July 7, 2002

Samuel: [With a group trip to Bolivia just returned, Samuel looks around as if asking, “Where am I?” Lexington. Greetings, dears.

Greetings, Samuel.

Buenas nochas.

S: Nochas?

Almost. Almost.

S: Moving, are you? It’s a good thing. Aye. How are you?

Better than I have been.


S: Healthier than what.

Oh, than ten days ago.

S: Ah, you got the scourge, did you? Aye. Well, I never actually saw that anybody was dying. Everybody seemed to be able to work their mind in such a way that they could be and do whatever it is they needed to do. Well, except you. You just did it from afar.

I did it from afar.

S: And it really looked to me that it ended up appearing to be more of an opportunity for you to overcome than an opportunity to be held back. And I like that. I like that a lot. So, better is good. How else are you? . . . Quiet.

Glad to be home.

S: Glad to be home? You’re nowhere near home.


S: Grateful, she said.

I feel a bit estranged.

S: Estranged or strange?

Well, both. I mean things don’t seem quite right in my world, for some reason.

S: Right.

I mean something’s changed and I don’t know . . . you know, it’s not just because all the check-out people in Kroger are different, or NPR changed its programming while we were gone. You know, but it’s something in my . . . something’s different, and even though I’m home, I’m not.

S: Good. Really good. Does it bother you?

I’m getting more used to it. At first, it was very disconcerting.

S: Why, do you think?

Because I wanted to be at home. I was so sick, I just wanted to feel back where I felt like I was home, but I wasn’t there, so . . .

S: As I said to Heidi, you’re very, very far from home. You just wanted to feel comfortable in your ususal abode.

Well, yes.

S: Your world is so full of changes, and that is true twenty years ago and twenty days ago and twenty hours ago. Your world is full of changes, changes on so many levels and changes of so many kinds that to possibly think that maybe you’ve got a break from constant change is just impossible. Well, you can think it, but it won’t be right. Change is how you know you’re alive. It’s how you grow. It’s how you move. It is the means by which you live your life.

But your attitude about change determines how you feel about what you live. For the most part, to make a very general sort of bottom line statement, you respond to change eagerly or with fear. And again a bottom line generality: in everything that goes on in your life, you see it as a good thing or a bad thing, and as a result your life becomes filled with separation—an example of dichotomy—and you tend to begin focusing on that idea of good and bad and separating things into that rather than giving yourself the opportunity to move outside of the box. Isn’t that how you say it? To move outside of the box, to think differently. You miss—well, let me use this as an example. What is it that they say about the people in the Great North? The Indian, native . . . Eskimo. That’s it, Eskimo people. How many words for snow?

Hundreds. I don’t know exactly.

S: And why is that? That’s right. They have many, many words for snow. What do you have?


S: You have a lot of descriptive phrases for it, don’t you, but your word for it is snow. Maybe you’ve got icy slush in there, too, perhaps. But why is it they have so many?

It’s so important to them.

S: Why is it important to them?

It’s always there.

S: Well, it’s a very obvious part of their reality. So much a part of their reality that they have allowed themselves to get to know its many faces. And they know the difference between the soft, white blanket and the hard driving blizzard. They know the difference in the smell of a temporary, short drop and what’s going to end up becoming a long, drawn-out storm. They recognize the feel and difference in how it feels. It’s a part of their lives, and so they have allowed themselves to know it.

And in your life you do yourself a disservice when you lump everything into good and bad, when you try to make things simpler—at least, that’s the idea—you try to make things simpler by just generalizing. You are keeping yourself from living fully, from knowing more, from experiencing greater when you do that.

Your life is constantly filled with change. You resist that change when you fear how you will be able to respond to that change. And fear is the result of black-and-white thinking. Either/or thinking. Fear comes when you’re stuck in the box. Freedom comes when you move outside of it.

It’s not only those who were a part of that truly wonderful trip who are experiencing massive change in their lives and who are feeling somewhat . . . detached is the word I’d use for it, spacey, for some of you. Who here relates to spacey? And you can’t blame it on jet lag, can you? Darn. You’re feeling that detachment because the energy that’s moving into your world right now is radically different than it has been in this version of your experience—altogether, radically different.

