September 6, 1998
Samuel: So, how has it been for you? Busy? No doubt. Busy. Busy at that point in which you feel that there is more going on than you have the capability of handling or busy as in you’re just running all the time, but it’s all right, or busy as in you don’t know what’s going on, and you don’t know when it’s going to happen, and you’re just barely holding in there? That’s the one? Indeed.
Topsy turvy.
S: Topsy turvy.
Chaos. Happening in pockets all around. The things that once were very nice and organized and contained, all of a sudden they’re just completely chaotic.
S: Chaos isn’t a bad thing. Chaos is that from which all things come. Aye. So have you been experiencing chaos of late? Some.
It seems as if things are moving very quickly […]
S: They are. Indeed. They are.
I mean sometimes it’s like a train that’s going, and moving, or a bucking bronco. Can you stand it? Just the sense of being sped up.
S: Feel that things are speeding up, and that maybe you’re having to do a bit more work to catch up with it. Well, this is Labor Day. Right? Or tomorrow, or something like that. And so it only makes sense, I think, that that sense of doing be recognized and rightfully honored. And that’s the direction that I’m going tonight. It is very much honoring the work and the workers, because ultimately whether you are a laborer—which I understand is really the foundation of this particular holiday, aye, in the original sense of what a laborer has been to build up this country—or if you are a laborer as in laboring under false pretenses, I suppose that’s a laborer as well. Or perhaps you are a laborer not so much with a pick and shovel. Maybe hands. Maybe brain. Maybe …, and you can fill in the blank, because there are so very many ways that you work in this world. And then there is the Work, and the workers of the Work. Now what do I mean by that one. The Work. Could you hear the capital letters in that? The Work. Aye.
Work as in assisting the planet reach sacred status.
S: Aye. All right. All right. That works.
I can’t help it, but with the word labor, I get a picture of birth.
S: Very definitely. That’s work.
S: A new time, a new experience, yet a new work. Aye. Sure. More.
A higher purpose than previously thought.
S: The Work, as in higher purpose. The Work toward bringing about that higher purpose. The work toward the Work.
S: Service, ultimately. Service with a smile and a carefully balanced plate. Could be. Sure. But just like the Work, the Service is making reference to …
Is making reference to doing what is needed at the time to bring things to the highest level.
S: Good. Well said. Doing what is needed at the time in order that things might function at the highest possible level. Now, is that the service involved in doing the Work? In which case, the service is made up of those who have chosen that work, or it would not be service; it would be work.
S: Again.
S: Servitude. Aye. Aye.
S: Aye. And do you consider slavery all of the things that you must do? Trick question; be careful.
When you don’t have a choice, or you feel you don’t.
S: When you feel you do not have a choice it becomes slavery instead of service.
S: Well, if you’re going to put it that way, not that either. So when is it slavery, servitude?
When you resist.
When there is suffering.
S: When there is suffering involved. When it’s something you do not want to do.
When it’s something that goes against what you know in your heart to be your highest good.
S: Are you ever doing things in your life that you know are not for your highest good at that moment?
They’re called banana splits.
S: All right, quick. One of you who are absolutely adept, and you are here because what the service to the Work is for you is to be a master of justification. Somebody justify for me a banana split. Frank.
Well, the stress involved in wanting a banana split and not having it is such a distraction and a problem that eating a banana split is much less […]
S: So the stress in not eating is much worse than eating. Aye. Give me another one.
It tastes good.
S: Well, it tastes good, but that’s not enough. You’ve got to justify with it.
Well it’s nutrition in a banana. So much potassium.
S: Bananas are good for you. Aye.
Chocolate gives you a high.
S: Chocolate gives you a high, and you know that’s an aphrodisiac, and you know there is … well, anyway.
Life without an occasional indulgence is not worth living.
S: An occasional indulgence moderately brought into your life with full consciousness is a good thing, because it helps you enjoy your life.
I had to eat it, because Vernon brought it to me, and I don’t want to upset him.
