May 5, 2002
Samuel: Well, greetings, dears.
Greetings, Samuel.
S: What is the last thing that made you happy? Now, just think about it for a moment. What is the last thing that made you happy? What is the last thing that made you feel really good? And when you think about it, and you’re thinking about that happiness, what it is that brought you that happiness? Are there a lot of choices in that? Many things that you can choose from. Oh, it was this, but it was also that, and it was this and it was that. Or, have you a big general label that you are having to fall back on? Oh, well, life makes me happy, everything makes me happy.
And when you think about that which makes you happy, does it have any sort of effect on you by thinking about it? And if your answer is yes, what sort of effect is it that it has on you? Now, you’re […] in the street? What is it that makes you sad? Can you think of a situation recently that you could say is something that brings you down, rather than up? Is it something that shows up often in your life, and maybe it’s not that particular situation, but it’s what it leaves for you—sort of like it’s not the tornado that missed your house, but what it left in the wake, the changes that came as a result of it? Can you look and find a pattern in there?
And now, here is the tricky part. Can you see in both of those situations—happiness, sadness—something that makes you feel really good, something in which you don’t feel really good? Can you see in both of those situations, perhaps, a way in which they’re both centered on the same thing? And if you can see that, can you see a pattern in what brings the good to you—the happiness—in that situation, that would make a difference in what isn’t working out situation?
It’s not exactly the same as “Can you see that what makes you happy shares a pattern with what makes you unhappy?” but it’s more of “What brings you into the awareness of that happiness also brings you into awareness of your unhappiness.” Can you find a connection in there? For instance, a technology that makes you aware of the happiness that you could use to turn around the unhappiness. And, this is not at all what I’m talking about tonight, but it’s a point that I’m going with that will relate to where I’m going tonight. Well, I hope it does eventually.
So, anybody here, did you see any sort of pattern in there? Bobbi, yes.
The situation in which I was happy, I went into it with a conscious intention to have fun and be happy, and I was. And the time that I was sad, I didn’t go into that time with that same intention.
S: You did not go into it with the idea of, I’m going to be sad here, or you did not into it with, I’m not going to be seeking the good and find happiness out of it.
I didn’t go into it with the intention of I’m going to be happy.
S: Good.
Yes. And find the good in it.
S: Good. Yes. Yes.
I was in more of an unconscious place.
S: Bingo.
S: Good for you. Good for you. That’s a big one. In fact, one of those that’s very easily missed. Another. Aye.
The time that I was happy, I had both . . . and the time that I was unhappy, I had expectations of how I wanted other people to act.
S: Very good. Very good.
And the time that I was happy, I remember releasing those expectation beforehand, because I was not being happy, I was just being all expectations of myself and others. And almost immediately after that, I then had a gift of everybody acting better than I thought they would act.
S: Always a relief.
And the time that I was unhappy, I was hoping that people would act a certain way, and they didn’t. And I was still attached to how I wanted them to act.
S: Nice. Nice. So what would you say is the key in that one.
Well, releasing the expectation.
S: Aye. And if I might add to that, I would also say consciousness. Having to take a specific action, even if that action is don’t do something, even if that action is something that you don’t believe you should have to take action to bring it about. It might not occur to you that you should go into a situation and think, I’m going to be happy about this. I’m going to enjoy it to the best of my ability. I’m going to have a good time. I’m consciously going to release my expectations. And you don’t think that you should have to go into a situation like that. In fact, you more often than not think of happiness as a symptom, which is, of course, exactly why you don’t have it at hand all the time.
You are so in charge of your life, and you are so willing to accept that insofar as “I am going here on vacation;” “I am not going to stand for this sort of treatment any more;” “I am going to work in this sort of place or career.” But you don’t think of it as every little step on the way. It’s easy to forget those actions that bring you the big miracles, the gifts, the manifestations that you remember as high points in the life experience. This was a mountaintop. This was grand. And I did all of these things to bring it about. The trip to South America, I did all of this to be prepared for it, and it was wonderful. And you don’t think that it’s that same behavior that gets you through the day-by-day function as well.