Particularly those of you who are creative—Gwendolyn is an artist and Kathleen is an artist—would you answer me this? Are you finding—and I’m not necessarily talking about any work you’re doing on canvas, or on wire, or whatever it is you’re working on. For others of you that are also working in creative endeavors, be it writing or other versions of the arts, music, are you finding—and try to understand where I’m moving with this one here—that the point of inspiration is different for you? Any others? It may not be—for instance if you are a painter—it may not be that you’re using different colors, although you might be. It may not be that you’re doing different designs, although you might be, but that the way that you think about what you’re doing, what you can do, what you want to do, the point of inspiration, is different.

Now, think about that in your life generally, because you know that I tell you that everything you do is an act of creation. You are constantly creative, whether what you’re doing is figuring out how you’re going to get to the bathroom without too much pain—all right, the living room—whether it’s the next part of your work that you’re going to be taking part in, a report that you’re going to write, a contract that you’re going to bring, whether it be a creative work that has to do with the arts or the arts that have to do with life—the point of inspiration has changed. The point of inspiration comes without the box. You put the box there with your fear.

With the fusion of masculine and feminine energy, the nature of creation force in this world, which is where the point of inspiration comes to you, that particular function of energy has opened up. If you ever wanted to sit down and write that book, this is the time. If you wanted to see what you were capable of, this is the time. But if you let your fears get in the way, the magic that is available will be no different now than any time in your past, which is to say, rather useless. Your fears will keep you from the potential now available.

So what do you do about those fears?

All right, well, you know that there’s that wonderful teaching given by that incredible wise person who said, “You learn your fears. You meet them, you greet them, you name them. You know that one, don’t you? Somebody quickly give the run down for that. What is it? The first thing you do when you’re aware of a fear is . . .

Name it.

S: Name it. Well, of course, actually the first thing that you do is you become aware of it. All right. This is fear. What is it? So you name it. How do you name it? You name it something silly, for one thing, so that it’s not automatically associated with something that you want to back away from.

So you are experiencing  . . . what’s a good fear here?

Fear of public speaking.

S: Fear of public speaking. So you might, therefore, with the awareness that you are afraid of talking in front of people, of speaking in public, you might name that fear what?


S: Petunia Public. Something like that. So you name it. You’re aware of it. You name it. What do you do next?

Speak to it.

S: All right, what do you speak to it about?

Well, you say, “I recognize you, and thanks for what you’ve done for me in the past, but I really don’t need you here now, Petunia.”

S: All right, let’s go slowly there. The first thing that you do is you allow yourself to get to know Petunia. “Petunia, how is it you show up in my life?” Well, I start sweating, that’s one. My knees get a little shaky, that’s another. The signs of Petunia in your life—how it is that Petunia shows up—that’s a very important part of it, but another thing you want to look at is, why is Petunia there. What is it she is protecting you from? Well, making a fool of yourself. Looking stupid in front of people you respect. It’s all right to look stupid in front of people you don’t respect.

You’re going to find out how she shows up and what she thinks she’s doing there, and that’s where Suzie says, “You talk to her.” And as an exercise of understanding your mind, you can allow yourself a delightfully, surprisingly powerful mode of learning about your inner self by personifying this fear—anthropomorphizing it, more or less, your fear—and having a little conversation going.

Your self knows so much. Every day at any moment you are taking in so much information, most of which you just push off to the edge so that you don’t have to deal with it, and you allow yourself only to have in your awareness the tiniest little tunnel of information. But when you give yourself the opportunity to play this game, and give your inner self an excuse to be able to put that information into brain words for you, you say, “Why are you here, Petunia?” Petunia starts talking, giving you all sorts of information. Pretty soon, you’ve got to say,”All right, Petunia. Thank you very much!” You talk to her, and then you—and I stopped you right when you got to this one—you were saying, “You thank her.” You thank her.

