February 3, 2002

Samuel: Greetings, dears.

Greetings, Samuel.

S: Do you know what day it is?


S: Yes. Really. Here, now. Imbolc. So how are you this Imbolc? It’s not very often that we actually have a meeting together on the most ancient version of the holiday, and that is right where you are about now. So, somebody, remind me quickly, if you will, what’s Imbolc?

First thaw.

S: The first thaw. All right, I could go with that. What does that mean?

The first signs of spring, and the light is beginning to return.

S: Coincides with spring starting to show up in this end of the world. It often represents because of that an opportunity to sow seeds, to begin to prepare for what you wish to harvest later. And that’s somewhat where I want to go with you this night, all right, because what I’d like to see you harvest this year is the magic and the re-creation that we spoke of when last we were together, but specifically abundance. And, hopefully, that will mean financial abundance as well.

I want to talk to you about that, because this is a year in which you are going to be needed a lot. Now, when I say you’re going to be needed, let me translate that a bit differently for you. You will recognize it as a lot of doors opening for you, a lot of opportunities coming your way, because the Universe, you know, won’t push you through that door.

When I say you’re going to be very needed, that does not mean that you’re going to have a little letter floating down from the ceiling that says “Dear Cathy,” as much as you might wish that that’s what you had coming your way. What you will notice instead is a lot of openings, a lot of opportunity. Maybe you would see it as a lot of thoughts coming your way about, what if, could I, would this sort of thing work and happen, which is to say that one of the most important things you are going to need in order to make use of the energy that is coming your way for the purpose, coming your way for the purpose, of taking advantage of the opportunities would be what?


S: Not that. Not yet. In a moment.

Knowing what you want.

S: Knowing what you want. Yes. Very much. The word I was going to look for is “discernment.” And right offhand in your life, I’m going to begin with a bop on the top of the head to pretty much all of you in here. Not exactly all of you, but pretty much all of you in here, and you know who I’m speaking to when I say that your financial issues have a whole lot to do with your lack of discernment.

So let’s do a quick definition about discernment. What do I mean when I’m talking discernment?

The selecting of decisions on things.

S: It’s a decision-making process. It has to do with being selective with those decisions. That’s good.

It has to do with looking at the full situation, the timing and the choices made, but the appropriateness at that moment of what is the right choice to make.

S: Mary Claire was saying that there’s a lot of things that go into it, but the appropriateness—oh, I like that, didn’t it sound good? Let’s say it again—the appropriateness—that was a fun one. Aye, try that, it feels good in the mouth. Appropriateness—of a choice that you’re making for the situation that you’re with. My most beloved friend, Joyous, has said before that it’s not about—I’m going to quote you, love, so you’re going to have to correct me if I don’t have it right—it’s not about right and wrong; it’s about what’s appropriate for this time and this situation.

Can you think of anything in which that general condition would not be true? “Oh, Samuel, there are situations in which inappropriate behavior is the right thing.” Would that make it appropriate then? You are awake, aren’t you?

Appropriate selectivity. I want to use that. Let’s go with that. Appropriate for the circumstances, for the time, for you. Appropriate selectivity. And the reason that I want to go with that is that I want it to be very, very clear for each of you—mainly because you’ve shown a lot of evidence that you don’t have this one down—what is appropriate and right for now may not be so tomorrow. You create difficulty in your life when you base the rules of living on who you were last year, on what you needed, on what your beliefs were, on what you were about twenty years ago when you got out of school or five years from now when you do, what you needed before right now.

I’m going to say that again, because I know that I’m twisting it awkwardly for you. What you needed before this moment is always what you want to look at first. When you have that twinge that says, Am I going to be making the right decision here?

Now, to turn that all around and say it another way—still saying the same thing, but perhaps in a way that makes more sense for you—when you have before you a situation—and because I’m wanting to talk to you tonight about abundance, let’s say that we’re talking about a financial opportunity before you—when you have before you this opportunity and you’re looking at it to decide what is the right thing to do here, what is it I want, what would work best, one of the first things that you need to do is a personal review to ensure that you’re not basing your decisions on who you were, what you needed before—to make sure that you are functioning in this moment.

