January 6, 2002
Samuel: Greetings, dears.
Greetings, Samuel.
S: Are you still celebrating? You should, because you have entered into—truly—one of the most important years of your life. Ready? Probably one of the most powerful, most important years you’ve ever experienced. Just had to give you that. And I’m going to talk just a bit about it this night, perhaps a bit as a gift for your new year to you. And the reason is because I want your new year to be a gift to you and to your world.
So before we get started, tell me a bit about your holidays. We did a lot of lead-up before the holidays came about, talking about how to break away from some of the stress issues and how to be nice to each other, and then, during the holidays and the Festival of Lights and at the New Year’s celebration particularly, we talked a lot about healing, including the world and yourselves and the idea of Guardianship as a whole—even handed out a little bit of assignments by way of little metal buttons you wear.
So how has it gone for you, these holidays? How is your awareness doing?
Spellbound you, did it? Speechless. Aye, love.
It’s probably been the easiest time that I’ve ever had around Christmas and New Year’s, for a couple of reasons. One is that I didn’t do the things for my family that I usually do, and that was good because it gave me more time for me.
S: On strike were you?
Yes, that’s right. I was on strike. And amazingly everybody was supportive of me, and one of the things I realized was the reason that I kept doing those things year after year was because I felt like I had to do that to show love. And I realized that I didn’t, and that my children would love me anyway, whether they got presents or not. And the other thing is here, I took less of a leadership role and I became more of a server. And it gave me a whole different perspective, and also more time for me.
S: Lovely. Lovely. Aye.
The healing work worked, in many ways so far, at least. I was ever so pleased to have sort of a last-minute, if you will, invite to join my family, which I didn’t expect. So it was a very pleasant time together with them, and the fact that it was a healing time together, not only for me with them, but among them, too—there’s work going on, there’s something going on there that’s bringing one of my brothers and his ex-wife back together, and just lots of good things that happened that way. And it was a nice peaceful, quiet, celebratory time. So I’m grateful with all my heart.
S: Nice. Nice.
I felt a nice sense of fulfillment around that work that you did with us with the angels. I’ve gotten some spontaneous feedback that the work that I wanted to do as a result of that work, is working. Can I say that? And it’s made me wonder just what you did in those brief moments that you spent with each of us. And how much of that is owing to the energy you put into helping us do that work we set out to do.
S: I’m only a minor piece of your equation. Truly. Going in that direction a bit tonight.
Aye, love.
I had an opportunity to receive during the holidays. Usually, I’m out, very busy, getting things ready to give to other people, and it’s a busy time. This Christmas, I was in a position where I had to receive instead of give.
S: And that means prone. Yes?
In a prone position. And you had mentioned the first Sunday in December about how receiving was such an important part of these holidays. And that’s not always the easiest thing for me to do, but I wanted it. I wanted to receive, because I knew that it would be so helpful and so healing for me to do that. So I allowed myself to do that, and it was a wonderful gift. And to see the miracle of receiving and opening myself up to that, and also the miracle of myself and my body and what it’s capable of doing, and the healing it is capable of doing was a wonderful gift for me. And I’m very grateful; even though you might think Christmas in the hospital is not necessarily something to be grateful for, I am because it was a wonderful experience that made me stronger and more able to open myself up to receive.
Also, I was able to give in unique ways that I hadn’t . . . instead of giving stuff during that time, I was able to give me to the people that came in the room—the nurses and doctors—and they would come in and remark that they just felt good being in there, you know. And they would just light up when they came in the room, because it was so filled with love, and I was able to give them my undivided attention and direct that love to them. And that was wonderful. I’ve given out a lot of buttons, too, in the process. It was a wonderful time.
S: Holidays, these past holidays, you could put a label on them, and that label would be unity, about unity. Unity, however, in which the gifts that you received from it were because of conscious behavior on your part. Think about that.
Paula spoke about consciously choosing not to do some things, and the gift it gave her. But you almost could say, well, now, Shirley’s gift is very clearly unity, because it was about coming back with her family and parts of her family coming back together with one another, whereas it might not be so quick to say that, when what you did is you stopped doing something. But Paula also said, if you will remember, that what happened as a result of that is that she was able to do more for herself, and give more as a result of that.