Excuse me, Samuel, why would I want to thank my weakness? Why would I want to be grateful for a fear? Suzanne.

Because being grateful can allow you to have completion on that.

S: Absolutely. Absolutely.

And when you see how it has served you in your life, then you are able to transform that fear to love.

S: Good.

Which means then you can move from that.

S: Lovely. Lovely. When you are able to see how it has served you. Well, let’s think about it for a moment. What might Petunia be saying? Petunia Public Speaking who shows up with wet hands, and shaky jelly knees, and shaky voice, and asthma attacks. It would not be asthma. What would that be?

Panic attacks.

S: Panic attack. That’s the one. Panic attacks. Whom you have avoided and tried not to pay attention to, but who was there when you say, “Petunia, what are you here for?” What are the sorts of things Petunia might say?

“I want you to be alert.”

S: “I want you to be alert. I have been here to keep you on your toes, to keep you aware.”

I’ve always felt that whenever I’ve gotten up and had to speak in front of a group, and I recently heard that Frank Sinatra, every time that he gave a performance had this happen to him. And you’d think after all those years that he might have overcome that. So I started thinking about it as a gift, as actually tapping into when you know that you’re going to focus and that you’re going to be giving a great deal of information, you start tapping into a larger aspect of yourself. And that larger aspect of yourself is a huge force of energy, and when that starts to come into your physical being, it’s going to do all kinds of things. Your heart rate might go up, you know, and you might find that you’re just energized. And instead of seeing it as an obstacle that you’re going to stand up there and shake, you might understand that “I need to adjust to this energy that’s coming in. This is actually a guardian.”

S: And that’s a very good way to see it. You won’t see it, however, if you are spending all of your time avoiding Petunia. If the only thing that you’re doing is seeing the difficulty Petunia brings, instead of the power, instead of the pleasure.

So back to you’re talking to Petunia. “Why is it you’re there?”

Maybe she’s telling you it would be a good idea to take a class in public speaking.

S: Maybe to let you know that there is an area that you could use more help in. Of course, most individuals prefer not to think that there’s anything they need any help about, and so they just avoid those sorts of opportunities.

It might be that Petunia’s trying to protect you from the evil people in the audience.

S: Sure.

That’s a projection, obviously.

S: Absolutely. I’m going to protect you from pain, from being hurt by other people. And if in your life you have situations outside of public speaking in which, perhaps, you’ve been hurt by someone else, well, immediately that just adds to Petunia’s power. “That’s right. People can really hurt me. I remember that.”

Other situations in which you have been avoiding a difficulty, and if it did not work out well immediately, that’s going to come to mind, too. These are all of Petunia’s evil cousins, those negative situations that have not been turned around into something powerful.

Nonetheless, just to speed it on just a bit more, you talk to Petunia and find out why it is that she’s there and, of course, how it is that she shows up, and what in your life the purpose is. By looking at those things, you are able to say, “Well, Petunia, those are good things that you’re protecting me from. Those are good things you’re showing me. I appreciate that.” And, all of a sudden, like a crabby teacher—nobody in here in mind—like a crabby teacher who seems to be the most strict and mean teacher you’ve ever had, that all of a sudden opens up into the most lovely and fun person. When you start paying attention and giving your part, that fear shows you another side, shows you the strength that can be there. That’s why you want to look at it, learn it, and then be able to thank it, appreciate it.

Those of you who have children or have had children, and you have a four-year-old that is whining and crying and trying to get your attention and getting in your way and holding your face, or if you’re a child’s doctor and you’re dealing with them like that, and the parent knows this is not what this child is like. This child needs something. This child’s not out just to make life hard for me—well, maybe. This child is not a tyrant. This child needs something. What is it the child needs? And once that need is met, life changes. You have experienced that in your life in very many ways and in very many times, and a whole lot of the time it was you being that four-year-old, while you were dressed up like a forty-year-old.

When you have recognized, given it the attention, seen how it plays out in your life, you have been able to turn it around and see it as a position of power. Petunia is here to remind me to stay awake, and that’s what I’ll do. Instead of fear, you have turned it into an act of power. And it works. It works. It works with the little things, and it works with the big things. It works.

