March 3, 2002

Samuel: Greetings, dears.

Greetings, Samuel.

S: I like it a lot better when it’s just an easy slide right in, don’t you? Good.

I’m going to be working in, more or less, two different directions tonight. One of those directions is going to be, as is often the case, you teaching. And then the second part of that direction will be my “cooking” about some things that seem a bit important right now for you.

So let’s start first with your part. I want to ask you a question, and for those who are going to be seeing this as a video a little further down the road, later in the week, later in the month, later in your life—whatever it happens to be—I want you still to think about an answer to this question, even though the circumstances that bring me to ask it will not be exactly the same. I don’t want you to answer this question yet; I want you just for a moment to think about it.

Right now, I’d like you to think first about the state of your world right now. Interesting energy response going on in here when I ask that. For some, the energy went right out, and for some it just sucked right back up.

Thinking about what’s going on in your world, across the world right now, thinking about what’s going on with your nation, with your neighbors, with yourself, I want you to imagine, if you will, that while you were wandering down the road, a very important-looking vehicle pulls up next to you and out comes somebody looking extremely official. What would an official person look like? Well, two legs, probably, two arms, one head. That’s the most official version. Come on, help me here. What do you think of as that?

A black suit.

S: Black suit.

Dark glasses.

S: Dark glasses. Black suit. Shiny shoes.

A briefcase.

S: Briefcase.

A crew cut.

S: Crew cut. What’s a crew cut? That’s what happens when you don’t have enough money to pay everybody?

Short hair.


S: Short hair? Has to . . . like Joy? Has to do with an official looking person . . . requires short hair? And a suit. This couldn’t have been a woman.

They stepped out of an expensive, dark car also, the automobile, the official-looking car. Probably with tinted windows so you can’t see.

S: Have you thought much about what power looks like to you? This is very interesting, but that’s not where I’m going. It’s all right, though. Go ahead, allow yourself to picture all of that if that’s what does it for you, and that person says to you, “We have been looking all over for you.”

That’s another thing we should talk about, the fear across the audience. ”Oh, I’ve heard that before. Oh, no.”

“We need you badly. We are going to have a convocation of all of the world leaders, and we need you to speak. We need you to answer the question.” Now, probably the first thing you would say is, “Sure. What’s the question?” The question is, What does this world need now? The question is, What does your world need now? And before you automatically answer that with, “For everyone to live love,” I want you to remember that you are speaking to all of the world’s leaders. You need a language that would work.

What does the world need now? What would your answer be? What would you say to them? What is it that you know that would make a difference right now?

Your world is in the midst of such change. And, of course, change does not end as long as there is life. Your world is constantly experiencing change, but the change that you are experiencing now has so much to do with pain.

This is a time in which that belief, “no pain, no gain,” in which that foundation that says it must be hard for it to be worthwhile, is not helpful. What would you say now? Tell me. Jeanean.

I would say that the world leaders need a common vision.

S: Excellent. One thing immediately is that there needs to be a common vision. More.

That change does not mean loss.

S: Change does not need to mean loss. Nice.

A pre-runner for what Jeanean said is competent leadership. Competent leadership.

S: Make that a sentence. You’re telling this.

A leadership that knows how to do what they need to do.

S: The world needs leaders who know what they need to do. Yes. That’s true.

There needs to be a perspective that . . . given to the people so that they believe that there will be gifts received for what they’re going through.

S: Hold that just a moment, and say it again, but in another way. Say it again.

There needs to be a belief that in every situation there are gifts to be had.

S: Very true, but before I continue over here, [turns to the other side of the room] anybody got minds working over this way? Suzanne.

The leaders need to listen to each other without feeling threatened by what the others are saying. In other words, just listen without judgment in order to be able to come to a common ground in the middle, so that the first response is not defensiveness, and then attack, but is to just listen, accept, to be able to find that common ground for that common vision. And to be able to set up a sharing rather than a trying to grab as much as everybody can out of fear.

