No matter how much Samuel tries to answer the audience’s questions during meetings, there are always more questions than there is time for them. Luckily, we get a second chance to ask during these quarterly interviews. So here, and in Samuel Responds, are questions that were sent in for one of the Saturday sessions in February.

You’ve talked about the solstices and equinoxes being major points of change in 2023. What are the major effects of the incoming energy associated with them, as far as you can see right now?

Good. Throwing in “as far as you can see right now” was necessary.

Revolution, revolution, revolution. By the time this comes out you’re going to be poised at one of the greatest social-oriented changes your world has seen in a very long time. And how that’s going to play out, I could not tell you.

But what I can tell you is that human nature right now is taking every change point and turning it into a revolution. And by revolution I mean people standing up and protesting despite personal danger. People refusing to accept the status quo, and looking for ways to turn things around. It’s happening across your world now, and with every massive event—and just as a for-instance, the earthquake on the Syria-Turkey border—it’s going to create more protests against what has been.

Governments have done so little for the people, for so long, that when a massive emergency comes about they cannot help their people. As a result, the people have the blinders taken off, and they are saying, “Where has all of this money been going?” (Probably into someone’s pocket.) So they rebel.

That’s what I’m seeing right now. Look for more of it.

Do you see anything later in the summer and the fall? Or is that too far ahead for you to make any judgments?

While I hesitate to say what energy is going to do, I can say this: As a Guardian, work very hard not to be reactive this year. There are a lot of things you are going to see—for example, truths coming out—that may or may not affect you personally. As I said at the January and February first-Sundays, you’ve gone through so much of what the world is about to go through that it might not be a frightening time, a difficult time, a challenging time—any of the above—for you.

Nevertheless, the people around you are going to be experiencing those things. Do not be reactive. Do not be reactive to other people. Do not be reactive to the news. Do not be reactive to Third Density functions. Mindfully, consciously, choose to recognize what’s going on and determine your response. Otherwise you will fritter this year away and it will be gone without your conscious input guiding it.

At the January first-Sunday meeting, you spoke about thought and the need for us to repeatedly look into the small voices in our heads. You also said that we would need to take a serious look at our worlds, both “personal and collective.” Is there a connection between these two things—the personal and the collective world?”


So what’s the best way to fine-tune those voices?

Which wolf are you feeding? Because some of you agree with those voices. It’s not just that they torment you; it’s that you agree with them and they start really wreaking havoc. So pay attention to what the little voices in your head are saying and try to regularly ask yourself, “Where am I now with that?” and “Where did that come from? Do I still believe that?” Just the act of interrupting is going to help.

But something that people do not necessarily realize is how much the frequency of other people’s internal voices, of their thoughts, and your reading of their micro-movements affects you. And you’ve got to turn off those voices as well. Of course that’s really not going to happen, but what you can do is change them. Instead of just being a constant yammering of old stories, give your mind some new ones. When you think “Oh, I’ve made a mistake.” Change it to “Mistakes are a good thing sometimes. While this didn’t work out, it’s drawing me ever closer to the right idea. It’s helping me know what not to do. That’s a great thing.” Turn it into a positive when you’re aware of it, and work to be aware of it.

I usually associate the small voices with Spirit, but I guess you’re talking about a different kind of inner voice.

I wasn’t referring to your Higher Self working with you, the entity you are. I was really talking about the little demons you carry in your brain: old beliefs, old patterns, people that have had a major effect on the security parts of your life—usually parents or grandparents—and how they told you how to live as opposed to you deciding for yourself, and how they punished you as opposed to what you would do to yourself. I was referring to those nasty little voices.

But there is absolutely the voice of your greater awareness. Here is the thing about that voice when it speaks to you in a way that you understand it: it’s not that voice any longer, because it’s moved through your brain and through your filter system to work in language that you can understand. So it’s very, very easy to misinterpret the information that can be so deeply colored by those nasty little voices that you’re not getting the full picture.

What you want to learn to do is to accept the intuitive magnitude of the information rather than the specific language of it—“Is this where I need to be going? Is this what I should be doing now?”—with regard to the journey you’re on. And rather than taking two steps forward and one to the side, you get a real sense of “Do this.” Or maybe you recognize it as some sort of relief or happiness or some sort of non-verbal response, like when you’re typing really fast and you realize that you’re not thinking about the individual letters—a, b, c, d. You are just typing them, and occasionally looking at them and trusting that the communication between your brain and your hands is working. It’s that kind of intuitive connection.

In the early stages of the pandemic, you talked about a virus being the perfect way to institute genetic changes. Does the prolonging of the pandemic have anything to do with continuing the genetic changes?