However, I have taught that exercise for years and years. And many of you have heard it time after time after time. And yet, it tends to be more comfortable in your life to deal with your fears than it does to move beyond them and eradicate them. Why do you think that is? Hypothetically, because it’s not any of you, for sure. Hypothetically.

Well, your security. It’s what’s familiar. That’s what makes you feel safe.

S: One very big reason is because it’s so much easier to stick with what you know, even if it does not make you happy, than it is to risk—here we come again—change. And yet change is as natural as breathing.

I think another reason is that we don’t believe that it can be any better, and that we don’t have the vision for a different way of being, so we just stick with the old.

S: And one very good, well said reason that very often individuals will not go with change, and will prefer to stay with fear and unhappiness is because they honestly don’t think things can get better. Why do you think that is?

I think we’re taught that this world is changing and changeable and unpredictable somewhere.

S: Unpleasant, difficult, hard.

But really what we believe, or we want to believe, is that we can box it in, and make it be the same all the time.

S: Control it.

Right. And when that doesn’t happen, we get scared even if the change would be something better.

S: Control equals power. Control of what you know rather than the risk of what you don’t know. Steven.

We’re more afraid of the power in our creatorship.

S: There you go.

If we don’t see ourselves as evolving beings, then we can remain with this static view of ourselves, and claim our powerlessness.

S: Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t know. Yes, Louise.

Because of childhood experiences in which things never changed.

S:  Because of a past pattern in which you did your best and nothing happened. You didn’t do your best, nothing happened. You quit trying, nothing happened. You tried hard, nothing happened. That’s true. Paula.

I think sometimes, even though we don’t want to admit it, there’s a payoff in holding that fear.

S: And there you go, there you go. Because everything that you do, you do for a purpose, and that purpose is, it gives you something you want. And in your life, it’s a whole lot easier not to look at what it means you want—did you get that? Was it clear?—It’s easier not to look at the things in your life that are not going well as pertaining to it means I’m getting something that isn’t good for me, and that means I want it somehow.

Everything you do in your life has a payoff for you. If the payoff is a negative, fear-based, unhappy making, no life change, no joy—fill in the blanks for anything unhappy—if it’s that sort of payoff, you don’t want to admit that it’s giving you something you want, because you don’t want to say those are things you want. Somewhere down the line, however, you’re going to come to a place where you must look at that, because the bottom line of it is, everything in your life is there because you want it that way. And when you figure out why it is you want it that way, you will change the situation or change yourself to bring about the change to reflect what you want in your life. That’s a very difficult piece of reality in this world right now, but it is also a powerful place.

Do you think Joni was thinking before she went on this trip, “Let’s see, what can I do to be able to break my leg, have to stay in a Third-World hospital for a week, and then try to get home before the country’s closed down [by a strike]? No. When it happened, do you think she lay there thinking, “Oh, the world hates me. I’m going to go eat worms. Life is bad. This just proves to me what a terrible person I am, and how worthless all of life really is, and how useless all of this loving, spiritual stuff is.”

Didn’t do that either. She chose to seek, she chose to see, the miracles. She chose to look through the most positive lens. She chose—chose—to come from a foundation—and surely you’d not disagree with any of this, would you?—she chose to come from a foundation that said, There is enough, I am all right, I’m not alone, I have the best possible partnership. And with that as the foundation, you can move forward into the most positive reference of what’s going on. It opens the door.

But in order for that to happen, you’ve got to also come from a place that—back to the beginning now—that accepts change as a natural part of the flow of life, that accepts change as an opportunity for good rather than one more version of bad, as an opportunity to see yourself as a part of an unfolding, day-to-day miracle, instead of trudging through until it’s over.

In your world the point of creation has become a reality in your everyday manifestation, in your everyday work, in your everyday function. The point of creation is not there, it’s here, which is a change that your world has been working toward.