S: And when you can add to that the recognition that there is a gift in all things, and to learn to seek it, that’s that much more powerful. Lisa.

An understanding that not everybody has the same ideas about how life is lived, and that other countries and other cultures are very different from ours, and their ways are not bad because they’re different; they’re just different.

S: Lillibeth.

There needs to be a common willingness to replace fear with love and trust.

S: A common willingness to replace fear with love and then trust. Stuart.

I think we need amnesia so we can get over what the past was, what the religious conflicts in the world are.

S: Who did what, when.

Right, and have a clean slate.

S: Aye.

We need leaders who lead by example, and know that their own example is essential to what they expect from the people they lead.

S: Leaders who lead by example, and who know that their example is what the people are going to be led by. It’s what they’re going to believe, what they see the leaders doing. David. Good.

I think that leaders could benefit by understanding that the power that is required for leading is power over themselves.

S: That’s good. Skip.

It seems to me that the first piece of it all though is the part that’s most lacking—a recognition that we are all in it together. And that’s just not there right now. It’s us against them everywhere you look.

S: And that “us against them everywhere you look” isn’t just this country against this country. It’s not just that “us” against “them”—sometimes this city against that city within your own country. It’s this sport. Competition is very ingrained in the society. Not that that’s a problem, but when you add to it the many other things that you’re so wisely seeing as needed to be put into this greater picture, it’s just one more of those things. Aye. Kathy.

I would say to the leaders that they need to look at the peace and the unity that already is in existence, and to draw from that and expand it, and work to acquire it in other areas.

S: Now remember, we’re speaking to world leaders here, and you said that you would tell them to look at the peace, the unity, that’s already in existence and draw from that. Why?

So they can shift their perspective to a more balanced way of looking at things, and also by focusing on what is working, and by focusing on the love, it diminishes the amount of fear that’s being put in that direction.

S: Good. Good. Thank you for that clarification. Because, by looking at what is already working, you’re going to be seeing patterns where there is strength, you’re going to be seeing patterns of things that can be, and I will even say should be, repeated.

Also, though, by looking at what works, you know where strength is. You know that what you seek is possible, because there are places where it is already going on. So by looking at where there already is what you seek—could I have said that better?—by looking at what you’re seeking already out there in other areas, you’re going to give yourself both a pattern to follow and something to draw from. So, yes, there is a lot of power in that one. Good. Aye.

I would ask them for one week not to read their military reports, not to watch television, and not to read the newspaper, and to go out and listen to the people. And then their goals would be set with what the people and not the […]

S: It’s very possible, of course, that if that were to happen their life would be shortened considerably. They would have to go incognito. The Prince—right?—and the Pauper. Aye.

Well, for so long the change is just kind of overwhelming, and I think it’s destabilized everybody in the world. There’s nowhere to hide from change. Somehow, if people could be given a sense of security and permanence or something, you know, it’s lacking.

S: Can you play with that thought just a bit? What sort of security would be a good stabilizing force? Because, as you said, change is.

Well, in this environment we would say, you know, find a place within you for a sense of security.

S: But we’re talking to the world leaders.

Well, I mean change abounds, and we take solace wherever we find a little corner of the world that hasn’t changed, and I think it just unnerves everybody to their core.

S: Perhaps one way to help make it easier, maybe, would be to look at the times when change has brought about what, ideally, people are seeking, so that they might not fear the process itself. Do you think that could be helpful in there, because if you’re looking to provide solace, generally, then you cannot talk about the sorts of changes that are only going on with a small portion.

You see, David has made a very good point. He said people are afraid of change generally, and you need somehow to bring them hope that things will be all right. So I suggest to you that perhaps you could do that by trying to help them see that change is not always bad.

Is change not always bad? Do you know that in your life? Have you had changes in your life that actually worked out good for you? Can you think of a really big change in your life, something really big that you changed that actually ended up making your life better? That’s good. Remember that.

