believed in, that they couldn’t possibly be doing the right job. And usually there were things that confirmed that belief all the time. And then I remember one day you saying about President Reagan that he prayed constantly to know the right thing to do. And it totally changed my understanding of how I could look at the leadership of this country, that I was looking always to see the stuff I didn’t agree with or were negatives.
S: [Softly] Good. Good.
And I began to look at it for something that I could understand and something I could feel a part of, that touched my heart. And realize that that person was just like me and that they were doing the best they could, whether I agreed with it or not. And it totally changed my attitude towards the government.
S: That’s lovely. Very lovely. How about another? You changed your mind. That’s what I’m asking.
I had about a month . . . well, actually about two or three months ago, but I had a situation that was very unpleasant, to say the least, an unpleasant experience. But what I discovered through that was that I had held on to a core belief that I was powerless. And when I actually had that epiphany, the profound, “Well you’ve hung on to that long enough. It’s time to let it go. You’re not powerless,” a lot of the fears went away; a lot of the symptoms of fear went away. That core belief is what profoundly changed my attitude with respective to what’s going on in my own personal life now. I’m not powerless.
S: That’s a really big one. Good for you. In your life you have change going on all the time, all the time, all the time. It doesn’t stop. It actually doesn’t even stop when you’re dead. Really. Your body keeps changing. Gets a little help to do that, but still, change, change, change, change.
And the way that you feel about that change, your resistance to it or your acceptance of it, your ability to run from it or flow with it has everything to do with how you feel about yourself, your life and your world. Or, your world and your life through yourself in that world—and those really were separate things.
When you resist change you separate. When you [don’t] resist change without knowing what the change is about, why it’s there in your life, and are also able to recognize the gifts it offers, then change becomes the catalyst for union. And that’s all up to you. Remember that. Remember that these next few days. Remember that.
Now, I am going to tell a story tonight, a “once upon a time” story. But before I do that, when last we were together we chatted, and I said that once you had looked at the things that were going on in your life, you might have another couple of questions. And if you don’t have another couple of questions, I’ll just move on to storytime at the Samuel library. Questions? Aye.
I actually wrote it down. It’s here if I can read it.
S: As she pulls out the sheaf.
I think it was our last meeting you were encouraging us to take a look at our lives and to get things clear and simple, and start extricating ourselves from complications of messes that we are in because of, as you say, after years of neglect. And in six months from that meeting you wanted to kind of do another review and see where we were and if we had been able to clear up those places in our lives that we needed to be working on.
And I’m trying to do that. And one of the areas that I’m working on is the clean-up-financial-matters, and part of my process has been to simplify expenses. And it has been to expand the ways that I’m looking for work, and it has been looking for work in places that are in my career, outside of my career—normal ways and expanded ways.
And so far I’m just not finding successes yet that I would have hoped for at this point. And so one of the dilemmas that I’m finding now after going through all this simplification and looking in other areas and looking within areas that I’m familiar with and using the skills and experiences that I have, the type of position, if it does become available but doesn’t meet all of your expenses and continue to look in the areas where you can make more money that would meet all of your expenses. And I’m hearing from a lot of people who are in similar situations. They’re looking within their careers, they’re not finding those doorways open. They’re looking outside their careers, they’re not finding those doorways open, and it’s a very lengthy process that they’re going through. So what are we not doing that we need to be doing to make this process . . .
S: And by “we,” you’re not speaking humans generally, Guardians specifically, you are talking about those who are trying to manifest something, and not finding it happening.
Yes. And that kind of ties into the difference between the way that we used to manifest in 4:3:2 and using all those methods that we’ve been used to. And how do we work with 5:3:2 manifestation in a different way? And how are we working with co-creatorship with the Universe? What actually happens when you put out to the Universe and say, “This is my desire. This is what I’m trying to manifest.” What’s the process that goes into movement—to try to help us with that? And how can we best communicate that in this time period so that we’re clear, and that it moves the manifestation process forward, and getting out of our own way, whatever. I’m hearing a lot of people who are frustrated with this and they’re kind of feeling the same way that I’m feeling about it. So I’m just putting that question forth.
S: No, love, you put forth about ten of them. Which do you want answered?
I think it’s how do you work in manifesting now in the clearest way possible, in the most practical way possible to get the results?