Unity. Think for a moment about the holidays that have just passed. What you experienced was for the purpose of bringing unity into your life. How do you see that? And, remember, it’s unity because of a conscious behavior on your part, and this is very important. More than probably any other time in your life, you have more control over the things that are going on around you, more than ever before. The effect you have needs to be conscious, because it is profound. Unity. Aye.
With the New Year’s ceremony, when you asked us to just get in the spiral, it was like just getting up and moving in a flow that was more perfect and more easily accomplished than all of the prior organized actions. It was wonderful.
S: Practice makes perfect?
Well, you know, we organized all of those. Take a number and, you know, this is where . . . but this time it just . . . our oneness is like a flow of energy that moved into the position that we were asked to take, and we were all a part of it, beautifully. I don’t know, my feeling . . . it’s that kind of profound love. I can’t even find a word that is great enough to express how you feel when that kind of connection is created.
S: Look at your hand. Aye. And look at your other hand. Aye. Now, here is what I want you to do. I want you to close your eyes, and with your eyes closed, put your hands together.
Anybody have trouble doing that? No? Why?
Both hands have a common vision.
S: Didn’t they, though? That’s part one. There’s more to it.
They’re familiar with each other.
S: That helps. That makes a big difference. You’re right. Tess.
Two halves of the same whole.
S: Good. They’re a part of the same vision, body, and so are you. And the more you work at higher frequencies, the more you are a part of. The higher the frequency, the bigger the embrace. That flow is because you have the same focus and the same vision. You saw the power of that. Everybody was going after the same thing. That makes a big difference, but even more than that, it’s being a part of a greater whole.
And in this world, humanity seeks being a part of a greater whole. And so very often in the world, what they see out there is not something they want to be a part of. You don’t want to be a part of pain. You don’t want to be a part of the many, many versions of suffering that are possible out there. You don’t want to be a part of the hate and the cruelty. And as a result of that, many simply back off. In their desire to avoid what they think of as negative, they become alone.
It’s not about what the world around you is doing; it’s about what you’re doing. And I use the illustration quite often: somebody is so delighted to see you in their beautiful new shirt, and as they come over to you, you think how good they look and how much you love them, and how happy you are to see them, and, “Did you know that you’ve got one spot, right there, on your shirt?” In the midst of all that love and delight, the willingness to see and point out what doesn’t work, the dirt on the white broadcloth, doesn’t make you something people want to connect with. Doesn’t make you something that cheers up the room. Doesn’t make you something that you want to be with.
How many of you have had a situation in which you’ve had work to do. Perhaps in the job that you do, you have many times in which you must create performance evaluations or you must sit through them, perhaps, something like that. And when you know you have done your best, it’s a whole different situation than when your focus has been on what you have done wrong and what has not worked and how difficult things are. How many of you have been in one of those situations in which you have seen how that person or, for your own self, your attitude has changed from seeing the negative to choosing to see the positive, and the kind of difference that that makes in the whole environment?
Right now your world’s doing a lot of this. [Tries to put hands together, palm to palm, but keeps missing.] And sometimes you are, too. Step one, even before seeking the common vision, is opening your heart enough to realize that you are a part of a greater whole.
Enough about the holidays.
You’ve got a very important year coming up. A very important year coming up. And although it’s been quite some time since I have given you names for the years, things to think about as you’re thinking through the sorts of lessons or the kinds of experiences that you’re likely to have, I want to go back to that this night, because the way that you choose to see has a whole lot to do with the way you end up experiencing. This is a year of magic and re-creation. I’m not saying re-creation magic. I’m not saying recreation. I’m saying create anew and magic.
Now, just for a moment, I want you to imagine a magician. What do you think of when you think magician?
S: Merlin. Aye. Well, why not?
S: That’s nice.
S: Illusions. Yes. Yes. And would you say in this world, you have surprises, and there are illusions? Sure. When you think magician, what do you think of?
S: Transmuting. Changing from one thing to another. Sure.
Kind of like in a magical way, not the negative connotation, but the pulling the rabbit out of the hat.