Can you think of something in your life, perhaps, that on the surface looked very awful, maybe even put you through a lot of difficulty? But as you look back on it now, you see that it was a good thing. Does that translate on a planetary scale? Have there been things, situations, events in your world that at the time were horrible, but which, as human kind has continued to move onward, you can look back at and see the good of it?

I will tell you, on a planetary scale you don’t have all that much to look at. One of the reasons for that is because your planet is made up of many groups of people, many different types of life, as well as the human experience in many types of living. And it is by finding those events or those experiences that are common to many that you can then look back and say, “It really was a good thing.” But most of the events that you’ve had on a planetary scale—well, of course, the Black Death, well, that brought about massive changes, population shifts, different sorts of agricultural methods as a result of that, a whole different technology raised up from it—well, all right, you can look at things like that and say that you can look back on it and see how it was a very good thing. But it took about four hundred years before any major change was experienced.

What about that amazing change in your society within some of your generations? The working of light in your Second War. Well, you can look back on that and very sweetly smile and say, “Oh, well, we have learned because of that how dangerous it is to do that, and as a result we’re very afraid or very careful about the idea of dropping any more of those planet-killing bombs.” But I’m not sure that there are those on the planet who still agree with that. I’m not sure that’s a change you could say affected all.

There is—and I’m just poking you here with this point—there definitely is, in your world, a very strong sense within you, you might even could say it’s instinctual, that change is dangerous. No-change is safe. And yet, you know too that if you don’t change you’re dead.

So to go back to my point with that particular one: yes, indeed, it is important that what you do is, instead of seeking, well, let’s just bring about this one great big change to make it all work, it won’t work. Don’t be so naive in your thinking. It won’t work. Instead it is, group by group by group, individuals learn that change will happen, and you can be safe through it. And, in fact, that might be the doorway that you’re able to use to bring out that whatever is going on around you on the outside, you can survive it depending upon what’s going on with you on the inside. And there you can get your little sermonette in to world leaders, and that’s always nice to do.

But remember what David has said there. People are afraid of change, so when you give your talk to the world leaders, one of the things that you need to remember is not to be flippant, not to toss out an easy statement that says, “Well, here’s all you’ve got to do: just replace fear with love and everything’s all right,” because they’re not going to relate.

Maybe that should move into just a bit of a shift there, because you know that after you have given your remarks to the world leaders, the world press is going to be all over you. They’re going to come running and putting the . . .


S: That’s it, the microphones in front of your face, and they’re going to say, “This was just wonderful. Thank you for your marvelous remarks. How do you know what you’re saying will work?”

All right, you have put out into this audience many good statements, and I really am going to make a point with them in a bit. What’s more, there are many more very good statements. I would not doubt that in a group like this where there are people who have actually thought about that question on their own, taking a walk out through the park—What is it this world needs? What can I do? How can I help?—that there are many more answers that could be put out there, and there is not one overall good one that would really be useful in that situation.

Let’s move it to that next question. How do you know this? Now, what is it you’re going to say that will make a difference when you have just said, “Here is what you need to do.” How do you know? Why do you think it will work? Aye.

Well, I think that’s where wisdom comes in, and if you are saying from a vantage point of holding wisdom, that you’ve actually practiced it and experienced it, then you speak from your heart, and you can tell stories about it, and therefore communicate it in a way that shows it really can be done.

S: So what you are saying is, because you can experience the principle personally, and by personally experiencing the principle and putting it to work in your life, you can see the viability of it on a large scale as well. That’s good. More to go with that.

I think if you can look around and see real-world examples where it has worked on a smaller scale, you can say, “Look, it worked here. It can work for you.”

S: Good. And this was also said earlier as well: look for examples of how it has worked in your world right now. Seek that, because then you can say, “Look this has worked. This has worked on a small scale, and scale is all perspective. It’s worked on a larger scale, so it can work on a planetary scale.” Sure. Frank.