What would be the reason? What would be the use of the point of creation being here instead of out there somewhere? What would be the purpose of that? What good is that?

It’s direct.

You can use it.

S: You can use it. It’s direct. But what’s the problem with that? You can use it. It’s direct.

Well, it depends on the intent of the creation, would it not?

S: Yes, always that’s true. Yes. And that can be a problem, can’t it, if the intent is not a positive, high level function? Indeed it can. Stuart.


S: Ah, yes, because your willingness to accept and, in fact—let’s not say “accept,” let’s say “embrace”—your willingness to embrace responsibility determines your ability to use the creative force that is here now. Your fear will cause you to avoid it. Your trust in your ability to love and your willingness to be love will cause you to be able to use it, which is to say in the—well, I was going to say in the bottom line of it, but that’s not right—the moving point of it, the foundation for action with it. Which is to say, at the foundation of action your fear will keep you from moving forward. Your love will keep you living. Your fear of loving will keep you sterile. Your love will keep you whole.

And before you automatically put that word love into a box that you know all what it’s about and all what’s being referenced, I want you to think. It has been said here—and even tonight by oblique reference—that where there is not love, there is fear. The other side of fear is love. It has been said that fear is what is going to keep you from living the power, the possibility, the point of creation, here and now. Fear will keep you from it because you are afraid of the responsibility love brings into your life. And I am not talking you are afraid of having a relationship. I’m not talking you’re afraid of being kind and generous to other people. I’m saying that you are afraid you do not contain enough love to be enough and do enough of what needs to be done.

You do not value because you do not value. Let me say that one again now. That was a very deep statement. It was. Really. The bottom line in every human life is that you value out there what you value in here, as you value you. Hear that again: In the same manner that you value yourself, you value that which is around you. The more that reminds you of you, the more that you relate to personally, then you value it or devalue it in accordance to the way you value or devalue yourself.

Now, here is the trick with all of that. All that you see, all that you experience, everything that you hear and the way that you hear it, including the way that you interpret it, everything that is in this experience of form is you, in one way or the other.

You hear it through the filters of your childhood, of your work experience, of your love life. You see it through the filter of what this self thinks is positive or powerful or possible. Your experience of this reality, including how much that hurts as opposed to how much that hurts, your comparative experience within this world, your personal experience in this world, everything is filtered through your personal view.

Stand up for a moment, Lisa. What color does she have on? And the reality of it is, every one of you sees it differently, and there may be those of you who have different names for the same thing. Thank you, love. And that’s just a small piece of your whole reality. It’s easy for you to understand it with that, and not see that you do it with everything.

It’s considered bad science to start out with what you’re going to discover and then go seeking what proves it right. That’s considered bad science, isn’t it? And yet you do that for a good life all the time. Here is what I believe; I will only allow that which affirms what I believe. This color is red. Anybody who says differently is wrong. You move your world back into “it’s this or that, it’s right or wrong,” because you fear that without that, there’s nothing. Your reality has become “it’s this or nothing else.” And you have twisted every moment of your existence to prove what you think it’s all about.

And for most of humanity, what it’s all about is fear and lack and not enough, and challenges that bring about the proof of the negative, difficult, harsh reality. Drama. Oh, yes. Because it’s safer to live with the known miserable as it might be than to risk living in a world that functions differently than what you know how to control.

Darling, I promise you, this world is very different, very different, than what you think. It’s different now than it was a month ago. And the fact that you feel slightly spacy, a little disoriented, not quite connected to […], just a little bit like there has been maybe a slight shift in reality so that things are almost right, but not quite, that’s good news to me, because it says you’re letting go, you’re peeling your fingernails out of that incredible grip on the here-is-how-it-must-be-in-order-for-me-to-be-safe world. And part of that is happening because your world is changing so fast that you can’t quite keep up with it all. You can’t possibly have quite the grip that makes you feel safe. And as a result you have been denying or compartmentalizing—it’s all right for this part of my world to be different, but not this. You have been trying to do everything that you can to stay safe, or you have been enjoying the ride at the Earth theme park. And in your life, from this moment forward, you need to get on with the ride or get off.