S: In any way, sure. Sure. That’s a sort of transmutation thing. They drop in what? A scarf or something? And out comes a rabbit. Or they drop nothing in, and still out comes the rabbit.
Or someone who is able to make things happen . . .
S: Good.
. . . as a result of their own inner power.
S: Good. Add to that?
Someone with a magic wand that waves it.
S: The wand.
I’ve come to think of magic, instead of illusion like our entertainers perform, magic is to me where the virtual reality and quantum reality and our physical reality come together.
S: [Laughing.] Merlin. Indeed. Aye.
In general, it’s manifestation.
S: Good. Yes.
Wonder and astonishment.
S: Nice. Nice.
I keep thinking of the fact that most of our experiences with magic involve someone’s performing and others watching, that there has to be the observance of it.
S: Have you not sort of felt that way lately, that maybe that you’re doing some sort of performance everyone else is watching? I’ve been watching. And it has been quite a performance.
This is a year in which you are the magician. This is a year in which you want to harness the magic. And, the bottom line of the magic actually is re-creation energy. You master the re-creation. However, I have brought up the idea of a magician, and so I want you to think a bit about magicians. One of the things that they do is, as has been said, they are master illusionists. They are entertainers. They are good at what they do if you think it’s magic. Is it magic to the magician?
S: No. What is it to the magician?
A job.
S: A job. Skill. And how do you gain a skill?
S: So are you saying that you’re going to be a magician, so you practice pulling rabbits out of your hat? You practice it in front of others? Actually, you go and buy your trick. What do I mean by that, you go buy your trick?
Most magicians are the . . . the illusions, the tricks, are well-known and they’re passed on from magician to magician by selling them, and there are currently magic stores where you go in and buy the tricks.
S: Oh, such a lovely thought, isn’t it? Passed down from magician to magician, and there are magic stores where you go and buy your tricks. Aye. This one’s called Earth, and you bought a lot of tricks. I like it.
So, your magician determines, “All right, I’ve got a show to do. And I want to do something very special, so I’m going to cast about until I can find the trick, the illusion, that will best serve my needs. I’m going to look around until I can find the one that will bring across what it is I am seeking to do, which is entertain the audience.” Do you think that there is a difference between the illusion that is needed for a room full of four-year-olds and the illusion that you might need for a room full of forty-year-olds?
S: Why? Because the four-year-olds are much less forgiving. Really. Because the four-year-olds are much harder to fool. This is true. Why is that? Think about it for a moment. Why is that? Frank.
Well, a four-year-old has had less experience in the world, so they don’t fall for the distractions as easily as the adults do.
S: All right, that’s some of it. I would agree with you there, that’s some of it. Jim.
They don’t have the social skills yet to be nice to whoever they’re talking to.
S: That’s true as well.
They also may not have enough experience in the world to think it’s all that special when you do a trick that adults would think, Wow that’s hard. They would think, So what?
S: I like that, that’s good.
But they also haven’t been trained not to observe everything.
S: Good.
So they see everything you do.
S: Yes. Good. Because the forty-year-olds are willing to buy into the fantasy. And the four-year-olds are as well, but they don’t know that that’s what they must do. When you watch a magician, you must turn on that part of you that says, “Magic!” and turn off that part of you that says, “I’m being fooled,” mustn’t you? Isn’t that how it works.
Aye, love.
Is there not really magic in the world, though.
S: Oh, I’m not saying that at all. I am, however, talking about the typical entertaining illusionist.
So, four and forty—there is a difference, and the key is what it is you’re trying to do and who it is you’re working with, and the ability of the audience to choose to be a part of the illusion or not.
I want you to remember that I said this is a year in which magic is afoot. And I would like to warn you now not to be fooled by the illusionists, not to settle for tricks—to seek the magic. What does that mean you need to do?
Run everything through your heart to see if it resonates within.
S: That makes a big difference. That makes a very big difference. Colleen.
Well, if you’re functioning outside the box yourself, you’re not so willing to be fooled, because of course children aren’t in those boxes either.
S: So?