I’m not quite sure that I’m saying this right, but there’s a logic to it. There can be logic where it can be shown, and what I’m thinking of, and I don’t like the term “game theory,” but there are what are called “game theories” out there which have been used where you can show people, through the working out with computers, the consequences of various actions from, if you do this it will result in these consequences, and the other people who you are interacting with will do this. And you can play out the entire scenario in theory so that people can actually see the consequences of their actions without having to live them through. And you could do that with . . .

S: Perhaps by starting at a small scale, and then your own personal experience, and then moving forward to show how in different group situations this premise has played out. And then how, perhaps by putting technology into it to show in different situation how this has worked out on a larger and larger scale, you can say effectually, it’s worked before. It works now. It will work. All right. That’s in there.

I want you to stop all of that, and I want you to think about your own life. What’s going on in your life these days? What are you feeling? What are you experiencing? Have you laughed lately? What’s a day like for you? What’s a week like for you? What do you plan to be doing next year about this time? Think about your life right now. You. You. You.

And as you think about you, one of the things that I want to direct you to is to realize that you, in so many ways, you are a planet. You are a single cell of a greater body. You are a part of a whole. Do you think that your right small toenail is constantly and perfectly aware of the one hundred and forty-second hair within the square inch far above your ear on the left side above your head? No, I will not repeat that. Do you think it knows about it? Not necessarily. And yet there is something in common between the two. What is it between the toenail and that one hundred and fortieth hair within the two square inches above?

They’re all in the same body.

S: They’re all in the same body. DNA. Yes. They’re all in the same body. They live in the same world. Yes. And actually you could keep playing with it, and come up with all sorts of interesting reasons why it’s the same. Are you beginning to touch into my point with it?

I said, in many ways you yourself, you are a planet. A lot of very interesting pictures are going through my head right now. What is it that is going on in your world? What is the “state of your union”? What would an address to the world leaders of your own planet be? Now let’s see, what might that be? That might be the nation of your career, and the nation of your playtime, and the nation of your childhood, and the nation of your hopes for the future, and all of these nations that make up the planet of you. Yes, can you play with that and see how that can work? What is it that that group of nations needs to hear?

And just to make it a whole lot simpler and a whole lot clearer, we’ve just discussed what it is that this world needs to hear, what it is you would say if you were asked to speak to the world leaders. What would you say? And you thought about it, and I want to tell you that what you said is a message to yourself. It is what you know you need.

What you easily could come up with on a very large scale, is still you, because the way that you perceive the world, and the needs that you see it has are based on you and your translation system and your knowledge of what works and what does not work. What you see is needed in this world, you see it because it’s what you need.

But there’s another step here. You see it because it’s what you need; it is also that you know it, because you have spent your life—how old are you, Matthew?


S: Twelve years here already. Goodness. Who here is older than twelve? A few of you. All right, good. Depends on the moment, I think.

So you might could say that there are extremes within this room. There is the youngest. There is the not youngest any more, ever again, as long as you live. And there are all of those in between. Yes? I’m trying to do that nicely.

You have spent every one of those years learning the message you were ready to give those world leaders. You have spent every one of those years living the gaining or the giving of that piece of wisdom in a version that fits your personal planet. You think of it as a body. You think of it as a life. That’s another lesson for another night. You think of it as . . . hmm.

What do you need to be able to live that lesson at the fullest, the truest, of your ability? What do you need to be able to trust that you know what you have spent twelve or twenty or sixty years trying to learn?

And that leads me to the second direction I’m going this night. So take a good deep breath, and just sort of shake off your talk in front of the world leaders, all right. And I’d like for you to remember out of that everything in your world is a reflection of you. And if you don’t see that, let me say it another way. Everything that you see in this world, you see it through the filter of you. It’s not so hard, is it? It makes sense, doesn’t it? Everything in this world, no, everything in your world is a reflection of you.

All right. What happened there? Why did I correct that? It’s giving my point away. It’s not hard. Frank.

Well, the way I perceive things in the world is going to be different than how someone else perceives.