Getting caught, ensnared—I’m seeing it as a spider web that you did not see and you walked through, and you went right on past it, but it stuck with you. Aye? You’ve got that picture in there? –catches you because of your lack of awareness. You are in charge—yes!—of your life. Yes, of your moments. Your moments, which indeed do make up your life. But you know that, don’t you?
And as I have had the opportunity to speak with a couple of groups recently about patterns, I’m going to take just an extra moment to toss that your way. Your awareness of your patterns is what activates your conscious function in those moments. Your patterns. Your patterns. What is it you do that makes you happy? What is it you do when you are unhappy, consciously aware of it? Think it through. What is it you do when you find that you’re in a situation where you’re getting angry? What are the significant signs of it for you? When you are aware of those signs then, you can head it off before it starts getting away from you.
What are the patterns of your life? A very good thing you can do for yourself to find those patterns—and, again, I will get to the point eventually—a good thing you can do for yourself to find those patterns is to look back over your life, starting out looking back five years. Go back in five-year increments. Take a look at it, and with each one of those increments say, What are the things that stand out to me, that I remember? And you’re not seeking the good ones, or only the ones that you look back on and think aren’t so good. You’re just … whatever it is you can remember. Anyone here have trouble remembering yesterday so you’re worried about five years ago, and ten years ago, and fifteen years ago? Well, that’s understandable. Eat oatmeal first. All right.
So, once you’ve looked back, and you’ve written down a few things that seem to be hallmarks of that period—five years, ten years, fifteen years, twenty; some of you can’t go back that far, sorry—take a look at what you are remembering. Ask yourself, Why does this stand out for me? Maybe it’s because it’s still in your life. Maybe it’s because it brought about a big change. You’re looking for patterns.
Once you’ve done that for the five-year increments, take the last five years and go back in one-year increments and do the same thing. And then, take the last twelve months and go back six of them, and do the same thing. Doing that, you’re going to begin seeing some patterns. And by your recognizing your patterns, you are going to see, Oh, no wonder I’m unhappy all the time. Or, no wonder I’m feeling strong and good right now. I changed some of those old ones. [Aside] Sorry, dear.
You are in charge of your life, and your life is made up of your living out the patterns that work for you. And when you look back at your pages of memories, you’re going to see what it is those patterns prove out. For instance, they may prove out to you that you sabotaged yourself regularly in the area of … oh, how about relationships? That’s usually an easy one. And that it’s a place that you need to put some conscious work toward changing them to positive patterns rather than negative ones. You might see it that obviously.
Frankly, that would be pretty rare. It takes a lot of mastery to see that clearly. What you’re more likely to see might be, You know, there’s a whole lot more negative things in here than I thought, and since I’m in charge of my moments, perhaps this is telling me that what I am looking for is being regularly sabotaged, because I think I’m looking for healthy, wealthy and wise. And yet, look at this pattern. So maybe I ought to take a good look. And even that would be a very powerful gift you gave yourself.
Now, you’re coming up on Mother’s Day? Yes. Why don’t you do that as a gift to you? Well now, you know the routine. You’re a mother whether you are feminine or masculine, with or without children. In the biggest picture, that label “mother” represents what?
S: Nurturing. That’s good.
S: Life-giving. Creative. Sure. And you, I guarantee, have those attributes within you. Your willingness to do yourself a favor, and that’s what this would be doing: looking at your patterns, you would be doing yourself a favor. It could be a very great gift that begins turning things around in a very big way.
Now, you might wonder, Samuel, why did you do that? Why did you go through all of that? And the reason is because right now there are too many in your world who are not being in charge of their moments. And you, who are examples in your world—now, your world might be the home you live in, your world might be travelling across the planet. It doesn’t matter, I mean your world—you are an example to someone. An example of hope, what can be done. What is possible. Or maybe an example of why it just isn’t worth the bother.