Explaining that viruses are the perfect way to mutate your genes does not mean that Covid was set up to do that. And it is way too early to assess any changes.

There are studies indicating that one’s propensity for happiness is established while the fetus is still in the womb. This seems to contradict your teaching that happiness is a choice. Please comment.

Then my teaching rules! [Laughing]

Yes, we all know that.

Your propensity toward everything in your life has a genetic component. Unhappiness, anxiety, loving kindness, generosity—all of these have a certain genetic component. And if you have very clear and good serotonin pathways, you are definitely going to feel as though you are a lot happier than somebody who does not have them. So there is definitely a genetic component. It’s vital to remember everything has an effect on your genetics. You are reliant on your genetics for the basic shell and how that shell works, but the operating manual for that shell is not genetic. It is mental, emotional, and spiritual.

Happiness really is something you can learn and is very much a choice. And being happy is not the same as not being unhappy, because not being unhappy is a reaction: “I’m not in this state. I’m judging who I am based on what I don’t have.” It’s the same process that a reaction comes out of. Being happy is more of “Despite what’s going on around me, I feel safe.”

Remember that human nature is all about personal security. And what that security is for you, who are so far, far away from hunting and gathering societies, is very different from what it might have been for your ancient ancestors, who were happy whenever they could find food and not be eaten by tigers.

Your happiness is a little more complex than that, but there’s still a survival mechanism at the base of it. So if you are looking at “What do I need to do to be happy?” you might look instead at what you need to be safe in the situation you’re looking at.

And I’m going to pass along a kind of odd experiment for all the readers to try. When you find yourself listening to those nasty little voices too much, when you find yourself anxious about “Is my spear sharp enough to feed my family this week?”—whatever it happens to be—push it to the worst possible scenario. And I mean worst. Make it big. “If my spear is not sharp enough, I won’t be able to feed my family, and when the tiger comes out of the bush we will be too weak from hunger to fight it off. I will have massive, bloody claw marks, or my head will be chewed off, and I will . . .” Just make it as bad as you can; make it the worst that can happen. But next—and it needs to be next—move to what is the best possible scenario and do the same thing. Go into as much detail as you can. Be lauded through the streets. Have confetti parades. “This will be such a massive, wonderful change. All spears in the future will be of my design.” Whatever.

Right there you have affected your mental state. You’ve given it the two extremes and it’s going to look for the middle ground. That’s the nature of the way your brain works. Middle ground is going to take you off of your fear. So experiment with that. I think that you will find it’s a helpful way to shift, allowing you to make some good decisions.

Is anxiety a part of depression, or are they two separate entities as far as the mind is concerned?

If you have anxiety it doesn’t mean you are depressed, but if you are depressed you most likely have anxiety. Do you understand why that would be?

Well, I think depression robs you of so much psychic energy that it makes you less able to cope with the things in your life that produce anxiety.

Very nice. Good. Very true. Anxiety is more in the moment. Depression covers a much greater spectrum of physical, mental, and emotional dampening. Some people who have depression choose to express anxiety because it feels like the closest thing they have to feeling involved in life. Working on depression will help clear the anxiety, but working on the way you think and the way you live is going to help with the anxiety when it is a separate thing from depression—occasional anxiety.

I recently stumbled on information about how cobalt is mined by modern-day enslaved labor, including children. It’s a resource that is used in many products, including computers, iPhones, and electric vehicles. What does this thread of connectivity—a child mining cobalt so that I can have an iPhone—teach us, and to what extent does my use of everyday technology enslave a whole society?

Well, I think the second question is by far more interesting than the first, because the answer to the first one is that for the last fifty years you’ve had far more connection into the world so as to know what is going on in various places than you ever have. And while I am by no means saying it’s a good thing, I will say that child labor has been going on since the beginning of …


Pretty much. Ditto slave labor.

It’s very, very unlikely there will be a time in your world in which children are not put to work. So what you want to look at is not that they are used for a certain kind of job because their hands are smaller, therefore it’s “child labor.” What you want to look at is how the child feels about it. An American or European may say child labor is bad, but there are cultures across the world in which it’s just what is done. You start working in the family restaurant when you are old enough to take a glass over to that table. When you are nine years old you take part in the mining operation that your Welsh father, and his father and his father, took part in. Gold mining, same thing.

Tobacco farming.

Tobacco farming in Kentucky now. Same thing. And other places as well. Anyone who grew up on a farm will tell you that child labor runs the farm, so be careful with the automatic assumption that other cultures are doing something terrible because somebody walked in, looked at what was going on, interviewed a couple of people, and now is bashing the whole society. And again that doesn’t mean that there aren’t a lot of things within that society that need to be bashed, but be wise in your wokeness.