S: You think? Anybody here see things the way Frank does? [Laughter] Oh, very few people are raising their hands, Frank. But Stuart is, and Steve is. They are saying yes, they do, or more to that?

The change in the wording makes me take responsibility for my perspective, to own it and to know that it’s just mine. It’s not the way the world is.

S: Very good. Absolutely. Stuart.

Well, to me it changes it from being in the world to your world, meaning also my Source connection, my interpretation of all my spiritual connections is also being filtered by me.

S: Now, with that in mind—good—with that in mind, let’s move just one more little side-step on this road that we’ve been on that I’m trying to get off of to keep going in another direction. And I will eventually. Don’t believe it?

Knowing that I’m going to make this a big picture is going to take away some of the surprise gift out of this for you, so I’ll simply give it to you as a piece of homework to be looking at through the week, whenever you think about it.

Think for a few moments about what it is you see going on in your world. It’s not hard to think about. It’s not like you’re not faced with it all the time. What is it that’s going on in your world? And just start thinking about the things that come into your awareness through the newspaper and the radio and the television and your visit to the grocery store, and your communication with the person in Taiwan who is your e-mail buddy. Aye. What comes to mind? What is going on in your world right now?

Don’t say change. We know that. We’ve already established it. I’m talking about stuff. What’s going on? Just say a few things.

A lot of conflicts, which basically comes back to people thinking they’re right and somebody else is wrong.

S: Good. Good. All right. There’s a lot of conflict in your world right now. Have you noticed that? And David took it a step farther, and he said a lot of that conflict is from a belief that says, I’m right, you’re not. Or—because this is different—I’m right. You’re wrong.

Do you know that there is a difference in those two? The one who says, “I’m right, but you’re wrong” is different than the one who says, “I’m right. You’re not.” Subtle difference. Just pay attention to it. Aye.

I’ve noticed that, from my perspective for me personally, what I see out there is a kind of a trying to reprioritize or asking and questioning about what is meaningful or valuable. I mean, what was valuable to us.

S: Do you see people here and there, or groups of people? Groups. Large groups. Good.

Compiling a team to help change people’s perceptions of the way things work.

S: Groups coming together, people coming together, a team together, particularly with the idea of helping to change perceptions from what was. That’s good. Think about what it is you’re seeing. What is it you see out there? Think about that through the week. What you see on Monday may be very different than what you see on Thursday. What do you see?

Along with that, pay attention to the large-scale statements that you make. Any time that you move out of your moment or your individual consciousness—when I say “out of your moment” I mean “tomorrow this will be,” “yesterday that’s how it was” and your individual consciousness to say instead of “you and you” it becomes “them.” Pay attention to that as a part of the awareness exercise of what it is you’re seeing.

And, exactly in line with what I said about what you would say to the world leaders, exactly in line with what I said about what you see the world needs is what you need, what you see going on out there is a reflection of what’s going on with you, so that if what you are seeing is a lot of conflict out there, particularly conflict in which there is right, wrong—I’m-right-you’re-wrong issues—you might want to look at your own life if you are feeling conflicted, if you are having a lot of issues about am I doing the right thing. Am I right? Am I wrong? Do I have issues about needing to be right, needing to be wrong? Extend it out. Give this to yourself as an opportunity to learn about what it is you see.

Colleen sees people that are . . . what did you say, love?

Kind of asking what is meaningful to me as far as what are my values?

S: So what might she be giving information to herself about? It’s not hard.

That very question.

S: Well, that very question. Thank you, dear. Exactly. It may not be that broad though. It might not be “What’s the meaning?” But it might be that she’s looking at all of the different things that there is involvement in in her life, and she’s saying. “What is it I want out of this? Why am I doing this? What’s coming out of this?”

Look at what you see in your world. Look at what you see the world needs. And along that very line you can also move it over to what’s working right in the world? What are the good things that you’re seeing, because, just as the view that you are gaining in the very large picture is based upon what filters through you in the smaller picture, well, that’s just as true for the good that you see and the good that you do and the good that you are. When you see those things in the world that are hopeful, that give you trust, that are working right and well and good, give yourself information in every possible way.