S: There you go. There you are. It was a gift from somebody who loves you very much, and you wanted to be … There you go. You see. Aye. And that’s something that every one of you are laughing at, but that every one of you allow to be a greater guide for the service and the work that you do than the Service and the Work that you do. The justification which comes from finding a means to do what you want anyway is something that is very, very important to be careful about. Why? Why? And I’m asking you this because you have many, many times in talking to me either this way, or in that yelling mode that some of you have taken on, you have …
S: Whining. You have said, Well isn’t this a good thing? Isn’t this what is supposed to be? Isn’t this … why is this? Totally forgetting that it’s about because of your planning anyway? Because of your choices, however long ago, that may still be working through. You’ve become very, very good at justifying what you want in order that the work that you do might prove what you think of you. And that’s dangerous, we know that. But, Frank and then Donna.
Well, I was going to say when you get very adept at justifying what I’d say are the minor things, it just becomes a pattern in your life, and you justify other behaviors that are much more important.
S: All right. So one reason is because it can get you into a pattern of justifying things, perhaps without thought, that keep you from a direction that might be better for you. Donna.
I was going to also say it keeps you complacent. It keeps you stuck where you are because you’re used to doing it, and you fool yourself. You really and truly start believing your justifications, and then you honestly think you’re doing the best that you can when really, if you’d stop a minute and get out of the habit and really examine it, there’s a lot of things you could change.
S: A complacency with your lifestyle engenders a certain amount of familiarity. That familiarity begins looking like truth so that you start really believing your own excuses. Paula.
It keeps you from your power.
S: Indeed.
Because it allows you not to look at yourself. You have an excuse, something that you can rationalize out, and so—and I know because I’ve done this—when you take that away—recently.
S: That was only under extreme duress.
When you take that away, and you finally see yourself as you really are, then that’s a very empowering experience.
S: Indeed. And because, beloved ones, what you think and how you feel may not be accurate, insofar as what is the highest good for that moment. That you’re justifying based on what it is you’re wanting at the moment, but what you’re wanting is based on beliefs and feelings that might be centered in something that’s not you anymore. It might be centered on something that’s not accurate in this experience or this moment. It may have been accurate yesterday in the same situation. It’s because what you think is tied up in everything that you’ve experienced, in everything that you have done to make you who you are at this moment, and what you feel is a reaction to what you know. Is there any experience in your life in which you absolutely knew something, and were absolutely wrong? Somebody got a rather benign example you want to share? [Making chicken sounds] Cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck.
I can’t think of any exact circumstance, but a similar one would be when I was certain that an action somebody took meant something different from what their intent really was. I would think it was directed at making me angry or hurting my feelings or something, and come to find out that they didn’t have a clue, they just didn’t […] your life.
S: Sure. Sure. A presumption that somebody had a particular intent behind something that was said, and you starting to base all of your actions and your defenses, and … it was wrong. It wasn’t it at all. How about something simple? You absolutely know that this is the way to get to Dunkin’ Donuts. I know that one. It’s Clan Sweetroll.
S: Got it. All right. That should be Duncan O’Donut then, don’t you think? So you absolutely know where Dunkin’s house is, and you go there, and don’t you know he’s picked up and moved. Not there any longer. Aye. Sure. You absolutely know that this is how it is, and it absolutely isn’t. How about something that you felt, and Donna went with that one as well in what she was saying, because she was building up a sense of frustration, or maybe betrayal or … you know how dramatic it can become, but it’s not based on what was going on there. Can anybody give me an example of that sort of thing?
Well, personally this has nothing to do with me.
S: Making it up though. Aye.
But when someone could be in a deep, loving relationship and silence …
S: Which part is she saying is not her?
… silence. Well, it’s not … therein lies the problem, because I’m never silent. But if there goes a time where there is some silence, in my void, I create all these rejections, and things have changed, and …
S: And the pain that comes from preparing to lose this great and deep love, and along with that preparation you’re also starting to back off so that you will not be the one lost, but the one who does the losing, and on and on and it goes.