You just had that remarkable event that I like to use as an example of how to live your life. What was that event? Yes.
The Derby.
S: The horse race. The horse race. The horse race of your life. I want you to think about it for the moment. Have any of you ever been to one of those? Don’t get me started on animal rights issues. I could 5:3:2 your consciousness into never enjoying them again, which may not be a bad idea. But then I would lose the effectiveness of this illustration, and I don’t want to do that, so just pretend, if that’s all you can do. Some of you have actually been to a horse race. Correct? Some of you have, and you can relate perhaps to this. And when you go to the horse race, you go and you get one of those papers that tells who is running in the race. Yes? And in that paper it tells what that horse … how that horse has done in the races it has run. Correct? And it’s a very good thing, because it allows you to make or place a bet on the one that you think is going to win. Correct?
Why do you place a bet on the one you think is going to win?
S: No, darling, I did not say how do you choose the one.
Because you see if he’s had any successes.
S: But why? Why do you care? Why are you putting a bet on any of them?
S: Because you’re hoping to get something back from it. Absolutely. You are looking for the opportunity to gain something from that situation, and because of that you look very carefully. Maybe you don’t look very carefully at its track record. Maybe you look at its name.
The colors the jockey’s wearing.
S: The colors the jockey is wearing.
Its number.
The odds.
S: Its number. The odds. All of those were odd, don’t you think? You had the system that works for you. You have whatever it is that you might work to get you what you’re looking for. And so that is true in life. With whatever your system happens to be, you use it as long as it works.
Now, there you are. You’re at the races, and you vote on the name of the horse … you bet—I’ve got it—on the name of the horse, and after two or three or four races, you find that you’re not doing anything. What are you likely to do? You’re not winning anything, so what are you likely to do. Pack up and go home? Right.
Well, most of the time that’s not very true. Most of the time what somebody does is exactly what they do in the rest of their life. They look for a different system. All right, names aren’t going to be a good one. Maybe we should look at the colors. The colors of the horse. The color the jockey is wearing. That doesn’t matter. You continue seeking that which will allow you to get what it is you’re looking for—payoff—because you’re looking for a winner. You’re looking for that which affirms your brilliant choices. And in a horse track, it is possible that with a system as simple as any horse that’s name begins with P, or any jockey wearing green or … you might succeed with that. Might you? There might be other systems in which you could succeed more, and you would use those other systems. Why?
You might go on a tip from somebody who knows some of those horses in the race.
S: But maybe the tip is to vote on this horse, and yet that horse does not have a p in the name and the jockey is not wearing green. So why would you go from your system to another one?
Because it didn’t work.
S: Well, if your own is not all you want it to be, and there is the possibility that this one might be, you’d be more likely to shift. Yes, but—I’m looking for how to ask this—but what are you looking for to make that decision of shifting? Frank.
Whether it’s worked previously.
S: Right. Success. You want to get your tip from somebody who’s obviously very good at what they’re doing, from somebody who’s winning. Right. You look into the newspaper for the horse that has a good record, because you want one that wins. You get the tips from those that take you away from your whole system into one that is radically different, because it works for them.
And you do that in the horse race that is your life as well. People do it to you. They listen to what you say, and they figure that their routine is just as good, and they won’t make any change in what’s going on with them unless your system is successful—more successful.
Now, what is it in life that people tend to want? Let me ask this another way. Have you found in life that people copy you? Happens sometimes, doesn’t it? Is it flattery? Could be. Could be nice to know that somebody is wanting to follow you in your footsteps with what you’re doing.
In one way or another, within your world, somebody is watching your track record. Somebody is paying attention. Right, I’m getting a picture of the jockey’s colors. If you’re a winner, they want what you have. If you’re a loser, they want you at the coffee break. Really, don’t they? They either want to know what it is that you did so they can laugh along with you, or it will just make you one more of the crowd.