When you fight against the changes, seeking so hard to keep things in the realm of what you know, trust, are familiar with—and a quick aside: I will promise you, in your life what takes joy away from you, what takes life away from your living, I will promise that what makes you unhappy is when you hold on to your reality and defend your way of thinking, knowing, doing, being.

You work so hard to protect yourself so that you will believe that you’re worth protecting. You hold on to what you know and you close the door to the magic of what is really there. You hold on to those filters so that you don’t have to learn a new way of being.

All right, what if the old way was gravity and the new way was flight? Guess what? And you who are working so hard to prove gravity, who are very proudly showing how attached you are to the planet, who are living the effects of that very basic law of life on this planet that everybody knows and everybody is a part of and you know it to be so—what if there was about fifteen minutes every day that gravity didn’t work.


S: And you start hearing about it from people. “You know, there’s a few moments every day in which I sort of feel not quite attached to things. I immediately sit down, because I realize I’m probably a little dizzy, but, you know, there’s parts of me that feel really light and sort of not real connected to things.”

Well, of course, you’ve immediately got to shut that off and talk yourself out of it, because who can manage if there’s fifteen minutes of not-gravity in your world? You do that every day. Maybe it’s fifteen minutes of magic you block out. Maybe it’s fifteen minutes of running the world in pure, perfected power. Maybe that few minutes when you got tired and just sat down and sort of spaced out was your fifteen minutes to run the world.

And although that’s bringing a nice laugh out of you, later this evening run that through, think that through. What has been impossible to you? This isn’t a statement; that was a question. What has been impossible to you, and why has it served you for it to be impossible? What in your life is impossible? How does it serve you that it remains impossible, because your awareness of how it’s good for you to have that impossibility begins opening the door to possible. Yes?

I was going to say that it keeps me in my nice little, safe little, box.

S: Perfect.

And if I start opening that door, you know, I can dream that I want A, B and C, but that’s okay, because that’s outside the box, but if I start living  . . .

S: But it’s not really possible.

Right. So if I start thinking that it’s possible, then the door kind of opens, and I have to look at taking action and being responsible for making it happen.

S: Right.

So, yeah, stay in my little box.

S: It’s safer to stay in your own little box. It keeps the world under control, in your own little box. And, of course, you know that’s part of the greatest joke there is. Humans think they are keeping things in control. You walk around with blinders on so that you can only see this much of your world, only that part that agrees with what you think about it. And then you say, “I’m responsible. I’ve got control. I’m doing what I need to be doing. This is what life’s about.”


How do you handle the memories of those times where you feel like you did go outside of the box and went past what you thought was impossible for you, and then, like Louise said, it didn’t culminate, you know, it didn’t work? And so in order to feel like you weren’t a total, utter, failure, you kind of say, “Well, this is my lot in life. This is how I feel comfortable. Things work out if I do these kinds of things.” And they don’t really ever work out when I do that, because I’ve tried it a couple of times.

S: And, as you’re saying this, a lot of people are clicking that little place inside of them that says, “Yes, I can relate to that! I know what you’re talking about there.” But there’s actually a fundamental—I’m going to say a very bad word here—mistake . . .

Then I want you to tell me what it is.

S: . . . going on there. Let’s hear from Frank and then Mary first.

What came to me is if I do . . . I mean, I do that. There are things that I won’t do in life, because I’ve tried once and it didn’t work. But as Suzanne was saying that, I remembered all the things in life that I really enjoy doing that I kept trying till I got it right. And I failed the first time. I failed the second time. I failed, and there are some things I’m still failing on, but I’m trying, because I want to do something. It’s kind of like a feeding, and what came to me with Suzanne was music. I mean, how long did it take before you got it right when you were first learning?

S: And let’s turn it right back to you. How long did it take you to learn to be able to tone?

I’m still learning.

S: What if Suzanne had given up on you? Sometimes, someone else’s belief in you can be enough.

So the thing I need to l look at is, do I really want to do it? I mean, I keep trying.