S: All right, the first thing I want all of you to remember is that every question applies on several levels. Although you may not be particularly relating to Lillibeth’s situation about manifestation, there are areas in your life where you can see how understanding the manifestation process better could be useful. So, don’t tune out.
Second thing with that, it’s also very important that you realize in the very same way that you have change going on in everything in your life, you are also manifesting what you want in your life on just as regular and consistent a basis.
Well, just a moment Samuel, if indeed I am manifesting, it would seem like I would feel a little more like I had the job I wanted and the income I needed and on and on and on and on. But just like with change, you need to move yourself out of the idea that manifestation is Santa Claus—Right. Ho, ho, ho, pass out stuff. All right, Santa Claus—and that it is instead an awakening to God in you—the hope and glory.
Now, first, what stops you from successful manifestation?
S: Yes! Right there! Good, yes. Expectation. Expectation outside of your human experience is not a problem. It’s the expectations that you have within the human experience that, due to free will, tend to cause trouble for you.
Now, what are the expectations outside of the human experience that you might have?
S: That’s twice now. That’s good. And Ascension, which is related to—to make it a much more broad-based subject—essentially those things that have to do with your spiritual existence, the expectations that you have around that tend to be much more easily manifested.
Well, Samuel, I’m not so sure that’s true, because I’m really working on dying to the old and awakening to the new and being able to take part in my highest possible frequency, and I don’t seem to be really getting anywhere with that. The old stuff just keeps popping back up and popping back up, and the old patterns aren’t gone. How can you say that the spiritual expectations are being fulfilled? Like this. [Spelling out very slowly] The spiritual expectations . . . oh, you’re more awake than I thought. That’s good. That’s always a relief to know that. I thought perhaps we had on the department store headlights tonight because you were a bit low energy. Stuart wanted to make sure you were very awake.
All right, but still the point stands, you see, because you don’t expect much of yourself when it comes to your spiritual self. Your brain tells you there’s not a whole lot you can do with that, that you’re just sort of limited by—and then you start filling in the blanks—the human stuff gets in the way of the spirit stuff.
All right, that human stuff, that which is inside your life, holds you back in the very same way that the expectations regarding your spiritual self can. And that’s because they tend to be related to the same thing. And I’m going to redirect the easy words to twist it a little. In your physical experience, in your day-to-day life, you have trouble manifesting because you do not believe you deserve, in one way or another. In your spiritual existence, your belief that you’re not enough, which is the same thing ultimately—don’t deserve, are, are not enough—gets in the way of its spiritual manifestation. In other words, to state it very, very simply, the biggest problem that you come against is your belief about you.
To manifest now, it’s not, “Well, you write the letter to Santa Claus.”
That doesn’t hurt, does it?
S: Dear Santa, my children and I . . . well, it just sort of changes the whole letter, doesn’t it?
In 4:3:2, through sympathetic magic, you used technology to get what you wanted. Technology’s a nice thing because you turn the machine on and it works; you turn it off, it does not work. If you want to get it to do another process, you look up how to do it, you follow step one, two and three, and you’ve got it. It’s just that simple. And you like that. You feel safer when you have that. You are constantly whining when you don’t have that. “Why don’t you just explain how to do it? Just tell me the word to say, just the right way to do it.” In 4:3:2, that’s precisely the system, but in 5:3:2 all of that changes, because 5:3:2, in the easiest way of stating it, is God in this world, as opposed to 4:3:2, God accessible to this world.
I’ve got this very interesting picture of leaving out milk and cookies and raisins.
[. . . ] raisins are what they leave.
S: Something like that. David! And so you know that if you leave out the cookies and the milk and the carrots, that you’re going to make Santa Claus happy, and by making Santa Claus happy, you’re going to get better booty, right? The old pirates’ . . . well, that’s sort of how you’re thinking, isn’t it? Like the pirates. I want all I can have. I want it now. And you rather like that system, because it worked very well for your brain. It gave you something that if you got what you wanted you could put a check by your life, and if you did not get what you wanted you could just keep working on the technology so that eventually it would show up.
I have said that, before the big workings that have been done in this world, before the changes that have come about in this world, to literally lay a more realistic foundation, before Fusion, particularly, your manifestation had everything to do with leaving milk and cookies, and now you have all of this load of milk and cookies, and you don’t know what to do to bribe your way to what you want. “Well, if I’m just good enough,” and you won’t be and you never can be. “Well, if I just don’t do this. Well if I tone all the time.” But that’s not how it works.