Quick question: When you base this moment on a person, and I’m meaning yourself, who isn’t there . . . what do I mean by that? When you base this moment on a person who isn’t there, what do I mean?

Somebody you used to be.

S: Who you were. Somebody you used to be. And what might be examples of that?

An example would be if you had a different motivation for why you wanted to do what you did in the past, you have to realize that now you may have a different motivation, and that you’re a different person.

S: All right. That’s a very good example of the way that you would think that through, but I’m looking for something very specific. A personal example you might give that five years ago, I was doing this, now I’m not, if I base my decisions on that person. Stuart, were you going to go there?


S: Heidi.

Well, just even farther back, I’m a different person than I was when I was a graduate student, so financially I can make greater commitments than I could when I was a graduate student, or five years ago when I had a second job, I had more income and so I based different aspects of my life on having more income. So you have to look at who you were and who you are now.

S: Good. Good. Good. Aye.

I can give a very specific example.

S: Excellent.

Five years ago, I was looking at opportunities of doing a lot of playing in orchestras and things like that as ways of making money. Now, physically, I’m not able to do that, so I can’t go there. I have to open up new avenues.

S: And if you were basing what you’re getting ready to do—for instance, an opportunity comes your way, and you think, Oh no, I cannot take advantage of that, because the orchestra might call, when, in fact, she’s already three or four times let that part of her life go. When, in fact, she is no longer seeking that as a way of defining herself.

Now, let me go in that direction for a moment. When you are talking about discernment, the way that you define yourself is going to be the way you make your decisions. That should be one of the scariest things you have ever heard me say. The way that you define yourself is going to be the hinge, the springboard, from which your decisions come. Why is that scary?

Because your definition may be very inaccurate.

S: It’s limiting. It may be inaccurate because of . . .


S: Yes! Because of the changes that you are regularly making. The way that you define yourself is, for most people’s lives, a security statement.

When you go to a party—you remember parties, don’t you?—when you meet somebody new, and they say, “Well tell me about yourself,” what do you say? This is the way you define yourself. What is it you say? What is it most people say first?

What they do for a living.

S: Right. Most people define themselves by the work that they do, and I would like to ask you, are you the work you do?


S: What else are you? Maybe nothing. If all you do is work, particularly if all you do is work at something you don’t enjoy, if all you do is work at something you used to enjoy but no longer feel fulfilled by, and yet you still define yourself by it, that’s a rather sad statement. And it’s going to have a lot to throw off your discernment.

Therefore, am I saying to you—trick question coming your way—that what that says, of course, is that if you are defining yourself by a work that you no longer enjoy, that what that means is you’d sure better get out of that work? No. I’m not saying that.

Samuel, how could you not say that when we’re miserable and we’re doing this thing that we don’t like, and it’s not feeding us, and you say all the time, if it’s not giving you life, it’s killing you? How could you possibly say, it doesn’t mean get away from it? What it means is, then, get a life outside of it, because where you are in your experience right now may well be that you need the income. Maybe you need the title. Maybe you need the regular nine-to-five push out of procrastination that is your natural state of being. Not that I’m referring to any of you, of course. Maybe, you’re not at a particular place where it is actually reasonable according to all of the responsibilities that you have taken on, up until now, maybe it’s not reasonable to suggest that you get out of that that is paying you in so many ways.

Whether or not that is the case, if you define yourself by one thing, whether you like it or not, you are out of balance. And, actually, there is no way you can possibly be happy, and there is no way you can possibly make the right decisions for you in the largest view. And there is no way that you can draw abundance to you, if you are out of balance like that.

You need to get a life. What do I mean by that, get a life? Some of you know, because I’ve spoken with you specifically about this. Aye.

Well, it means expand the activities that you’re willing to participate in.

S: Excellent.

It means . . .

S: Wait. Let’s stop right there for a moment.