Have you been in a situation, perhaps a cocktail party or maybe a work situation, in which it’s a whole lot easier to stand around and gripe than it is to create a positive atmosphere? That, in fact, if you are the positive one in a group of those who don’t believe there’s a whole lot to be positive about, that in fact you will be thought of as the odd person, won’t you? Because it’s pretty true that misery does love company.
What is your pattern for living love in this world? How is it you are a part of changing this world for the better? Is it magical mistakes after oblivious leap after oblivious leap that takes you there? If you don’t know what you did, you can’t do it again, consciously. If you don’t know what worked, you will just be treading water or sinking. If you know what works for you, then you can make use of that. You can adapt it to the situation, but you’ve got to know.
Most of you came into this world with a piece of your heart knowing, knowing, a piece of your heart from the time you were small, knowing, that you were charged with doing something to make the world a better place. Perhaps it was your mother constantly reminding you to clean up after yourself so that the next person does not have to do it. All right. That could be it. But it also could be that on a much more universal level—because I will tell you this is a part of the human heart—on a much more universal level you have within you that which knows you are here to make things better. How are you doing that? What are you doing? And the people within your world, what are they seeing? If they’re looking at your track record, would they vote on you? Bet on you? A block there.
You are here as a gift. You will receive many in this life. I will assure you, however, that the unfortunate—I do not say that seriously—the unfortunate truth of it is, getting gifts is not what’s going to satisfy you. Giving them is.
Those who function at the highest frequencies of love, those who are making a difference in this world, those who are making a difference in their world, in the world, are doing it because they have found how true it is, how very much better it is, to give than to receive.
And what I would like to talk about this night are some of the things that it would really help if you were giving right now, because, as I was talking at the very beginning about what you see, that there is a pattern that shows up both ways. It’s the same thing, even though it would appear they were at very different poles, that you are going to be getting these things in the next few weeks. These are the sorts of things that will be coming your way, and I am telling you now to consciously work on making these things gifts in your life, for getting a good track record with these things, so that you can give the gift of a loving example of success in these areas, rather than adding one more event to your pattern that says, whoops.
And the direction that I’m going to take with it is peace. It’s a pretty easy one right now, isn’t it? The gift of peace. All right, any cynic could tell you that on a planet like this there is never any time in which the whole planet is at peace. And, you know, this is one of those situations in which I’m going to agree with the cynic. It’s true.
Nation against nation. Tribe against tribe. As long as you have humanity whose focus is what it is—these are things I’m going to be talking about in a few moments—you will not have peace. And, in fact, the only way you will have peace is when you are peace. And that means you are at a place of peace in your world, showing an example of a peaceful heart, a peaceful life, in the midst of chaos, in spite of it. And that allows someone else to see the possibility.
You are here to be a gift of hope in your world. You may not open the door, but you show that it can be opened. Or at least you point the way. You do that in your world. One person being peace in their life is not necessarily going to have a massive effect on the billions in your world. And one making a change, with one making a change, with one making a change, creates something stronger. However, that’s not my point.
Let me go into what you’re going to be looking at. The first thing is communication. You bring into your life a very great amount of happiness when you open your heart to others. Right communication requires an open heart. What do I mean by open heart? Joyous, you want to show us open heart? No. It’s not that, is it? What do I mean, an open heart. Stuart.
Someone who is grateful and expresses their gratitude. Grateful for what they have.
S: That could be a symptom of an open heart.
I was going to say, someone who’s willing to be vulnerable and willing to be wrong.
S: Somebody who’s willing to be vulnerable, even willing to be wrong. That would also be a symptom of an open heart.
Being willing to love what seems to you unlovable, knowing that it’s the right thing to do.
S: Good for you, Frank. An open heart—as I’m making reference to it here—fits very well with that description. Fitting that description then provides the symptoms, the activities, the actions. The right actions that go with it. Say it again, Frank.
Loving that which appears unlovable to you.
S: Because it’s the right thing to do. An open heart expresses love. It really is that simple. And it’s not the love that comes from that wonderful, hormonal response that happens chemically person to person. It’s a choice, which Frank said, in the area of “it’s the right thing to do.”