Now that other road. I’d better get on it very, very quickly. You’re moving into a time in your current calendar that has a lot of change happening in it generally. You’ve got some climatalogical changes, and your earth is changing. Your ground is changing. You’re planting seeds, or you’re starting to think about planting seeds. It’s a time in which, for a lot of you—perhaps when you’re cleaning the dirt out between your toes—you’re thinking, “Oh, healthy growing things. Good.” Maybe not.

But as you’re moving into spring, new growth starts showing up all around you. And having just spoken about the reflection that you see out there is because of what’s going on in here, that new growth that you see will also cause you to direct your mind toward your new growth.

I said not so very along ago that you’re at a time right now that could be called magic. A Year of Magic. A Year of Re-creation. Creating anew. Creating again. I would like to say creating with magic. Not simply as what you’re going to be seeing, but the way by which you can ensure that you get the most and the best possible out of it. It could perhaps be said that—well, I’ll limit it to this society—that what a whole lot of children seek would be to be healthy, wealthy and wise. Would you say that? Maybe it’s a whole lot of adults, as well. Maybe it’s the child within the adults seeking that. Healthy, wealthy and wise.

So with the idea of magical re-creation, I would like to give you a few thoughts about how to become healthy and wealthy and wise, magically speaking.

Healthy. I think that it’s very, very likely that you could teach this segment better than I ever could. What do you need to be healthy?

The desire to be healthy.

S: Oh, all right, the first thing might be to have the desire to be so. That really is true.

Exercise, keep flexible, and eat the things that are right for you.

S: Sure. Can you put that under a big label? Like, take care of the form. Take care of your physical essence the best that you can. Exercise it. Feed it well. Find out what it needs. Give it what it needs. Stretch it. Flex it.

If you want it to last so that you can do whatever it is you want to do, then you need to care for it at least as much as you do your vehicle. When’s the last time you had your oil changed? You don’t want to know what’s going through my thoughts. What is it you need to do in order to be healthy?

Well, what I’m going to suggest is that you live. And when I make that statement that you live, to be healthy you must live, clearly you can tell that I’m not talking about simply being alive. I’m talking about living. In order to be healthy you must be motivated to continue beyond this moment. In order to be healthy—let me change that, that’s not accurate enough—in order to become healthy or healthier, you must be motivated. You must be seeking something beyond this moment to want to live for. Have you thought about that?

Think about the things that you have going on in your life that keep you from exercising, if you’re not doing that, from eating those things that you feel would best keep the physical essence healthy. Doing those things that would bring what you would feel would be health.

Any of those things that you do, you do because you’re motivated. But you’re not motivated to have a healthy body; you’re motivated because you want that body to last long enough to do something you enjoy. That means to live. Health comes because you choose to live while you are alive. What makes you live?

Passion. That’s the only thing that motivates you beyond your moment. Passion for the next moment. Do you have passion in your life? Passion achieved and continually expressed in such a way that you have successful beginnings and endings, starts and completions. Passion that plays itself out in such a way that you have fulfillment makes wealthy.

Yes, wealthy tends to make you think how many dollars you have in the bank, and it could be that. If your motivation for continuing on in what your passion is that brings you fulfillment with all kinds of starts and completions that delight you, if what that is all about is money, I assure you, you will in one way or another have it. But how many of you know in your own life, or maybe from watching the lives of others, that it’s not how many dollars you have that make you wealthy, it is passion that is expressed in fulfillment. The motivation toward that which brings you fulfillment brings you wealth.

I would like to tell you that what you are most likely to find in this journey of life that is the only thing in this world that honestly brings you fulfillment is love, giving it and receiving it. Well now, you know I had to get there eventually, didn’t you? Giving it and receiving it. When you are freely able to give it, when you are freely receiving it, you are indeed wealthy.