One of the things it means is expand on the activities that you are willing to participate in. A quick signal: When you do the same thing every day, when your life is made up of I get up, I feed the dog, I eat breakfast, I go to work, I come home, I turn on the television, I relax, I eat supper, I watch television, I go to bed. I get up, I . . . when your day is made up of that—and hear me carefully—even if what your day is made of is I get up in the day and I spend an hour in meditation, getting myself centered, I have a breakfast of whole foods and vital nutrients, and I then go for a half an hour walk, fifteen minutes of which is in pure silence, and I . . . and you have very spiritual things in your life, but it’s the same thing over and over and over, that’s just as destructive. You just get to smile a bit more while you’re self-destructing.

One of the first signals of life is you move outside of yourself, you expand your world. And that’s what Lillibeth is saying there. That one of the things that you can do is expand the activities that you take part in.

All right, Samuel, that’s all really good stuff, and I’m really glad to hear it, but what does it have to do with abundance? Because everything in your life is a reflection of everything in your life. It’s one of the great esoteric secrets of the ages. Everything in your life reflects everything in your life. You tend to follow a pattern, which is why it is so important that you have a wide variety of activities for this pattern to float its way through. Not only so that you won’t get so bored that you can’t manage things, but because it gives you the opportunity to master many, many different ways that that pattern shows up for you.

So by giving yourself the opportunity to experience a fullness of life experience, then what you are going to be doing, including those issues that come up which keep you from experiencing the best of all you were doing. Because, now and again, something will come up that keeps you from seeing the doorway that’s going to make big changes, that keeps you from recognizing that your ship just came in. Now and again, it happens that your own issues get in the way of your best possible life experience. Have you ever noticed that? Now and again, maybe.

So the more that you’re involved and the more opportunities there are for the Universe to bring—fill in the blank—abundance your way.

Opening the door to more in every area of your life—here it comes, a reflection of that great secret—opening the door to more in every area of your life, opens the door to more coming to you in every area of your life.

So, yes, expanding those things that you do. Did you have more in that?

Well, I was just going to do some specific examples about it.

S: Good.

I remembered when I started doing this, one of the things, the recommendations, you gave me was to get started, to kind of get yourself primed to do that, was to just drive home a different way than you normally do. Take a different route when you go on a trip.

S: Excellent advice she’s giving you.

And it works, because it puts you outside of your routine, it shows you other things. You have to kind of plan to do that sometimes. And you might see a new place on the way that you want to stop in and shop. You might meet someone there. You might run into someone there who wants your services. It really works.

S: When you open yourself up to new experiences, all right, you want to be able to finish this now.

You open yourself up to more.

You open yourself up to new experiences.

S: That’s right. When you open yourself up to new experiences, then you open yourself up to new experiences. And those new experiences may just as well contain the key to the abundant experience that you’ve been waiting for, because not doing it sure didn’t have it come your way, did it?

If your routine, if your half a life, if your rut, is exactly right for you, if it is the best for you, then you are wise to judge everything on your past, because what you’re saying by that is that everything in your life is going perfectly.

Now, in the great cosmic view of things, it’s true your life is going perfectly, but that view really has a bit more to do with Source having a good sense of humor than it does with your necessarily sitting in the middle of it and not always laughing.

Yes, it’s true, in the big picture everything that’s going on with you is perfect, but for the most part, in your life, if there isn’t already, there should always be something more you seek. There should always be a part of you that is curious, that is interested, that wants to know, that doesn’t fear. And when you are living in your rut, you don’t have that being.

Your rut is a safety thing. You do the same things. You define yourself by what you consider to be most defensible. Not necessarily what you consider to be what you’re truly about. Do you understand what I’ve just said there?

Earlier, I said that you define yourself by your security mechanisms. You know what you’re afraid of when you know what you’re not saying. Is that always a bad thing? No. But it is information to take into account.

So, one of the things that you need to do is to expand your opportunities to get more of a life. What is another thing that would be helpful for you to do?

You need to be on to yourself. You need to know . . . very often I‘ve learned about me that when I start feeling really overwhelmed—“Oh, I just can’t take one more thing on” and, “Oh, I’m just having a heck of a week”—that it’s my own issues that are really coming up and not the reality of what’s around me. And that maybe it’s not that I shouldn’t take something else on. I need to look at it differently and have a better perspective on my life.