Of course, he doesn’t know me at all. This is not me.
S: Of course not. Of course not. And then it turns out that you misread the whole thing.
Feelings fool you.
S: Feelings fool you. Aye. Hypothetically, of course. Aye. So, to do the work that you’re here to do, you’ve got to replace two things: what you think and what you feel. [Laughter] So go ahead and do that, and when we’re together next, we’ll discuss how it went for you. All right? Pitfalls to what you think are such things as not knowing the full story, the inability to communicate it in the first place, choosing to hear the portion of it that you wanted or that you were relating to, and therefore not hearing the rest of it. You don’t know unless you ask, unless you are fortunate enough to be surrounded with individuals who are more capable of understanding themselves and communicating that understanding than you are. You cannot rely in any other situation on what you know without asking. What’s a way to ask?
S: Sure, that’s the form in which to do it. I was thinking more along the lines of a simple “Let me see if I understand,” and just putting out what you think, or …
Thinking this or something better.
S: All right. All right. Because that is a clarification. You must believe it and be willing to have it, even though it means the possible loss of what “this” could be. This feeling thing is a harder one though, because, whereas it’s all right in this world … Do you know I’ve not yet hit on my topic tonight? And do you also know how many of the people in this room are the reason I’ve not hit on my topic tonight? And you know who you are. So the pucas are saying, Yes we know who you are. You cannot rely on your feelings either, but it’s not so easy to say to somebody, “Well, what I feel from what you just said is this,” and as a result the tendency is to automatically give what you feel, instead of seeking the appropriateness of it. Hear me. Most people who are in your sphere of living, most of them, never ever try to mislead you or hurt you. An inappropriate behavior or a misunderstood word. The inappropriate behavior will lead to the feelings that are misunderstood. The inappropriate words, misunderstood words will add to the knowledge, and the feelings is usually the culprit. “So,” he said, moving into the message of the evening, “so what is it that you can do in order to create for yourself a life and a life work that allows for many fewer of the misunderstandings based on what is known and what is felt? What are things that can be done to make the work and workers easier, better, happy?”
S: And obviously learning how to communicate is a very large piece of it. This is where I’m going for Labor Day, that is the labor of every one of your days. Humans need three things. All right. On my front row and second row of psychologists, tell me who is it that has that hierarchy of …
S: Maslov. All right, so Maslov says that what humans need is recognition. Aye.
S: And that’s the one I’ll agree with. I was trying very hard to put a little worldly connection there for you. Aye. Because I disagree with the rest of it. And that’s ninety-nine percent of the people with whom you work with. The workers within your work—what they seek, the way that you can solve most every difficulty, the communication direction in which to work, is through first recognition. And what I’m going to offer you is a key word for the physical connection, the emotional connection, and the spiritual connection as a means by which the work and the workers are helped in today’s world. And so that first one is recognition, and that is the physical-level word. It’s the physical-level word, because the physical essence, at its most basic, is awareness—for every individual in mass consciousness who is not awakened yet. What is it, by the way, that you’re awakened to?
Your spirit.
S: That’s right. That you’re spirit using a form, you’re not form trying very, very hard to be spirit. That your natural experience is spirit. That the costume is what makes it hard to do. That to individuals who are functioning specifically in regard to the physical essence and low level, unawakened frequency of humanity, everything is focused through themselves, their experience. And the need for recognition is the key at that level. However, I have said for most of humanity, and those who are unawakened, but does that mean then that those who are choosing a spiritual path, whose whole purpose for being here is to serve within the Work—the service of the Work—does that mean then, of course, that they’re not dealing with ego issues? Oh, I wish. I do, I wish. And you can know, without a doubt, that when you have a need in your life for recognition, you are functioning in a need to fulfill the physical; you are functioning out of security oriented ego. Now, what are means by which you seek recognition? Well, there’s the very obvious, like a small child: “Me, me, me! Look at me! Give me attention!” I find it a very practical one most of the time. But as you become an adult, you get a bit more subtle with that. So what are the ways that adults seek recognition? All right, and hypothetically, maybe you.