And mentally and emotionally speaking, you are also very likely healthy, because your ability to give and receive love has everything to do with the belief structures that you have established in your life based on experiences that you have had over time.

Essentially, your ability to love is very much based on your ability to overcome those negative experiences or to pursue and replicate those positive experiences. And if you look through your life, I will rashly, boldly say you will find that those experiences in which you felt truly alive, truly well, were experiences in your life in which you could say you were freely and easily giving and receiving love.

You could also turn it backwards and very easily say those experiences in your life In which you have not felt fulfilled, in which you have not felt strong and beautiful and alive and good—healthy and wealthy and delighted with all there is—are those times in which you have not had love to give and receive.

Wisdom. Healthy, wealthy and wise, we’re saying here. Health has to do with motivation through passion, and wealth has to do with the fulfillment of love. What does wisdom come from? Well, wisdom, as a definition I often say, is knowledge tried. That’s true. Let me give you a signpost of wisdom. Laughter.

Humor is an eternal response. True humor, it is the mark of a master. Really. You might have had times in your day when you were so overwhelmed that you could not laugh at anything. You may have had experiences in your life in which you were so wrought up that your laughter verged on hysteria. Do you know what I’m referring to with that? Where you’re afraid to start laughing, because you might never stop.

Would true humor always be self-humor?

S: I would actually say to you that humor doesn’t truly need an object. Thank you, love. It doesn’t really need an object. Humor is a bubbling aspect of love that has to do with wealth and health. And in that sense, self-humor is, yes, absolutely the only true humor there is, because it comes from within you, not something out there. But it’s not the sort of self-humor that makes fun of yourself. That’s not what I’m referring to.

Humor is eternal. What do I mean by that? Why do I say that?

It goes beyond just the physical experience here.

S: Absolutely.

It’s not an emotion; it’s a state of being.

S: Good. And I’m relating humor to wisdom.

When everything is just falling apart and it’s so overwhelming, and you can still find the humor in it, that’s wisdom.

S: That could be wisdom. It could be the breaking point. It could be a lack of reality. But it could be wisdom when what?

Light-hearted, uplifted.

S: When there’s hope. And wisdom and hope work together.

I think laughter is actually a symptom.

S: Yes.

Because it is that joy of knowing who you really are, of being connected to that larger perspective, and the wisdom is that knowing.

S: Good. Lovely. Wisdom is, in very many ways, that experience in the world in which you trust. And I’m not going to try to make it somewhere out there in the sky. You trust yourself. You trust the person you’re with. It doesn’t matter. You have worked through this before by watching it and learning, by walking through it, breathing it in your own way. But you are confident, if not in the way it plays out, at least that you will be okay through it.

When you have that hope that leads to that trust, it gives you a perspective that allows you to take things lightly. That’s why humor is a part of wisdom.

To be healthy, wealthy and wise in this world that needs you, to give what the world leaders need to hear—your wisdom—to be able to give your world the wisdom it needs, think about healthy and wealthy and wise. Life, love, and laughter.

I would like to tell you this month, while you are recreating, planting seeds, preparing to grow, that your world needs what you know. It needs your perspective. It needs your view. It needs your experiences. It needs your mistakes.

You need passion. Motivation by beginnings and endings that lead to success in what it is you seek. Passion. You need a balance in the giving and receiving of love. And you need to be able to step back from it all out of hope, and out of trust, to recognize that there’s a much bigger picture. Don’t be so serious. Laugh at it.

It’s so simple. It’s not hard. These are not mysterious teachings. Now, being on earth from underneath the pyramid! It’s the everyday things in life, the life you live now, that’s going to make a difference in this world. It all counts, every bit of it.

Don’t give up. It’s a very important time, in your life—oh, yes—and in your world. Look for that messenger in the dark suit, driving the dark car with a crew cut, saying to you, “They’re waiting. They need to hear what you have to say. It’s time.”

Glochanumora. Happy trails.