A few years back we heard you say that there would be a mass exodus of people from the planet, leaving (not voluntarily) during the fall of 2011 and through 2012. Please elaborate on when, where and how this will happen.

It’s already happening. Read the newspaper. It’s right in front of you. Japan. Thailand. Every continent has had plant, animal, human passings in huge numbers by weather, by earth changes, earthquakes, tsunamis, flooding, and—this is really an unpleasant one—by unexpected rises in crime due to certain kinds of people being less able to maintain their sanity.

Animals have also been behaving in quite unusual ways, too. Just read your newspaper and you’ll see it. You’ve got wolf packs hunting humans, and wild animals being far less afraid of encroaching on human territory, without starvation making that happen. You have crows acting like raptors. It’s pretty massive.

A few years ago you alluded to the possibility that if enough Dragon energy was activated, the remaining Dragons would awaken and activate like dominoes. What do we need to do to make that happen, and if that point hasn’t occurred, can we start doing remote activations?

They are getting easier, as you have noted, but as they get easier, I start directing you into working with larger bodies of water. For instance, where the early work was with rivers, I very soon had you working with underground river systems, as well. Next we’re going to try massive bodies of water, such as the Mediterranean Sea. If you can do that, then maybe you can do this, because there is a trickle-down within each.

You talk about activating the Dragon force of the Mediterranean, and from there moving on to other seas, or oceans. Are the oceans seeded in the same way that the rivers are?

They are seeded, but not with the same kind of energy.

Is it Dragon energy?

It is a kind of Dragon energy, but it is for a different purpose altogether than what you’ve been working with.

It sounds like the work with the seeded bodies of water won’t be completed, then.

There will always be seeded water that can be worked on, but I hope that very soon there will come a point in which the greatest seedings are doing the work instead of you doing it, because there are other things that you can be doing. And, my goodness, do you remember the good old days when you just went on trips to have fun. [Laughing] Wouldn’t that be nice?

You know, I’d forgotten about that. It was eons ago.

Well, this time you had us doing other work in addition to the Dragon work. What other kinds of work lie ahead besides the Dragon work?

It makes itself known when you become available to it, so there isn’t a to-do list that way.

As a result of the work in India, was the animal kingdom awakened, or was it activated?

Some of both actually. Looking at it energetically, you would say it was shifted to its next evolutionary level.

You said some plants were actually further ahead than some animal species.


And you said the animal kingdom was “dragging its feet,” and that different animal species were “checking in,” before it finally activated. How did this happen and why?

Are you asking about the mechanics of it?

When I think of a group soul, I think of everything united as one. But then you said that different species were checking in and making a decision about whether to move up to the next evolutionary level. It’s hard for me to understand that.

Well, it’s certainly difficult without anthropomorphizing it, and I encourage you to do that simply because it gives you something to relate to when, of course, it’s not like that at all.

But are you asking how can something resist a call when it’s so ready and so clear, or are you asking how is it that the reptiles stepped in first, and the dogs stepped in later, and . . . which are you asking?

[Laughing] Both. We’ve been editors well over twenty years. When you suggest two good questions, we know better than to rule one out.

How could the animals resist? I mean the plants just fell right over.

More or less. The next step for most animals was a form of individuation. The next step for most plants was a form of free will, because most of them have already had a certain amount of individuation. For animals, staying unchanged was a safety mechanism to stay amorphous rather than be pinned down. Does that explain the hesitancy? It’s easier to stay a part of a “pack” than it is to have to be accountable for one’s own decisions.

So, the answer is that, as a security mechanism, taking that next step involved more than a physical evolutionary change because it was a development of mind to a higher level than group mind, and that’s a much bigger leap even than moving from the ocean to land—really. So, as is fairly typical, apparently, when you reach form the rule is, “If it’s change, resist it!” However, this is a change that would have come about anyway. The animal kingdom was putting it off, not rejecting it. If you were looking at this in time—which you can’t really do—then you would say “give it a little time and it will come around,” and indeed it did. It was all already done; it just wasn’t complete.

Why did the reptiles jump in first, while canines hung back? How is it possible to do that when you’ve got a group soul?

It depends on how many within the animal group are moving in that direction, as opposed to those that are nowhere near it.

Other than plants, reptiles are the fastest evolving group on your planet. They are, as a whole, more capable of managing chaotic energy of change than any other form of life short of the plants. As a result of that, there are many more species within the greater whole of the animal kingdom that are capable of that spark than, well, dogs, for instance. Reptiles adapt faster, and that creates a greater ability to manage change, and therefore a willingness to accept change.

So if you resist change, the chances are you might become extinct?

Probably. Yes.

I’m surprised to hear you say that, after reading that crocodiles are essentially unchanged for millions of years.

But I’m not saying that’s true of every species; but in general, yes.

Think for a moment, just as an analogy: if you cut off your little finger and could regrow it—which you can—you wouldn’t be too afraid of cutting off your little finger, would you? Well, it’s a whole lot like that. If you know that change makes things better, you’re not going to resist change. On the other hand, if you know that change means pain, of course you’re going to resist it.

Does individuation within the plant and animal kingdoms imply a greater degree of separation within those kingdoms?

All right, I don’t want you thinking that what they’re all doing is individuating. They are moving toward that. Some of them are pretty close to it, and some of them are nowhere near it. They’re all just taking another step closer. Asking specifically about individuation without relating it to something that’s individuated is too general for me to give a better answer.

When a species moves into functioning more in individuation, how does that affect the way an individual relates to the group soul of its species?

I’m not going to pretend that I can tell you what a pattern is going to look like that hasn’t ever been seen before. Probably it will become more of a leader than a follower within its power to influence the whole. Probably.

How might greater individuation affect the evolution of new species of plants and animals?

I don’t see that ever having that effect at all.

Especially for animals, would individuation likely lead over time to a need for symbolic language, such as humans have?

Why? They already have language. And just because you can’t translate what a dog is saying doesn’t mean he’s not talking to you. Language is so much more than vocalization. An octopus can communicate with animals that use a sonar-based communication system, such as dolphins and others. An octopus is capable of learning a pattern and repeating it even though it’s not capable of creating the same type of sonic energy in order to respond. That’s saying, more or less, that it can understand a language even without communicating in it, whereas what you now see more often is communication entirely without language being the way the gap is bridged.

Dogs have very expressive faces and they communicate with other dogs through those facial expressions.

That’s right, and other body movements.

What the question is asking about is using symbols. When a dog moves its face a certain way, and another dog reacts to that, the other dog isn’t saying, “That dog is thinking this, so I’ll react that way.”

Well, actually, it is like that. You have learned that when something looks like an A it means the sound “ah” or “ay.” You’ve learned to relate those things. If you tell a dog “sit” and you put its little butt on the floor and you say “sit” again, it eventually learns what you want it to do. But that’s not communicating. That’s not sharing a picture. On the other hand, you do have the ability to share a picture, and some animals are able to receive even if they can’t send back.

Language limits communication. It limits you. Think of what you can see in your head that you cannot put words to because your language cannot express it. Having language doesn’t mean you’re advanced. It just means you have language.