Until you manifest . . . no, let me start that differently: Until you are able to function as God in this world, your manifestation process is . . . slow. That was an example. It is . . . finally slow. Is that better? But when you are functioning as God in your life, then you manifest as God in your life, and I will promise you—and this is a big thump on the head, but it’s a bottom line—when you are not manifesting, it’s because you do not have the completions that say God is functioning in your life. It’s that simple. If you’re not it, then you don’t get it. And what you do get are those things that are a part of your blueprint that must happen, those things that in your life you finally master, and you turn the corner and there it is again in another disguise. “Will Halloween ever end? Is the rest of my life tricks or treats?” Because those things that the Universe wants as a part of your flow are going to be constantly cropping up so that you will eventually get it. Those things will manifest quickly and easily.
All right, so what do you do? What do you do if every day you are doing your best to die to the old and to allow at least your understanding of what it means to embody God? And do remember that when I am talking God I am speaking of a construct, not the picture that so much of western civilization—hah, that’s a . . . what do you call it? Oxymoron? That’s one of those—that come into mind for most people in this section of the world as to what God is about. And, again, that’s Santa Claus—who sometimes gets really mean, would you say? Aye, well, that’s how most people treat it, too.
The more you work with the God in you, the less you need in this world. The more you work as the God in you, the more you understand what’s really behind your needs. What do you need? Well it’s very easy to convince yourself that what you need is—and I need you to help me here—is not just transportation, but . . .
A Mercedes.
S: A Mercedes. That’s a woman’s thing.
[. . . ] a car.
S: All right. That instead of clothing you need . . .
A Mercedes.
An Armani suit.
S: Say that again.
An Armani suit.
S: All right. Instead of carbohydrates and proteins in balance enough to fuel the body, you need . . .
Gourmet food.
S: You’re a real scary group of people. Trying to clear that up real fast, you think?
I want to illustrate that a bit. Once upon a time, you were young. And what I’m referring to there is you were, oh, let’s say, what? Five, maybe. You were five once, right? And you had exquisite control of your life. You were amazingly able to provide for all of your needs. You were beautifully capable of making the decisions that were required for you to function easily in this world. And, you see it’s because of it being so easy back then that it throws you off now. Something wrong with that story?
All that crying doesn’t work any more.
S: Well, you’re laughing and you’re thinking I’m making a joke. And I am, because, of course, when you are five years old you don’t have total control over your life. Although when you are five, you are working on it. Where is the control in your life when you are five years old?
Your parents.
S: Your physical body’s needs have control over you until you understand what they are about and are able to have control of them, and those who have taken on the responsibility of raising you up . . . [dog comes on podium] Hello, Oma, dear. The visiting professor. Welcome back. Good to see you. Ah, yes, you want that little puffy thing don’t you? May I please eat all the pookahs?
So where were we with that? It was five years old, you have all of the . . .
“Oh help!” Channeling the pookah. “Help. Help.”
You have the control over your physical—wrong! And you have control over your situation—wrong! Most of the time it’s a parent, your parents. Perhaps if you’re already in the school situation, you have siblings that are older than you are. Everything but you, when you are five, controls your life. Until you learn, and I heard the word, until you learn to . . . say it louder, Gwendolyn.
S: Until you learn the fine art of manipulation, at which time you begin figuring out how negotiation works, pushing the envelope to see how far you can go, testing the ones who rule your life to see how far they will go. And from that time forward the rest of your life is out of the bliss of everything being poured on to you as you might want it; you must begin working for what you need and want. When you are five years old—not true for every one of you in here; I should probably back down to about three for some of you—but when you are very, very young, life seems simpler because you have what you want. And that guides you through the rest of your life. The idea that you can have exactly what you want, because there was a time when you did, and that if you work it right, you’ll be able to get what you want.
How many of you with children or how many of you as children knew which parent to go to for certain things? Can you relate to that? Did you do that? Were you one of those? You knew that for this sort of thing you would go to your mother, for this sort of thing you would go to your father, for this stuff you would go to your grandparents, for this stuff you would go to your aunties—you learn it. And you spend the rest of your life trying to figure out how to work it so you can get it.