S: Let me change that phrase “got to be on to myself” a bit, and change that to say, you must be willing to constantly look at what is going on with you as an opportunity to grow, to change, to expand. To be constantly looking at what is going on with you as an opportunity.

Every opportunity is not for you. Do you know that? Unless you have discernment, you don’t. Which is to say, by the way, for the many of you who shook your head yes, that you knew that not everything is for you, that you do have places in your life where you do have discernment. Pat yourself on the back and use that. All right, I already have discernment in some areas of my life. This is a good thing. Now, I can just use that discernment in other areas.

However, Heidi’s made a very important point there, and that is to be constantly willing to look at what is going on, particularly when you are frazzled, when you are upset, when you are frustrated. Look at that as an opportunity to say, What’s going on here? And not saying, What out there is doing this to me?

A quick prosperity moment here, all right. You will never have all you need if what causes function in your life is something out there. Out there will never provide for you enough. I’ll say that again. As long as what you need in your life is given to you because of something out there—as soon as this happens, as soon as that person, as soon as that job or this experience comes about—when what you need is based on something happening out there, you will never have all you need. Ooh. Ooh. Aye.

Have you heard about Someday Isle. I. S. L. E.

S: Oh, that’s a good one.

I used to dream of a Someday Isle go to London.

S: Aye.

And I had to make that opportunity happen.

S: And if you did not, some day would have constantly been your carrot. And when some day, if only, when, is what motivates you, it’s only motivating you to remain where you are, because it’s not an active function of your life. Some day I will . . .

Gwendolyn, you said . . . when I said, “What are some of the things” and pointed to Heidi at the same time, you had said you need what in your life?


S: Challenge, yes. Challenge is a good part of expanding your life, because we’re talking about expanding and bringing things in. We’re recognizing in the subtleties of this that the patterns that you live are the patterns that you receive, and the patterns that you give. And right now we’re looking at expanding your life, opening doors, and what’s needed to expand and get those things open. Discernment is one of them. Right now, challenge is one of them. Why do you need challenge in your life? This is not a hard one. Gwendolyn.

Well, it’s like the spark that makes you put feet on what you want, to make it happen. To me, the challenge is the fire that gets going.

S: Because challenge . . . when you’re challenged by something, your passion is sparked, and you move from here to anywhere only because your passion is sparked. And just as a quick addition to that, maybe you actually do move, but you’re grumpy and upset the whole way. I would like to say to you, you’ve gone nowhere. You’ve just changed places. Frank.

Well, and it also allows you to change because you’re wanting to change, and it puts you in control of your change, rather than being a victim of change.

S: And rather than use that scary C word, all right. Can you say that differently?

Well, it lets you grow in a way that you’re in control of it.

S: I like that.

You’re driving it rather than growing in reaction to what’s happening around you. Psychologically, it gives you a sense of guiding your life rather than […]

S: Well done. Well done. Mary.

It feels like you have power, because you’re making the choice to do it, and you’re seeing that you have a choice. And for me, when I get overwhelmed and frazzled, it’s like I’m choosing to be overwhelmed and frazzled. I can choose to be different, and hopefully that will come sooner.

S: Really, that’s what I said. Please make it so. When you allow yourself to recognize the things that come before you as challenges—challenge is a positive definition of change and choice—to recognize it as challenge, as Gwendolyn said, fires you up because you’re pushing the envelope. You are purposefully moving out of the rut and saying, What can I do now?

When somebody lives their whole life with challenge after challenge after challenge, they will be worn out. If you choose to call everything in your life a challenge motivating you to move beyond where you are, you will get very . . .

Burnt out.

S: Burnt out, that’s a good word for it. So, again, you want to have some balance. And again I’m going to say you find that balance by expanding the directions in which you live your life, you do your life, you experience your living.

If all of your challenges are where you work, you will be burnt out there. But if you have challenges where you work and you are pushing the envelope and finding more of yourself in your relationships, when that is in balance in your life, the challenges are not going to suck you dry and hurt you. They’re going to be opportunities by which you do exactly what Gwendolyn was saying. Expand yourself. Learn more. And it works that way because you’re in control of it. You’re in control of it when it’s in all these areas of your life, differently than taking control of it, because all of your challenges are happening in just one area you don’t know what to do, so that you’re overwhelmed, you feel out of control and you begin getting controlling in these other aspects of your life.