Now, the way that you love your dog is different from the way that you love your mate, right? Hopefully, somewhat . . . or I’ll talk about animal rights again. Love expands. It moves beyond the box, moves you out of your comfort zone. Love opens doors. Open heart is a loving heart, but the love that is being referred to there is not the limited love, it’s a choice. It’s a choice to see that what you are looking at has a pearl of God, Source, has a piece of love back in it.
How many of you have ever had, perhaps, a cat or a dog that had been feral. Any of you? A few. Is it hopeless to ever get them to become a part of your family. It’s not. Margaret, is it easy?
No, you need to understand that a part of them will always act a wild side, but they become a part of your family.
S: What do you have to do? What are the things you have to do to get a feral creature to start becoming a loving part of your household.
It starts in providing for their needs.
S: Lovely.
And then after that … the one that I had was always going out, wanting to go out. Eventually though, she settled into our place on her terms. It was not the usual thing. You didn’t get to cuddle up with her and pet her, and have purring and things like that, but she did … she was always around, kind of watching. It was just a different relationship.
S: That’s lovely. Lovely. Lovely. Add to that.
There’s a consistency, but an acceptance of their terms, and you just keep sending, It’s okay, and very gently, slowly, patiently, let them come, and show them in many ways that their coming is not a threat or a danger. And they’ll come back.
S: Beautiful. Make the connection for me here. I’m talking to you about your need to live love in the world, and to see others as a part of your pack, so to speak, and yet they’re more “feral.” Make the connection. Jill.
Well, offering love, but not expecting it.
S: Good. Good. Good, good.
Just offering kindness that they can take or not take.
S: What it is that they need at this moment. Well, it might be a meal. It might be just simply presence. It might be a shelter. What do they need? What do they need that you can offer right now, that you can give?
In one way or another, every one of these statements is about communication on levels that add to what the world needs to bring peace into the world, and what you need to bring peace into your life. And the very first thing is an open heart. And we are using the example of taming a wild creature to bring those things up. Patience is needed as well. You wait a lot. As Jill said, you give, not because you’re expecting to get something back; you give what’s needed and you back off.
I had a dog once that, if I looked at it, it ran away. And, yet she would stay around the barn. I found that if I put something behind me and then left it, she would slip up and take it and run off. So after many times of doing that, amazingly enough, I could put my hand, as long as I didn’t look at her, she would take it and go off. It took a long time with each step of figuring out what was going to bring this dog closer to me. Eventually, I could look at her, and she would come over and take something that was sitting there, but I wasn’t touching. Then, eventually, I could put my hand out, look at her, and she would come and take it very quickly and run off.
S: Gwendolyn, this sounds like very conscious behavior.
I’ve been conscious a few times in my life, and that must have been one of them.
S: And is it a typical behavior? Now, I’m not trying to make jokes about Gwendolyn’s mental capacity here, nor her heart, neither one of those. So, work with me here to make this point.
The sort of consciousness that is required to see what is needed, to do it on their terms, the sort of consciousness that’s needed to tame the wild beast.
It had to become secure with me somehow. And, initially, everything that I did failed. I had to find out …
S: What was acceptable there, rather than here in you. Is that sort of planning and conscious behavior the typical way everybody functions in the world?
I don’t think so.
S: No, it’s not, is it? What sort of difference might it make if you simply turned your mindset into that sort of conscious choosing to allow into your life this fully conscious and awarized being who maybe is too afraid to be there?
Well, you cannot treat your neighbor like you do the feral dog. It’s not going to work—well, not very well for the long period of time. But give opportunities now to think about how that affects, how that works, how that becomes a bridge. That is the consciousness that opens the heart, that opens the door to peace.
Along with that consciousness, remember that I said communication is the first thing that you’re going to be seeing coming up in the next few months, certainly the next few weeks, as an issue. The key to the communication is exactly what each one of you who were talking about what you have to do get that feral creature into an altered state, and that is you have to meet them on their own terms. You have to meet them on their own terms. You’ve got to speak in their language.