Except by the time you’re an adult, what you want is not food and shelter and dogs that work, you want an income that does this. You want Armani suits and Mercedes cars. And nothing is wrong with that, not one thing is wrong with that, but you fall into trouble when you start using the mechanisms of 4:3:2 or your childhood to bring them into your life. “I deserve this because I have figured out how to get this done.” Or, even one of the best ones: “This is what I’m here to do. This is what I’m good at, I cannot do something else.” You’re still putting out milk and cookies. You’re still putting out milk and cookies.
5:3:2, this time right now, right here where you are, manifestation has to do with your Source, your God in you, working in this world. Not goddess in you. God in you. That is the function of manifestation. God. Principle. God. The actual action of creation. That which brings it into form. God. And your resistance of the issues of God, your continual lack of acceptance that you’re God or that your automatic acceptance that you are God without any of the responsibilities that go with it—“Yes, I am a God, but I still have judgments here, and I still have uncompleted items here, and I still have . . . “ And that’s all right, your saying that, but it’s not, it’s not. When you are functioning at the highest level of your being, manifestation is not an act, it’s an intent. It is an intent that flows with Source in this world—the work of Source in this world—and flows through you in partnership there. And so if you wonder, Am I functioning as a God here? well, are you manifesting what you want? And if you’re not, then you’re not. And if you’re not, you can be. Do not fall into that ancient trap. “I want the end product, I don’t want the responsibilities that go with it or the lessons that bring me to it. I want it birthed in adult form, and available right here, right now.”
You cannot sit here, in one of the richest countries in the world, beautifully dressed, wonderfully educated, mostly socialized, and probably housebroken, you cannot sit here and say you don’t have what you need. You can only sit here and say you don’t have what you want. And your wants need to be in direct flow with the greater work of Source now or it’s not going to show up in your life, until you’re working wholly and truly as God in this world. That’s how it is. You are the only one who can judge you on that.
Once upon a time, and I need you to help me with this, and I need to move more quickly, because Stuart has been giving me those little hand signals. Once upon a time there was a lovely young girl, child—let’s perhaps make her a young woman, all right—who was very, very much in love with her dear grandmother. And she would very, very often go to visit her grandmother, and they would talk and they would enjoy their time together. And as the grandmother was getting older and older, it became a little harder to communicate with her, and as so often happens, because it was harder to communicate outwardly, those visits started getting fewer and fewer, totally neglecting that that inward bond is still there.
One day, this young woman goes on the path to visit her grandmother, and she throws on her cloak, which is . . .
S: Red. All right. Good. You will be able to help me with this. You’re there. Good. Which is red, and she goes through the forest. And while she’s going through the forest, out from the shadows steps . . .
A wolf.
S: A wolf. A big, bad wolf. And it says, “Hey, little girl, where are you going? What are you doing? And what’s in that basket?” And, very sweetly, she says, “I’m going to visit my grandmother.” On and on it goes. All right.
Now, quickly through the story. So Little Red Riding Hood gets on to her grandmother’s.
S: Yes. She gets on to her grandmother’s, and she goes into the bedroom where her grandmother stays, and she says, “Hello, grandmother. How are you doing? How is life these days? I’m sorry it’s been so long since I’ve been here to talk to you, but life’s been so busy, and I’ve had so much going on. You know, we had the incredible Fusion of Masculine and Feminine Energy, and before that we were working on the Heart Portals, and sometimes life gets complicated. And, by the way, you seem very different.”
Now, how did that play out? “Grandmother, what . . .”
“. . . big eyes you have.”
S: “What big eyes you have.” And grandmother says . . .
“All the better to see you with, my dear.”
S: “And grandmother, what big . . .”
“. . . ears you have.”
S: And . . .
“All the better to hear you with, my dear.”
S: And finally . . .
“What big teeth you have.” “All the better to eat you with, my dear.”
S: And I suppose, about that point, poor Little Red Riding Hood, that for some reason was unable to realize that that really was the wolf wearing grandma’s clothing, [and it] hops out of bed and leaps at the young woman. And what happens then?
It depends on which version.
S: Well, in all likelihood, the young woman runs and the wolf chases, and then there is the mystical hero that comes right in out of the forest, and says, “I can help! Let me rescue this situation. I will kill the creatures.” And then does what? Splits open the wolf’s belly and out pops the grandmother and says, “Oh, I’m all right now.” So that you’ve got the German version of Jonah and the whale. Right. You’ve got into that death.