Do you see the difference there, because that’s a very, very important one? Challenge is a dynamic function of life force. It is one of the main means by which life force continues in this world, moves forward, challenges the boundary, pushes a bit. Curious. Alive. Functioning. But any function, no matter how good it is, if it’s the only thing you’ve got, it will kill. Yes, you can die from too many orgasms. Yes, it can be boring. And most in here are saying, I just want to find that out!

Everything, when it’s all you have, if it’s all there is, if it’s the only definition of you, it won’t be enough. You will need more. Expand. Very important. Jean.

On that theme, I once had visited a breeder’s shed for horses, and very much . . .

S: I can tell that my example is going to be shown here.

Those stallions were bored to tears, and that’s all they did was breed—three or four times a day for months on end—and those poor guys. You could tell, it was like, “Again.” So I believe you. It’s not in my experience, but I believe you.

S: I’m very glad. Thank you for that particular example, because there are those here who think of themselves as quite a stallion. So, just feeds right into it, doesn’t it?

Or a brood mare.

S: Or a brood mare. Is that it? Big difference.

Now, before I go too much further, and you forget what I’m really getting at here, I want you to remember that we are talking about abundance. And, in particular, I’m talking about financial abundance. Isn’t it particularly unspiritual to talk about seeking financial independence in your life? Thinking about that, isn’t that a particularly unspiritual thing? In fact, isn’t it crass and rude to focus on those things. And isn’t it really the most spiritual thing to willingly give up everything there is and live simply?

I hope not.

S: You hope not. Anybody got a bit of explanation there?

By learning to be financially abundant, it’s also a way of learning to deal with masculine energy and being in the world.

S: All right. All right. Now, there’s some teaching behind that that perhaps you know, but there may be a few out in the video audience who do not know.

Money in your life is a masculine energy, and as a result I have taught several times that the attitudes that you have in regard to masculine energy generally in your experience will show up with the way you feel about money. And so, in the very, very short version of it, the way you look at stuff, the relationships you have with the male of your species, the father influence in your life. And, in this society, the God recognition, that you probably grew up with, all is a reflection of your trust, your ability to use or not use that kind of energy. In fact, I could even make a suggestion to you that the relationship that you have with your father probably is a whole lot like the relationship you have with what’s in your wallet. You think about that. So say that again.

Being financially abundant is a way of working with masculine energy and being in the world.

S: Right. Therefore, back to that well, isn’t it spiritual to have no finances? Isn’t that really the way to go? No. Allowing yourself financial abundance is one challenge, if you will, one means of understanding and working with a mastery of masculine energy.

Masculine energy, very quickly, shows up in your life in what ways.


S: Stuff. Yes. Stuff. What do I mean by stuff.

Material things.

S: Material things. Things in this physical world. Things in this physical world. Therefore it would also mean your physical essence. Oh, hello. That has to do, for instance, with the way you take care of yourself and your health in a whole lot of ways. Masculine energy would also be what? Just real surface here, the real obvious ones.


S: Men, yes, men. Masculine energy. Are there women who have masculine energy? I hope they all do, because you need a balance of both. Doesn’t matter what your physical gender says, there is masculine energy and feminine energy ideally in balance in every one of you. However, in this society—yet again—more often than not, what you recognize as masculine tend to be a certain set of culturally, societally induced behaviors, that are often recognized as a part of the male gender. But your attitude towards those things that to you represent that masculine gender, it’s all the same. It’s all having to do with the way in which you can see a pattern flowing with your money as well.

So, yes, that masculine connection. Very, very helpful there.

In your life you need . . . I’m going to back off and change that. It never works well when I tell you what you need. Here, this is what you should do. This is what you need to do. Let’s just back off from that one. All right. When you are seeking to bring into your life all that you need, one of the things that you need to do is recognize that you have a need. That sounds simple, doesn’t it?