Wanting to please. As pleasers to gain recognition as being a good person because of your fear of being unable to deliver what is expected.
S: All right. Wanting to be known as a particular thing. It’s the wanting to be known part that does it. Wanting to be known as the serious criminal. Wanting to be known as a high-level spiritual being. Neither one makes a difference insofar as what I am saying, because the recognition aspect is the wanting to be known as whatever it happens to be. It’s that need for others to recognize the works in a way that justifies your doing them. What are other things?
Not letting others shine.
S: Just a moment.
Status symbols.
S: All right. Status symbols. It might not be that you seek recognition for who you are. Maybe it’s recognition for what you do. Can someone give me an example of what that might be?
A car.
S: A car. A particular pendant that you wear. A … and on and on and on it can go. Sure. Joyous.
Trying not to allow others to shine, not delegating, and not allowing other folks to shine and share the limelight.
S: Oh, you’ve got a job to do. There is somebody who wants to take part, and it’s their gift. It’s not yours. It’s going to cause a lot of work for you, but by gum you’re not going to share it. Sure. Sure. Not delegating. Not sharing the limelight. Two different things there. An unwillingness to put others out front. One of the things that this Board does that absolutely brings joy is that they very, very clearly put their committee members out front. You’ve done a good job, I say. They say, it was them. Not needing to be the one who gets the glory. That’s a good one. Recognition. Needing recognition. A very, very good sign that you believe that what you do makes a difference for who you are. And inevitably that is working with pretty serious security issues. The individual who needs recognition is an individual who is insecure in that particular place. Therefore, as a leader—be it a leader in that particular grocery line where everyone’s chatting with one another, or a leader in a spiritual service to the work, or a leader in a business that you’re taking part in, or a part of a business in which you work—what are things a leader can do to help create a place of safety and security that will stop the jockeying for position that is recognition? Aye.
Well, helping others to see that they all contribute something.
S: Creating unity, a team vision. I did not say team spirit; I said a team vision: Everybody owns this thing. Everybody has a reason for making it work. Sure. Creating unity.
Recognizing the gift of each individual.
S: Aye. Recognizing each one’s special contributions and gifts. And doing it out loud where others can see and hear about it. Aye. Any more?
Helping to minimize the judgments that […]
S: Do not take part in the […] judgmental sorts of conversations that tend to happen in small disharmonious groups, and minimize any public judgments you must make, because your example reaches so much further than you can imagine because your energy touches deeper than what most are used to. Recognition is a physical level reaction, and a physical level action. A reaction to a lack of security, and action you can take to help establish that security. That is a work for the Worker. Second level: Along with recognition there is also a need for re- creation. I did not say recreation, but that fits in with re-creation, doesn’t it? The creating again, and that takes creativity. If remembering re-creation does not work, you can know that the solid key to helping the Work and the Workers on an emotional, feeling, mental level is creativity. You recreate yourself and your experiences every day. Every day. Doing it with awareness allows you to be in charge of what it is you’re able to get out of what you’re doing. Recreating means finding that point of chaos, which I often allude to as the great grocery store—should be grockery, don’t you think?—it’s the grocery store … it should, aye. The grocery store in which you walk in and you have no list; you’re just hungry. Aye. So it means you’re going to spend a lot of money, is that it? That’s chaos, right? You have no plan. You have no vision, which your plan will allow you to go to. You cannot recreate anything but the past because of it. The difficulties that the grocery store offered you before are the very same ones it will offer you this time if you have no plan to fulfill your vision of what it is you want to eat. If you go in there and you know that you want flour and sugar and cocoa and eggs and cream and butter, it probably means you’re going to have a really good …
S: Cake or brownie. Right. Cake. Well, I’ve got the picture of a very tiny flat cake. You like those do you? Whereas if you go in only being hungry, well, you might end up with chaos in your pantry—right?—from all of the things that you decided would fill that need, because you’re not working toward anything specific at all. Recreating means going into chaos from which the abundance of all things resides. All things. The point of manifestation in this universe, the point that it touches into this universe, is what you call chaos, and in order to make use of it, well, you’ve got to go there. And without a plan that leads you to your vision, you are going to stay there. And that is where the improper mental responses start showing up, because you are acting, acting, acting, doing, doing, doing, based on wrong premises, premises, premises. Now, emotion is a function of what? Pop quiz.