In your life, your need to be right, your need to have it your way, your need for your point to be made, well, it has kept your life free of feral dogs. And that’s nice, but it’s kept your heart closed too, and it has added to the lack of peace in this world.
Communication issues coming up you are going to find require your willingness to adapt where you can. Remember this. Remember this. Remember this. Communication on a one-to-one level, and look for it in your newspapers on a global level. Success is going to show up when there is no longer a need to say, This is what is right, and this is what is wrong, and I am right, and you are wrong, but instead there is a willingness to say, I see where you’re coming from. I see what you need. It’s all right, I will not look at you. I will change my usual way of functioning in order to make this work. What have you got to do for that to happen? You’ve got to want it to work. It has to be a conscious decision to want it to work.
Along with communication, there’s going to be relationship things. Guess what? They work together all the time anyway. And for those who work at higher frequencies, you will know that in your life, from the time you were a wee baby until the time you die, communication and relationships are one of the biggest ways you learn your best stuff, aren’t they? And a lot of times it’s because of that list that you made of every five years in which you say, Oh, oh, oh!
Communication , relationships. You want a relationship in your, you’ve got … well, first, you’ve got to want a relationship in your life. First, you’ve got to want a relationship in your life. You feel lonely; well, seek friendships. I cannot tell you how often I speak to people who are really needing practice at being a friend, who are whining because they don’t have a mate. They who cannot even maintain a friendship want a mate? Well, what’s wrong with that picture? How good a friend are you? Friendship is another one of those conscious activities. It does not happen because you just glow and your chakras are clear and your aura is big, and the people who go by just see that glow. No, it doesn’t work that way. It happens because somebody stepped out first. Who is the one who usually steps out in your life? Is it you? I will tell you that if you are lonely, it’s not you, even if you think it is. Go back to that feral dog. What’s its terms? What does it want? What does it need? Is it what you want? Is it what you need? Can you give it? Be a friend. Be a friend.
Another thing that you’re going to have coming your way in the next few months … what would be a way to express this? The easiest way to say it is war. All right, you’ve already got war. But that’s not what I’m after here. It’s constantly being crossed. What would you call that? There’s somebody in your life—if you’re a parent, it’s probably your teenage child—who, every time you say something, they cross it.
S: Conflict.
S: Boundaries. Simply aggravating. Antagonizing. This is what you’re going to be seeing a lot of. So glad to know that, thank you. I do not want that in my reality. How do you be confrontational? What are the activities that create confrontational situations? You just listed a whole bunch of them.
The need to be right.
S: And in your life, think about situations in which you have experienced exactly what I’m talking about where everything you do, just that irritating little wimp gets in your way. Or they have to tell you why you are wrong for everything that you do. Or they just step on you, all the time. Whatever it is, think about it. What is it that you can look back in situations through your life, and you register, this is confrontational, this is war on a personal level, these are the sorts things I wish to avoid in the coming months? Because if you cannot look at it and know what it is, you will repeat it. If you cannot look at it, know what it is, and see what you did to bring it to you, to be a part of it, to keep it going, you will repeat it. You’ll get to keep having it. Aren’t you lucky? At least it’s a sign that you’re not dead. That’s nice.
Confrontation on the little things requires somebody who does not know the battles from the war. Pick your battles, beloved one. Learn to live that proverb, “Don’t sweat the small stuff.” Figure out what the small stuff is that you won’t sweat. Be an example of being willing to let go of right. Not the larger right, the smaller right. And you know just what I’m talking about.
Lisa, stand up real fast. What color is her shirt?
S: It’s not, it’s green! Everybody can see that. It’s green. It’s green with blue in it.
Whatever you say.
S: But you understand the point. There are times in your life when that makes a difference. Why are you so bored that what you’ve got to do for a bit of passion in your life is argue? Why?
If you feel out of control in your life, then the little things are all you have to feel in control.