How many of you, by the way, had fathers who never needed anything? Maybe they actually did, but to you as a child they were just the all-encompassing, never-did-wrong, perfect being. How many of you had a situation in your life in which you had that all-encompassing, never-do-anything-wrong, this-is-my-hero-who-fell-down-off-that-pedestal-sometime? And maybe your response was to have nothing to do with them, never quite trust anymore. Take a look at your wallet and think about that one too.

One of the things that you’ve got to do when you are looking to bring something in your life is to recognize that you have a need for it. So as a very quick wrap from where we are so far, in your life when you are functioning in a rut, when you just have the same routine that you do over and over and over, you’re not really living at all. When your life is set up around “Here is what I should do, this is how I define myself,” the choices that you make are based on security; they’re based on something you are not right now. They are based on a misunderstanding of the various aspects of masculine energy in your life. All of these things will keep you from having an abundant flow of money, or anything else, in your life.

So, one of the things that you can do to help balance that out first is, as was mentioned earlier: begin getting a life. Open the doors in your experience to challenge yourself, to begin to see yourself as something more than simply the reaction to a past that you no longer are living. Get more people in your life, more experiences in your life. Seek out opportunities to learn about different parts of you. And one very good way to do that is, just as Lillibeth said, look for safe ways to make changes. Safe ways to make changes such as, you always go home the same way, you always go to work the same way, alter the route, or is that “root.” Alter it.

Look for another routine in the morning. Instead of getting up and immediately brushing your teeth, do something else. Alter the rut so that it doesn’t eventually become a grave.

Look for ways to safely expand the cage you’re in. What are things that you can do to safely expand that cage? What’s a safe way to meet more people? Well, all right, this meeting is a very good example. You’re coming because there is something here that you’re hoping to get out of it. You’re welcome to walk right in here, sit down, enjoy it, and leave, and never greet anyone else. Or, right after the meeting, there’s stuff. What’s back there?

Free food.

S: Food back there, and something to drink, and people that you can meet. Here, this is an excellent first line, “This is really good. What is it?” It’ll work. It will get a conversation going. It’s safe.

Where are other perhaps safe places to begin pushing that envelope? How about the grocery store. You could talk to the clerk. What is something you could say to the clerk? “Oh, this is a really good grocery product. What is it?” No! Won’t work. You’ll have to come up with something else. What might it be?

“That’s a beautiful piece of jewelry you have on. You look so lovely in it.”

S: Sure. Say something nice to them. Recognize them. See them as real for a few moments. Practice it. See if the world breaks in half, the sky falls, and sure enough it was a really stupid thing for you to do. Or see if you do not gain a smile of your own when you give one away. Try it.

Expand the cage, bit by bit in safe ways. That’s a grocery store? That’s what I was hearing so I had to think, what was that? Got it.

You’re going to have—just as a reminder of where I’m going, because I’m punching hard tonight—you’re going to have opportunities in front of you to make decisions. You’re going to make decisions. You’re going to make decisions that will help bring you abundance, because that’s what these decisions are about, that’s what this year is about—magic and re-creation. But if you base all of those decisions on what you were, on a view of life that’s based on not having a life, not having balance in your life, you’re not going to bring the energy of magic to you, of re-creation to you. You are, instead, going to bring the same old stuff that you have had, which may not be bad, but if it’s not challenging and stretching and new, it is killing you.

How can you make it specifically about your financial resources when we are talking about expanding and making decisions that are, in this case, fiscally correct for you, when you are seeking the abundance of re-creation?

Stuart, are you signaling me or are you going to answer.

I have what I hope is an answer.

S: Good. Good.

You can look at your expenses, your monthly expenses, and say . . .

S: Excellent.

. . . you know, this cable television was really important to me five years ago, but now I’m in the Guardianship Program, I’m not watching TV Why am I paying this money out every month.

S: I’m not missing it. Sure. Take a look at your very expenses and say, Is who I am now represented here? You might find that it’s not. That’s an excellent one. Yes.

I just taught myself one. I had to try it the other way this past year in order to learn this, but in learning about the number of deductions I wish to claim—on my tax return, excuse me, or throughout the year in order to . . .