You’d have to maybe get outside some of your conventional, more narrow, belief systems and ways of looking and accepting things.
S: Which say such things as, This is a trick. They’re after something. This isn’t magic, this is coincidence. Cam.
I was going to say not to allow your attention to be misdirected from that which is truly important.
S: Good. Good, good. Yes. Frank.
Be like a child and be much more observant. Be aware of the things around you so that you know you’re not being tricked.
S: And you’ve got to know the difference. This is a trick question. What is the difference between magic and illusion. What is the difference between magic and illusion? If I must ask you to be very careful that you are not tricked, you need to know that difference. David.
Magic follow rules we don’t know, don’t make assumptions about. Illusion follows familiar rules, but in ways we don’t see happen.
S: You’re going in a very, very good direction there. You’re picking up right where I’m wanting it to go. Can you say that again, perhaps? More words.
Illusion gives us the same old thing in puzzling unfamiliar ways; magic opens doors that we’ve never been through before.
S: Good. Right there, with that one, let’s take a moment. Illusion is that which pulls you into what was. Illusion is that which puts you in the mindset of “I know what’s happening here.” You set yourself up to be fooled. You set yourself up to be—and hear this—cheated, harmed, tricked. You set yourself up for it when you insist on seeing the world as it is right now out of the eyes of your old, jaded, negative-belief-ridden self. You miss the magic and accept the illusion when everything that you experience is based on the parameters [that say] this fits in this pigeonhole and that fits in that pigeonhole, and this is a part of this Lake of the Known. Put yourself into a place in which you are regularly growing, learning, changing. Do that which is new. Do that which helps you see old things in a new way.
[Picks up TT and turns her upside down.] Regularly turn the book upside down and say, I wonder what that could be? [To TT] Sorry. [Turns her the right way up to put back on the table] Ready? All right. All of the little fuzzy pieces rush to the top of her head, you know. Makes her have a bit of a headache there. Aye. Aye, well, it doesn’t have blood. There’s something else in there, some fibery stuff.
The difference between magic and illusion: adding to that now, taking it another step. Who? Paula.
From the outside they both look the same.
S: Can both look the same, that’s true.
But it has to do with what’s inside, what’s behind it that makes the difference between illusion and magic.
S: What is behind it will show the difference between illusion and magic. What might be behind an illusion.
Well, it would be a trick of some kind, some sleight of hand or . . .
S: Smoke and mirrors.
A piece of equipment that, you know, enables whatever’s happening to happen.
Neediness would be behind the illusion, needing to have it a certain way.
S: Control, perhaps. I will control what you see. I will control what you hear. I will control what you think. That is illusion. And in your life, when you must control it all, you are moving farther and farther away from the magic while you are working to become a master illusionist. And don’t you think you’ve had enough of that? Steven.
Does it have to do with giving away power? With magic, there is an agreement to go along, to enjoy it, and that’s not giving away power, because it’s a conscious decision. And with illusion, often there’s not that conscious choice, there’s a giving away of power to the illusion and looking for it to fulfill and give answers.
S: Yes. Yes. Well said. Good.
In an illusion, one of the things you might know to let you know you’re in the midst of an illusion is you’re not being fed greater energy. You’re simply losing it. That which you’re having to do to keep things going as they are—and I’ll lead you back to that idea of control again, having to make everything exactly this way—is a part of illusion. You’re allowing yourself to reach a point in your experience in which what you do feeds you—well, that alone would be magic enough for some of you, wouldn’t it?—what you do fills you with energy.
Think, for a moment, about something in your life that you love so much you always have energy for it. Well, let’s say almost always; you can overdo to the point that you don’t have energy at all. What are the sorts of things you can think of that there’s always energy for?
[…] my carving.
S: Carving. Artistic endeavor. The expression of the creative self.
My grandchildren.
S: Ah, why?
There’s just so much love that gets exchanged between us that even if I can feel in a low spot, to see that smile and that spontaneity and that “I love you, Granny” just picks me up as much as the time I spend with them.
S: And, Jean, what is it that feeds you and energizes you about carving?
It’s because I take the simplest form and it turns into something beautiful.
It’s re-creating something.