Or maybe you just have that she was hiding in the closet from the big wolf, and never said anything. “Little girl, I’m in here. I’m in here. Whoever you are, I’m in here.” Because she was a lot older by then. Keep that story in mind, or as much of a story as there could be with it.
Once upon a time, you were getting ready to go and visit your beloved and dear grandmother. You put on your red cloak to prepare yourself for the journey, and you took to the road that would lead you through the forest to finally reach your destination. Time with your grandmother. Let’s stop right there for a moment.
In this particular scenario, remember that red is an energy, an energy of action, of power. You were preparing to take a journey, and the most important thing you could do was make yourself ready. You put on the cloak of action, of God. You put it on, and set out on the road, and when you were in the forest, you had a distraction show up. “Hello, little Gayle. Hello, little Paul. Where are you going?”
The first distraction you always come up with on the road to grandmother’s house is, Do I know what I’m doing here? Where are you going? Do you know? “I’m going to grandmother’s house.”
I’m not sure, does your story say that once she weaseled past the wicked wolf that she just went merrily on her way, and forgot all about the wolf? And that would be why she did not recognize the wolf dressed up like grandmother. Or is that just one of those magical parts of fairy tales that you must trust?
But in your life, that seems to be a very typical way of functioning in this world. You know where it is you’re going to go—grandmother’s house—but you don’t have any idea what you need to get you there other than your cloak of power. You put on that cloak of power; you fill up your basket with what? Cookies for grandmother? Whatever. You go on the road and you begin to doubt. “Where am I going? What am I doing?”
And when you are no longer feeling the pressure of that intrusive thought, you just keep on going, totally forgetting anything that you might have learned at that waystation. You go to grandmother’s house, not realizing that the Universe that loves you so much and hasn’t . . . more than once or twice, a bit like a wolf in this world. You don’t notice that grandmother looks surprisingly different than usual.
That’s still a pretty hilarious thought. Grandmother must have looked pretty weird to begin with. If one day Cindy woke up looking like Oma, wouldn’t you think, “Wow, Cindy, you should look at shaving!” Something like that.
But there is, nonetheless, a certain amount of blindness when you’re stuck in a rut, a certain amount of thoughtlessness, a lack of awareness. Centered so much on your particular journey, doing what you need, you don’t notice the wolf dressed up like your next big adventure.
The Universe loves you so much; it makes sure that until you’ve got the wisdom, the mastery, it’s going to keep putting it in front of you constantly disguised like what you’re after, because the Universe loves you. It is willing to foolishly disguise itself, oh, maybe like Jennifer, maybe like Don, disguises itself as what you need to get. And yet because you are not paying attention, because you’re focused on one small part of a greater life, you don’t notice that that’s not grandmother. And so you start making small talk: “Grandmother, you look pretty different these days. Gracious, what big eyes you have.” “Well, it’s the better to see you with, my dear.”
Because one of the first tests that you always give to things in your life is, What are the limitations upon this level? What are the boundaries I have here? The way I see, my perspective—this is you speaking—that’s your version of checking things out. “Oh, what big eyes you have.” “Oh, this seems different. My perspective needs to be held.”
So when grandmother replies, “Oh, it’s just better to see you with, my dear,” you are happily ready to accept that. You are very happy to not let there be any ripple, any change. “What big ears you have.” “Better to hear you with,” and your hearing is related to your—I’m about to say your perceptual reality, but I want to be careful because that’s different than the way you see things. You hear things according to what your mind tells you is right. What you hear shows up as the judgments in your life. “Grandmother, what big ears you have.”
Because that’s what you do, you begin judging what you see. You begin judging what you think you know. You are desperately seeking envelopes—boxes—to hold the situation in, to make it something you know. “Grandmother, what big teeth you have.” And by that point, at Word, you’re in trouble, because the wolf took that opportunity to jump out of the bed and show itself what it really is. “Ha-ha-ha, it’s me. Your ever-faithful, constantly friendly reminder that you’re not being, doing, what’s needed.” As is so very typical, you run. “Help! Help! Tell me the technology.” And I guess you just presume that grandma’s on her own, dead, or she’ll figure it out herself and. . . . Nonetheless, you’re willing to flee your destination, you’re willing to flee what you’re here to do, because this issue just won’t go away, because what you think you know, what you think and judge, what you say and do are constantly put to test. And you constantly show up as not enough. So you say, “All right. Never mind.” And you run off, and that wolf runs right along with you. Wolves are notorious heel-biters. Bite you on the heel, hopefully enough to break those tendons and make you fall down. And the Universe is a lot like that too, isn’t it? Snapping at your heels as you’re running away.
