Friday Morning, March 18, 2022
During the first morning of this life-changing retreat, Samuel shares a visualization to fill our hearts with love and gratitude for the people, places, things, and experiences in our lives, additionally, he discusses: practical tips for grounding ourselves; balancing our masculine and feminine energies; that we are not alone, but have co-workers and fellow Guardians on our path with us; using the steps of a ritual to understand our purpose, origin, and destination in this world; how to interpret the symbols in our lives and how they are preparing us for the new world; and how to ground ourselves by connecting with nature and doing breathing exercises.
Friday Afternoon, March 18, 2022
Samuel continues his amazing retreat Friday afternoon discussing: ways to bring balance into our lives; how to return to our essential selves; leaving our physical presence by simply shifting our consciousness and awareness; moving into a time of the warrior goddess; what we need to do differently if we are not satisfied with our life; the importance of self-love and remembering our divinity and connection to source; the difference between energy from Lyra versus from Andromeda galaxy; why we should give a situation four chances to turn around before making a change; and what lack of growth or fulfillment signifies.
Saturday Morning, March 19, 2022
Samuel packed this morning’s session chock full of topics and information as he discussed: questions to help us reflect on our life choices, regrets, and achievements, determining how they align with our vision, purpose, and true self; living our lives “out loud” by being authentic, expressive, creative, generous, powerful, responsible, aware, grateful, successful, and happy; a group focus to send love and light to the timeline; using our tools to ground, clear, protect, and connect ourselves with Source energy; the massive transformation of societal constructs such as education, work, finance, religion, family, and politics, gender roles, and environment; the responsibility of Guardians to open doors for mass consciousness and provide hope and guidance.
Saturday Afternoon, March 19, 2022
During this afternoon’s meeting, Samuel discusses common pitfalls we face including: being attached to the outcomes of what we do; seeking approval of others; having a disorganized life, and “time sickness,” as well as: anxiety caused by unrealistic expectations; the importance of being acutely aware of our thoughts and feelings in the current moment; what gets in the way of functioning at our highest and best; focusing on serving others without expectation; using the Crystal Palace for healing; and the benefit of discussing with like-minded people what we have learned.
Sunday Morning, March 20, 2022
During the morning of the last day of the Retreat, Samuel discusses: what gets in the way of functioning at our highest and best and how to get help; the problem with staying safe but never being happy; common pitfalls that keep us from functioning at our highest and best and how to overcome them; the power of serving without expectation; understanding the purpose and function of grids and portals; recognizing the presence of watchers and warriors; creating temporary universes through high ritual; undercover Light work; and connecting with and calling on higher frequencies and entities through ritual and everyday life.
Sunday Afternoon, March 20, 2022
During the last session of this life-changing retreat Samuel discusses: the importance of living with love, not fear; strengthening our connection with Spirit by practicing visualization/imagery; honoring and balancing our human experiences with our spiritual nature; recognizing opportunities for learning and service; seeing all choices as learning experiences rather than successes or failures; staying focused on functioning at a high spiritual frequency rather than being distracted by outside events; releasing old beliefs and patterns not based on our spiritual truth; and stepping into new levels of spiritual work and connection, including elemental portal work which involves direct creation.
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