S: Of beliefs. Emotion is a function of belief. I’m so happy when I do this, and the next person is so unhappy when they do the very same thing. Well, obviously it’s not a given that every time you get your foot tickled you’re going to be delighted about it. That’s not what makes you happy. It’s the sensitivity of the moment combined with the experience you’re having with that particular player in the game. I just said a very major statement there. All right. Just making sure you’re still with me here. What you think and what you do are deeply affected by what you feel about what you think and what you do. If what you think is based on inappropriate or inaccurate knowledge, then the feeling that comes out of it is likely to be inappropriate or inaccurate as well. If what you are doing is an activity that does not have your mind consciously a part of it, then how you feel about it is likely also to not be an important part of it. How many things in your life do you do without thinking about it, and you feel rather nebulous about it? Most of the world lives their days from the time they wake up even through their dreams like that. With a wall of not caring—which is the best friend of not doing—surrounding them. And it surrounds them because, well, they’ve made so many unthought-out actions that they have developed the ability to not feel and not be involved as a means of just getting through. You know people like that. Now, that can be a grief response. Aye. And so the mind and the body, needing to work anyway, starts letting response come through in other ways—unfocused—and the emotions, they do not have a particular place to go to, so they start coming out in all sorts of interesting ways as well. Your drama levels go way up, and your friends start backing off, because they’re never sure exactly what sort of mood you’re going to be in at the moment. And what is it you’re grieving? Your inability to create. Your need to recreate within your life. So how can you make use of your ability to create? Well, of course, the first and probably most obvious thing, as I used as my mentioning of the grocery store, is to have a vision and a plan to reach that vision. And that vision may simply be getting through the next two hours. And here is what I’m going to do, but it’s going to offer you successes that will allow you to open up and do another step and another step and another step safely and easily for you. But there’s more to it than that. To recreate, sure, you need the vision, sure you need the plan, but you’ve got to be willing to let go of what is in order to have something else. It requires often seeing things differently. And here is where your ability, your mastery of justification, can come in handy for you, because while you are choosing to go in this direction or that direction, this one will be a whole new way that I have turned on the computer, and I’m so afraid of it, but I’ll do it anyway. And this one will be the same way that I’ve always done it—was that innocuous enough? Not for some of you! You’ve got to get over that. As you stretch toward that new one, here is where that justification [comes in]. Well, you know it’s a very simple little thing. It might work, it might not, but we can give it a try and see what happens. You’ve taken that wrong turn. You can see it as the scenic route. Seeking creativity also means such things as—and this is especially to those of you to whom in individual sessions I have said, “Why are you not doing your creative work, looking for ways to be creative?” All right, you could go to Donna and say, “Donna will you teach me how to create these beautiful arrangements that you create?” She might say no. She might say yes. It could open up a door for you. You could take one wall in your house and just play paint with it. You could … because whatever it is that you choose to try is going to break open your ability to be unstuck. It’s going to rip you from the very foundations of your life, thank goodness. Creativity is the key to re-creation, and re-creation allows you to think in new ways so that your feeling can be more authentic to the moment. That can have a major effect for the Workers and for the Work. For those of you who have been enjoying so very much the exercises that I have been giving for TransDimensional work, you have been finding that the toning feels really good. You find that because it is a work that adds to your re-creation. It stimulates chaos, don’t you know? And finally: You have the recognition on the physical level, you have the re-creation on the mental level; for the spiritual level the Worker and the Work need a slightly different direction. Hear, and do not mix it up with the other two, although you can understand the flow. It’s regeneration. By that I mean two things: The first one is regeneration one to another. That does not mean go out and multiply, be fruitful and multiply. That’s not what I’m saying there, but I am saying for you to have in your life those for whom you are responsible spiritually make a great, great difference in how you feel about you, in how you feel about the service that you offer, the work you do. To whom are you the teacher? Do not say everyone. For whom are you the spiritual parent? And as accurate as it might be that you can answer for you here, that’s not what’s going to make you happy. Hear me carefully, because I am talking about the labor days of your future. Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow and tomorrow, you are no longer at a point in this life in which focusing egoically—is that a word?—on yourself, needing recognition, will satisfy, nor will it ever be enough. You are not at a point where your creative self is going to be enough. Nor are you at a place in which simply taking care of your needs, looking out for you and making certain that you are doing what you need to do and establishing that your world is functioning around you so that you can do what you need to do is going to satisfy you. No longer. That’s the curse and the blessing. Because the only thing that will satisfy you is to give love. Not even to receive love. To give love. And that is the establishment of regeneration for you. The individuals to whom you give that love become your spiritual children. Your love childs. I like that. Regeneration means seeking the community of those who function at a level you do. Samiel, you don’t understand, I’m employed at this place that is not anywhere near the level that I work at. So make sure that when you have the opportunity to be with those who feed, you do. Seek a community. Seek that that community is capable of creating a source of learning for those who are a part of your generations of spirit. This satisfies you. But regeneration also means the reestablishment, like the Phoenix, born anew out of the ashes of the old. That, Matthew, was for you. Rumors will fly now. Out of the ashes of the old meaning the level of spirit at which you allowed the entity you are to work. Well, it’s time to start building up that pyre and laying that old functioning spirit on the altar and setting it aflame, because the level at which you have been functioning is not only not going to satisfy, but it’s not going to satisfy in this world to come. The individuals who are coming up into awareness are coming up— boom!—right at your level now. You cannot continue holding your own. Regeneration is needed for the spirit. Every day, in every way—oops!—you are new. By your consciousness, by your choice. And the function of the spirit that you are works in this world differently than it ever has by your consciousness, by your choice. What does the Worker in this Work need? A regeneration of spirit in order for the work to be able to function at all, because otherwise what’s left? Chaos and ego. And in your life when you find ego drives you into chaos, it’s time to look for a new form of transportation. Regeneration. Cloning your spiritual knowing into the lives of those who seek your love. Regeneration. Allowing your spiritual essence to be made new every moment of every day, not holding back out of fear. Not holding it back because of inappropriate knowledge, inappropriate feelings, ungrieved losses.
And so I have a gift for you that smells very nice. All right. What is it? Can you see?
S: There you go. Lifesavers. Well, you see I could not, once I got an understanding that there was such a thing, I could not resist. I’ve been telling the form since the last Pittsburgh trip, I want those Lifesavers. So here they are. And what I wish for you is that as you work tomorrow, as you work tonight, that you celebrate a new beginning to the work that you are here to do. That you celebrate a new worker doing the Work. You. That the sweet little reminder that your life is being saved for a purpose, and that purpose is for the Work and for the Workers. Hear me carefully: You would not be on this planet right now if your time were up. Your life has been saved for a reason, and that reason, dear Worker, is you still have work to do. So these, my friends, these are the reminder, or the curse. Frank, Sharon, love, would you offer handfuls of these things that individuals might choose one. Matthew, love, would you serve this night? Now tell the little piggies only one. Thank you, love. And so your world is making incredible changes. As these Heart Portals open, the effects are felt in the masses. You are a part of that work. You are the Worker on whom this hinges. For this your life has been saved. This is what is needed in the Work for the Worker. Glochanumora, my friends. Happy holiday.
Thanks, Samuel.
S: Be well my friend. And there’s a room full of little [makes slurping noises].
Would you like one before you go?
S: Thank you very much, love. That’s very generous of you. I think not.
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