And as you’re running along, you’re scanning the woods. “Where is the hero? Where is the hero? The one who’s familiar with the wooded path, and understands the way wolves work. Where is the guru? Where is God? Where is anything outside of myself to come and make this situation better? Because the very first time I didn’t get it, and now it’s really causing me trouble.”
Well, in that story, the woodsman does show up, handily, at the last moment. Clearly Little Red Riding Hood learned the art of creation management by way of crisis. When her back was up against the tree and the wolf was drooling on her feet, out comes the great hunter, “I will help you.” And you seek that hunter. You seek that. And in this particular story the hunter cuts through the wolf illusion, and out pops that original destination, saying something like “Gotcha!”
You are looking at the last two months of a very important year. In your personal lives, you have had massive changes. In your thinking, what you think about yourself, what you think about others, you’ve had changes go on in the way your world works and your awareness of it. This has been a year in which, ideally, you have become so familiar with miracles that you don’t doubt the power. But when you work in this world as though you’re the only one doing it, when you do it your way, your time, your version, you don’t have access to those miracles. You’re not going to manifest; you’re going to continue the loop of Little Red Riding Hood—wants to go there, gets caught in the woods by the sweet little wolf, goes to grandmother’s house, gets fooled once, twice, three times, runs off, gets saved at the last moment—because you’ve still got work to do, you’re a Guardian after all—and there that loop goes again, over and over and over, because you cannot do it by yourself.
One with one, one with one, creates One, and it is your ability to function wholly with another, with many others, working with the same vision, going down the same track, the wolf can’t break through that.
Very quickly, stand up, Matthew. You can be that big, that tall, that big, and the wolf will still eat you—thank you. [To front row] But now all of you stand up, right here. But the wolf—you, too—but the wolf’s going to look twice if it sees this—thank you.
On your own, you won’t get there. It’s when you let go of yourself enough to recognize that it’s with Heidi, who is with Jennifer, who is with Matthew, who is with D.C. that what is created together goes beyond, gives the strength, gives the power. Because, you see, in this world the seed of God that you came printed with on your blueprint, that seed gets watered by the people that you have united with, merged with. That’s how God in you grows.
These two months—forgive me for being very playful with the wording, but I think you’ll remember it—gratitude and attitude. That’s the wolf coming to you, gratitude. Not focused on what you don’t have, not focused on what’s not working, not focused on failure, which is what “I want” says. “I want” on its backside says, “Failed,” because when you’re functioning out of wholeness, your want manifests. “I want peace on Earth and love for all mankind.” That’s not such a bad want is it? But it’s not the wants that bring the wolf to your door; those aren’t the ones that are the problem. It’s the want that says, “In order to be here and do what I can, I must have this.”
[Oma moans] I agree.
Gratitude and attitude. Through the end of this year, do what you can—which is much more than you think—to be grateful for every bit of your life: the hard parts, the easy parts, the fun parts, the dull parts. Come to that point of vision—“Grandma what big eyes you have!”—that you don’t think the horizon is here, the world ends and you drop off and that’s where the dragons be, but that you see with the eyes of God that it all fits, it all works, it all has purpose. The attitude that’s not judgment of others, a negative mindset—“Grandma what big ears you have.” And not getting caught up, not letting what feeds you be the old stuff—it’s Grandma—but allowing yourself to be open to the miracles and magic that show up with those who are working with you to be the best they can, where they are with what they have at the time. Functioning with a common Intent, a group Thought, which allows the Words and the Deeds to manifest.
You have a totally different experience of your life when you are functioning as God. And you know that seed is in you, it’s a part of what you are about. It’s not about putting on another costume; it’s being God.
And Nike says . . . ?
Just do it.
S: Gratitude and attitude. Write it on your hands so that you don’t forget, because these coming two months, it’ll make all the difference for you.
Happy New Year. Glochanumora.
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