With regard to knowing that the technology that you rely so much on is built around systems that exploit people, and the earth, what should you do? I will turn that right back to you. What should you do? Because that is an individual answer. What you should do, Paula, may be very different from what you should do, David.

However, what you need to look at is whether your values and morals work for you. Do they work in this situation to make a difference, or is it just performance? And think about the fact that you have come into this world, at this time of great industry and technology, and it’s all built on the backs of laborers. And exactly how different is it to wear a great bargain of a shirt, or a designer shirt—a vastly expensive shirt—that’s made by sweatshop labor than it is to go to a restaurant in America that pays its serving people two dollars an hour so that they must rely on tips to survive.

You’ve got to make your own personal decisions and learn not to judge someone else’s.

Please talk about the difference between being kind and nice and being a loving Guardian. Sometimes I default into being a nice human, but that’s not the same as being a Guardian who leads with love. I also know that doing the loving thing isn’t always the same as being nice.

Please go into why that question is being asked, because the answer seems very obvious to me. You can always be kind, although even when you are following your highest function of loving kindness at the time, your highest function of loving kindness might mean saying something the other person doesn’t want to hear.

David, I’m totally making this up, all right? Your shirt is totally fine, but I’m going to do this. “I love you. I want you to always look your best and feel good because it helps you feel good. So I’m going to just tell you that shirt—you should not wear it out in public. It just is no good.”

David: [Laughing] Are you channeling Paula?

Or you can say, “You just dress like a slob. I’m so tired of it. I’m saying this for your own good because I love you, but you just can’t do that.”

David: You’re definitely channeling Paula.

Paula: [Laughing] Oh, thanks.

The difference is where you are coming from. Coming from a place of love is going to show you the kindness options. Coming from a place of irritation is just going to show you more ways you are irritated. So remember that when somebody starts listing the other ways that your shirt and your pants and your shoes and your socks are no good, it’s because that’s coming from a place of irritation. Coming from a place of love, even if the words aren’t what you want to hear, they’re going to be coming more gently than from that place of frustration.

Love is not necessarily kindness, but kindness always has a place in love. Do not mistake kindness for either people-pleasing or avoiding the issue. They are the road to anger. Kindness is not either one of those. Love is not either one of those.

Recently you observed that we Guardians working in human form have changed in unprecedented ways. It sounds as if unforeseen doorways are opening and we can function in form in ways we never have before. How do our new capabilities and enhanced potential within the Source Field help the Ascension process?

Well, like so many people who have a lot of thoughts, at the very bottom is a question, and the rest of it can be put aside. Really the question is how do our new capabilities enhance the potential openings for superpowers? How are they useful?

In a time of great change, every possible helpful option is worth checking out so that every possible benefit can be brought about. Most people are, unfortunately, too lazy—especially in this six-second-attention-span society; thank you TikTok—to practice using any new function, mentally or physically.

How many adults do you know who take up an instrument? Most people who play an instrument learned it when they were children with parents who said “You will practice with that piano today whether you want to or not.” And some were fortunate enough to find that they were pretty good at it.

You grew up limiting yourself for multiple reasons. Now you are at a time where those previous limitations are changing. You are learning to—going back to the beginning of this interview—you are learning how to listen to your voices differently. You are learning how to make changes in your life. But none of it makes any difference if you do not practice it and then keep trying—and keep trying and keep trying. The only reason people stop using or seeking the enhancement of their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual gifts is that they are afraid of failure or afraid of success, and the responsibility of either one is too much.

It’s very hard to self-motivate learning a new skill as an adult. It takes community, and planning, to be most effective, and the planning needs to include “Why does this matter to me? What do I hope to get out of it?” You’ve got to know the value in order to give it the time. Most people don’t value much of anything in their lives. Life is just routine, and they’ve lost the skill to think through “How might this benefit me? Why is this worth my time? Do I believe I’m capable of the self-evaluation, and then the persistence?” Practice, practice, practice. And that is where community is helpful. You can go online and you can learn a new language, but you’re going to learn it faster and be more adept at it if you’re doing it with a few other people so you can converse and challenge each other without comparative judgment.

Having a community of friends who support each other in this practice will make a huge difference. Working together is always going to win.

Last thing: I did the Superpowers teachings because I found out that many Guardians in the work didn’t visualize, couldn’t quiet their minds, were unable to follow through, and I said all right, we need to do some basics. These are just that, basics.