S: There is a transformation that you have created. It’s nice.
I would also say that when you’re doing something that feeds you, it expands. I mean, it actually … you have the feeling of expansiveness. It expands you.
S: And I am saying, what are a few things that do that? And I am pointing out that if you don’t have an answer for that, you’re living in the illusion. And you can live a long time in the illusion. You can thrive in the illusion. What in your life feeds you so much that you always manage to be able to have the energy for it? Nobody has said sex. It wasn’t so long ago that that would have been one of the first things I heard out of your mouths.
S: Pittsburgh. Got it. Stuart.
S: And it’s true, there are a few of you for whom that toning so expands the inside of you that it feeds the outside of you.
Specifically, the group energy tonings that we do, not just toning by myself. It’s the group energy.
S: And that’s what I had in mind. An opportunity to come together with focus and like mind, working as different parts of a greater whole, creating something bigger than yourself. Sounds like magic. Sounds a lot like magic.
Being with friends that I love, I can be tired but to be with people that I love and just to enjoy them, and either do something fun or not, just to be together energizes me and feeds me, and I have more energy than before.
S: Good. Good, good.
Something I’ve been doing lately is helping a friend interpret—translate—his dreams, and that seems to leave me with so much more than when I came. I get gifts from his dreams and helping him understand them.
S: And, in all likelihood—I would tell you for all of you, but you don’t usually like it when I say that, so I’ll just say, in all likelihood—perhaps most of you, a few of you, would find that the ingredients to something that so fills you, it uses a creative aspect of yourself in one way or another. It feeds you and it moves out of you. It’s giving as well. Think for a moment: those things in your life that are that big involve others.
Do what?
S: Involve others. Even carving, because you can fill your space with all of the bubbles that you’ve made, but the delight is the expression for another.
Turn that into a rule of magic. I’ve already talked to you about how it’s a rule of moving out of illusion. Turn that into a rule of magic.
A point—mine didn’t involve others.
S: What is it?
Hiking, which I do tend to do with people, but much of the joy is an individual process.
S: Do not misunderstand: it’s not simply solitude that you’re getting there. When you’re hiking, are you hiking concrete roads in concrete buildings? Do you hike the mall?
No. It’s usually in nature.
S: No. Why? And I promise you, love, you’re not alone.
You’re not talking just about human energy.
S: I am not.
S: I am not.
Because the other passion of mine is gardening.
S: Again.
Yes. Again. It’s very much of a . . . nature feeds me.
S: And, again I would say to you, nature feeds you because you are not alone. The energy of what is feeds you, gives you energy back. Gives you more to put out.
Now, let’s say that you’re doing something you really, really love with somebody who is really a pain in the earlobe. Why not? It can take your joy, can’t it? It takes something that is delightful and energizing and makes it hard, doesn’t it? So I’m going to take this magic a step further and say it’s not simply giving. It’s not simply being where you are receiving from anyone or anything. It has to do with an equal flow of energy in there.
When Jean carves beautiful creatures out of wood and makes them alive and gives them to somebody who says, “Great. Thanks a lot. Bye,” that touch hasn’t happened. You don’t go hiking in the mall for the way it fills your soul with beauty—well, I suppose some might, could. Hard thought in there. It’s the connection with that that functions at an energy that touches you.
Magic is not a one-way activity. Your experience of it, your ability to wield it, has very much to do with your functioning at your highest frequency in a situation in which that energy is in a giving-and-receiving mode. When you need magic in your life, set that up for yourself. Turn it on like a television. Put yourself into a place in which you are surrounded with those who are functioning at the same sort of function and frequency you are, because right now that’s very much what is opening the door to magic.
Now, I said that there are two directions. Another one of those directions is re-creation. And what I’m speaking of there has very much to do with the direction we have been talking about for quite some time, actually. Has very much to do with the reestablishment of energy in your world right now, in your hearts, in your brains, right now. Your world has been in a process of undergoing remarkable, necessary change. Your lives personally have been going through remarkable and necessary change.