S: Make sure that you are taking advantage of what is available to you. For instance, in regards to your tax returns. Make sure that you’re getting back everything you can that you are entitled to. Don’t let the government be your bank, for instance. That’s examples along that way.

Let me talk more specifically, though. You’ve got to know what it is you want. And you’ve got to be living it already. Samuel, by that do you mean I want to be able to be a great philanthropist and be a millionaire, and therefore I must live like that already? Isn’t that sort of like fake it until you make it? No, it’s not. What I’m saying here is, if you are saying to the Universe that with the magic and recreation energy that’s going on right now, what I want is to be able to manifest the trip to South America that’s coming up to do a great spiritual working, but in your own life you are not doing anything to be ready for it—can’t speak Spanish, don’t have a passport, don’t have any sort of travel history, it’s all just brand new, you’ve never done anything like it before, you don’t take advantage of the opportunities to travel that don’t cost you, you just all of a sudden, on a whim, decided here is what I want—it’s not going to come to you in a timely fashion.

In the very same way that I have said to you often if you’re already moving, it’s a lot easier for the Universe to direct what’s in motion than it is to start what is stopped, so that is true in the goals you are seeking. Your goal might be a very large one that seems a little impossible right now, but by a consistent forward direction in small ways, by a regular acting out of it in your life, you are going to allow yourself first, to recognize that this really is something I want.

You might not be surprised when I say that very often you block yourself from having more, because you don’t really want it. But you don’t know that, because you’re basing what you want on somebody else’s, your past version, of what was going on. Or you’re basing it on what you think someone in your position or in your place should have, and it’s not something you really want. Give yourself small opportunities to find out. But do not do this in a way that misuses what you have already.

Now, you have heard me give you that principle in regard to your physical health, for instance. There you are, you’ve broken your leg. How unpleasant! What are you going to do? Because it has you laid up and unable to move, and at a very, very difficult place. Until you are able to accept and know where you are, you’re not going to be able to move out of that place. Until you make use of everything available to you now, you’re not going to be able to move further.

And if you think about a health version of that, it’s pretty easy to figure out. All right, you’ve hurt your leg. You’re limping. And if you spend all of your time bemoaning that you’re no longer jogging, you’re not ever going to get over it, are you? But if you begin slowly but surely exercising that broken limb and finding out what you can do with what you have, then you can move forward. Every one of you who have had a serious physical injury knows just what I’m talking about.

Now relate that very same principle to your abundance mechanisms. If you’re not making use of what you have now, if you are misusing what you have now—and maybe in this particular group I should push that one a bit harder—if you are misusing what you have now, why is it you think the Universe is going to open more doorways for you to continue misusing?

Make use of what you have. Use it wisely. Become adaptable. There is a phrase floating around in here somewhere, “Champagne living on a beer budget.” You know that phrase? That’s meaningful to you somehow?


S: All right. Well, in a sense that’s it. What’s the best you can do with what you have without mortgaging your house one more time, without adding to your credit card debt? With what you have.

Now, that is a really good start right now, because I have just now, this evening, in a very short and complete system, talked to you about bringing more of what you want to live your life in the way you wish by getting out of ruts, by expanding your experience, by bringing balance into your life, by seeking challenges and change, to make use of what you have and adapt to what you have, and make the best use of it. As well as a few recommendations about paying attention to the areas in your life in which you feel you have control, and where you feel you don’t. Those aspects of yourself that are past. Are they the ones that really want what you’re asking for now? And also, particularly in regard to money, to pay attention to masculine energy in your life.

There is more, and we’ll talk about it next time we’re together. There is indeed more, but that truly is the foundation, some of the biggest blocks you deal with that keep you from having what you want are right there.

Over the next few weeks, until we do this again, be aware of the doors that are opening, the opportunities coming toward you. Think about what it is you want, why you want it. What it is you think it will do for you. How it is that you are already making use in a right and good way of that already.

Expand your life. Put more living into it. Give yourself an opportunity to find out what you really want. When you don’t have balance in your life, you want everything to fill that hole and bring about balance. Create the balance first, and let the doorways and your discernment change to reflect the magic, to bring you the re-creation energy that this year is about for you.

What do you want? You should have it.

Glochanumora. Happy trails.