S: What is it that turns the point between “Oh, I’ll just try again. I’ll just try again. I’ll just try again,” and “Well, forget it. That didn’t work. I’m going to stop”? And you need to look into yourself to determine what that is. Why is it sometimes you’ll keep going? That’s very helpful. There is more. Mary.

When I feel like I’ve not done something very well, and made a mistake, if I can embrace it and go, “Okay, that was part of me. That’s what I did at that point in my life, and I was doing the very best that I could at that point, but really what do I need to do differently? How do I need to look at the situation differently? What can I take from it that was good and apply it to where I want to go and where I want to be?” I can try it again, and maybe I just need to do it differently.

S: The perspective is a very important part of it, as well. She said embrace it, but by that it’s sort of that sleuthing of “What did I learn from this?” Accepting gratitude is a part of it, allowing yourself to work it through, realizing that the person who did not do well at it then is not the person who’s doing it now. These are very good things.

But let me give you another bottom line with it. Why do you need to come from a place that says it wasn’t good? That is that dichotomy again: this is good and this is not. And what both of them are saying, ultimately, is, change your definition of what it is you’re after. Because it’s fun, you’re willing to keep trying; because it’s not a failure, because people aren’t making fun of you, you can keep doing it. But as soon as someone makes fun of you, you stop—or whatever that happens to be for you. Change your definition. Change what it is you’re after. Don’t determine when you start something what would be success. Let it evolve with the process.

You are entering a time—no, let me back that up altogether—you have been in the middle of a time, but as those who have come here to be a part of the revolution, a part of a change for the powerful and the good, Guardians in this world, you are at an open door right now. You see possibility. That’s that point of inspiration I was making reference to. You have been opened; a part of that blinker that has kept you so safe has opened further, and you see what is needed in situations around you. You know—I’m not saying you accept it and believe it—but you know that you have the capability to help make change.

I said to the group in Bolivia, “You are changed. Live that change.” Six days ago, literally, six days, six days ago you had a pulse of energy come into your world that was the vehicle for a great reversal of energy. It was, for all practical purposes, the swinging wide for the energy that had been stimulated, opened, activated.

Your world is changed, and you are changed. And if you continue to live as if nothing is different, it won’t be for you. If you insist on maintaining your stock of fears and beliefs, and rights and wrongs, and what I can do and what I can’t do, if you insist on maintaining your set definitions of what reality is about, then you will be cursed with that reality. I am not saying, “Jump off the building. Gravity is out this fifteen minutes. You will, indeed, fly,” although you might find within your dreams you’re doing a whole lot more of it. I am saying, “Stop living your life around your fears,” caretaking those fears as if they are a precious commodity. [To a member of the audience.] That was, you know, the huge lesson for you.

You have an opportunity before you to see a magical reality, but you must choose to do so. You must choose to take away the definitions that this means it was a failure, it did not work, and see it as a part of a greater process. It is much better to be a part of the process than to be a bystander tossed by the whims of mass consciousness, yourself and others maintaining the familiar, the fearful, the failure.

Before you there is opportunity to make a difference, because you are different. Be different. Be different. It is perfectly all right in this world to have had a serious realization that there are dimensions in this world that you’ve never really thought about, there are things you can just barely know about, there is magic everywhere. It’s perfectly all right in this world to have a change of heart that gives you a different view on life. You can even do it without nearly dying, which is usually the most acceptable reason for people changing their attitudes about life, without having major crises, which is very often the reason people change their attitudes about life.

You can do it simply because you say it is so, and you let people around you know, “You know, I’m seeing things differently now. I don’t really think that way any more.” You just let people know. “I know, I used to think it was a lot of fun to talk about that, but, you know, I don’t anymore.” It’s all right to change.

Give yourself that gift. Choose the magic. Do not let that fear rule you, and take from you the most beautiful opportunities your life thus far has ever had before it. Do not let the trust you have in your fears outweigh this opportunity for a new life in a new world. There is nothing worth that. Nothing.

Glochanumora. Be well. Like this. Happy trails.