However, I’ve not called that, the last five years, the Years of Re-creation. I’m calling this year a Year of Magic and Re-creation. So I must be making reference to something other than the change going on in the flow of energy in your world right now. Well, if anything could ever truly get away from such a massive undertaking. What is the re-creation I am speaking of? It’s not you, although it is you. And it’s not the planet, although it is the planet. Frank.
Well, I was going to say, we’ve shifted into 5:3:2, so we’re having to recreate everything in the 5:3:2 world and shift it from 4:3:2 and recreate it anew in 5:3:2.
S: Good. You’re going to be able to move with me here. What is one of the most important things you need to recreate in 5:3:2? Stuart and then Shirley.
Are you headed with how we look at everything?
S: Yes. Yes.
Christ Consciousness through the many, instead of the one.
S: Well, yes, that’s true, but let’s not go quite that deep there. Stop for a moment and think. Your world has just made a very big change from 4:3:2 energy to 5:3:2 energy, and one of the difficulties that comes about through that is recognizing the 5:3:2 energy. This is about re-creation and it’s about magic, so what might you say is the most important thing there is to recreate. Paula, and then Suzanne, and then Harvey.
It’s claiming that you have the power to do that.
S: Yes. Yes. Can you find the other side of that to say what I’m looking for? Let’s let Suzanne go there.
Changing our belief systems.
S: Absolutely.
From what is past.
S: Very much. Absolutely. What’s getting recreated? Harvey.
The spiritual awakening of mass consciousness.
S: Yes. Awakening from what?
S: Yes! Yes! Yes! Absolutely yes. And what must be recreated is the illusion. The illusion in your world. What am I saying there?
Wouldn’t the illusion be separation, and that in 5:3:2 it’s about oneness?
S: In 4:3:2, what is separation about? Dichotomy. That’s what it’s about. It’s about that you are separated; at least that’s how it tends to look. In 4:3:2, it’s about everything is dual, and the duality. The illusion reality.
Well, the very idea of the illusion and the reality is also a very interesting metaphysical thing in which you recognize that really there is no illusion and there is no reality. You know all of that stuff. [Makes Bronx cheer] In 5:3:2, the illusion is what? Remastered, maybe.
It’s form. That we’re using the form, that we’re not of the form.
S: Yes. Yes.
We’re shifting the illusion that we know that we’re still connected and we’re just using this and being this.
S: Shifted in what way?
To where it’s consciously used.
S: Yes. Good.
To where people are more comfortable, and moving more into the mainstream.
S: Good. Good. Not so much of the rebellion against the form. That’s one thing 5:3:2 should be offering you. More of an acceptance of the physical nature, because you are more aware that you’re not that physical nature. Yes.
Could it be that we need to recreate the illusion that we are all one, rather than that we’re all separate?
S: Which was the illusion there?
Okay. The illusion now is that we’re separate.
S: Yes.
If we have to recreate the illusion, then we recreate it to see that we’re all one.
S: Good. Yes. Yes. When I say recreate the illusion, when I say this is a year of magic and re-creation, and what you need to do first is recreate the illusion in order that you might know the magic, what do you need to do?
I was going to say, like you’ve been mentioning lately, that the communication and how you communicate that is basic.
S: It’s certainly going to be one of the ways in which you know that you are functioning in a magical reality. How about, rather than trying to just pry open your head here—Stuart, you still want to give it a try?
Yes. Earlier, you talked about illusion being the sense that we’re in control, and that recreating the illusion would be . . .
S: Go there.
. . . that we are in control, but it’s a capital W. It’s We as in Guardians.
S: Good.
It’s We as in Spirit.
S: Good.
It’s We as in our soul, rather than the small we, which is our form, saying that we’re in control of our situation, our environment, people around us.
S: In order to release being in thrall to the illusion, it would help if you would become the illusionist. In order to keep yourself in a world of magic rather than illusion, one of the things that you need to do is release your dependence upon the illusion. As long as your world is based on your buying into the illusion, then you can’t switch gears. You have to keep propping up the illusion.
You’ve got to let go of how you think it has to be in order for you to be able to have what is. Your science, space science, physical science, is coming up with some very interesting, outrageous thoughts that are taking themselves out of the realm of hard science and into the realm of magic. That’s what they’re saying. That’s not what I’m saying; that’s what they’re saying.