S: When the big things are out of control, you will do everything you can to totally control the little things, because the more control you feel, the more right you feel.
Changes in the workplace tend to bring about security issues. Security issues are a function of ego, as ego functions in the world, as you see yourself functioning in the world. One of the things that you’re going to be seeing in the next few months are changes. And where I say changes in the workplace, it does not necessarily mean your job is going to change. I’m not talking about that sort of thing, but about where you keep your security.
In your life, everybody has a place. Oh, I don’t mind too much about how much money I make a year, but what matters to me is that I am in a loving, happy relationship. That’s the security for me. I don’t need to have a relationship. I don’t need anyone else in my life. I don’t need a job. I know that I’ll be taken care of that way. But for me it’s … and for me it’s.… The security spot.
Over the next few months, your security is going to be jostled around. What does that mean to you? What does that mean to you, because it does not have to be that. This is cosmic energy coming through. It’s neutral. Make it something else.
What’s the other side of a security issue? Well, fear is what’s at the foundation of it. What’s on the other side of it?
S: Ultimately, it is, isn’t it?
S: Trust. There you go. Trust. Whom do you trust? Well, now, you know as well as I do that sitting here the right, best, answer is, Trust your connection with Source. Right. But that’s not what I’m going to say. Trust yourself. You will not, you do not, trust Source, until you do trust yourself. One is a reflection of the other. Guess which?
Communication. Relationships. Security. Aggravations and conflict. Doesn’t it sound like fun?
Now, I want you to very quickly go back and turn around—just like you did earlier in the night—those things into another view. Aggravations and conflict could, for instance, become opportunities to learn to be flexible and adaptable. The patience that you’ve been asking for, it’s going to come before you in an opportunity for that. The chance for you to learn what you can and can’t do. All important things if you want to go beyond where you are right now in this world. It’s only conflict if your ego insists on being in the way. It’s opportunities for growth. Opportunities to consciously function in a higher frequency of love if you choose to see it not as a stumbling block, but as a stepping stone.
What about the relationship difficulties? I said you’re not going to have friends, have a relationship, if you don’t know how to be friends. So, when those things come your way, what’s a positive twist on that energy?
You can have an opportunity to re-compact if it isn’t working.
S: Very nice. An opportunity will come before you to renew, to renegotiate, compacts, relationships, the connections that you have. Mary Claire.
It’s an opportunity, those bumps in the road in relationships, I think, are an opportunity to create more unity and more strength, actually, within a relationship. To find out what works and what doesn’t.
S: It’s an opportunity right now to be looking at the relationships you’re in, and make them stronger, make them better. Make them bump-proof. To look at your life and see where the spaces are that having a support group can work with you and help you, and opening those doors and making that possible. Having somebody over for dinner. Opening a door. Saying hello to people that you don’t usually have conversations with. Opening a door. Starting now.
Communication challenges coming your way. What about that one? Can you spin it good? Frank.
It’s opportunities to improve your communication building, to see where you …
S: Same thing. Absolutely. What is it that works for you? Now, I’m taking you right back to where we were at the beginning. What makes you happy? What brings you joy? What feels good in your life? What doesn’t?
One of the greatest things that you can be doing in the next few months is to know you well enough, to know your patterns. Know what works, and know what does not work for you. To be an example in every possible way of the most positive function of anything that’s coming down your road. You are open in your heart. You are open in your life. You’re not stupid. You’re not so open your brains fall out. But you are awake, aware, and consciously functioning to the best of your ability in every part of your life. You are establishing a relationship with yourself in which you can trust you. You’re opening the door to more.
Bringing peace in your world brings peace to the world. That’s how it works. It’s that simple. It’s all based on a gift, a gift you give yourself that affects your world, and the world. A gift of compassion, awareness, trust and consciousness. These are the foundation stones that will build you hope. I ask you, don’t miss this opportunity. Your world needs you, and you need this world. Give it your best.
Glochanumora. Happy trails. And dances.