As they are playing with the idea that energy does not have form, it only has function—where did you hear that?—that depending upon the intent for that function, the form establishes itself where it needs to be and when it needs to be in order to do what it is it has to do. That’s not complex. It is outrageous. It is accepted science now. It is outrageous, because what it does is it dispels the illusion of control, and moves it out of a sequence of events that you can count on always being this way, which you like so much, which helps you feel safe, which you move back to every time you fall. It helps keep that illusion of safety going, but recognizing that the intent establishes the function, which then creates the form is magic in your world if you move it out of the unseen and into the seen. If you move it out of ions and photons and move it into what you’re doing for breakfast tomorrow.
In your world this year, you are going to experience the magic every time you allow yourself a recreation event out of the conscious focus of your highest frequency into the world adapted to fit the needs of the moment, instead of what worked yesterday. I hope some of you recognize what an old teaching that is. That you realize you’ve heard that before, over and over and over and over.
You are coming into what should be one of the most—oh, it’s almost a joke now—incredible years of your life. It should be easier now. Many of you have gone through some very difficult months. Some of you have gone through some very difficult years, but most of you have gone through some very difficult months, a time in which your world has been changing so rapidly, in which the decided cynicism of those around you, and of your own self, has kept you locked in the illusion in which you have had some difficulties in learning to trust yourself and as a result trust those around you. When you cannot trust yourself, you’re certainly not going to let anybody else in to be a part of you, because you can’t trust them either. It’s been a year in which you have gone through—many of you have gone through—the whole self-esteem cycle over and over.
Last year you needed to know what is real. This year you are going to find out nothing is. Everything is. Nothing is. Everything is. There are those in the other cities who regularly pout at me about what is it about that Lexington group that they’re able to bring about such miracles and do such powerful work? Why is it that you send a healing request down to them and it happens? And a lot of the reason is that you’ve given up the illusion of limitation. Not that you’ve accepted the magic of abundance, for there’s no such thing as abundance. There only is.
Another time, don’t worry. The room gets very silent. No abundance?
The illusion of limitation has showed up in every area of your life. What you can and cannot have. What you can and cannot deserve. What you value. What you’re capable of. Magic is not stepping into chaos; it’s just stepping. Limitation keeps you from moving. Illusion puts up the boundary. Magic does not say there is no boundary. It just says. Do you understand what I’m saying here. The idea of abundance is a limitation. Do you see that? Because if you’re thinking it, there’s an end to it. How much is abundance for you? Abundance is more than yesterday.
Abundance is a part of that duality thing again.
S: Yes it is. Good. Good. Yes. And that’s magical thinking. Wait! Too many psychologists in this room. It’s the right magical thinking. You’re moving out of the illusion to recognize that. Magic is. It happens when? Because. And some of you are getting it. Some of you are getting what I’m saying here. This is the year for that, because right now 5:3:2 has no illusion except that which you have held on to for a semblance of power. 5:3:2 is. And you are. And you get it.
Re-creation magic. Release the illusion and open the door. Energy has no function. Energy has no form until it happens. Say it out loud.
What happens?
S: Magic. Yes.
There is a bumper sticker that says that.
S: That says what happens, magic?
No. Magic happens.
S: Magic is. Paula.
You can’t think your way through this one, can you?
S: Yes, actually you can.
But aren’t you then going to set the limitations of your own thought processes on to it?
S: And what will that mean you get?
The illusion.
S: And for those of you who appreciate so much living in your head, enjoy the illusion, because that’s what you’ll get.
It’s a very remarkable time. In fact, no time. Define any definition that you can give. Define any possibility to relate to anything. What do you have before you? Tell me.
Limitless possibilities.
S: And what’s that?
That which you can dream of. We create as we go.
S: Absolutely. And what’s that?
S: That’s true. That’s true. And Source in this world then?
S: Louder.
S: That one.
S: Magic. Magic. What do you have before you?
S: Unlimited, unlimited, magic. Anything else is illusion. Choose the magic. Recreate.
Glochanumora. Happy trails.