In the June workshop, you referred to higher energy stepping down into form in certain proportions, 5:3:2 and 4:3:2. What do these proportions refer to specifically? What is the significance of bringing them to our attention at this time?

I was trying to use it as a way of showing you the natural progression of life-force construct in the manifestation of form upon your planet. This shows up in the most basic level as 4:3:2; change comes in as a 5:3:2. If you are asking, why 4 and 3 and 2, it is because they are correspondences. Everything on your planet relates, by energy or by the actual form itself, to a higher process. That’s just another way of saying the microcosm reflects the macrocosm, and vice versa. 4:3:2 represents primary earth; 5:3:2 represents higher. 4:3:2 is elemental. 5:3:2 is using the elemental. Mathematically speaking, geometrically speaking, if you had a cube and you made an oblique cut diagonally across a corner, and you turned it inside out, you would have a new form altogether. It’s the point of turning it inside out that takes it from 4 to 5. It’s not the cut; it’s the shift.

Let me try it this way, and know that this is a really basic and inadequate illustration, so bear with me.

You have that which you see and that which you don’t see. What you see is 4:3:2 and what you don’t see is 5:3:2. What you see is mundane, what you don’t see is “magic.” Everything is magic—everything is mundane. Everything that is mundane has magic about it; everything that is magic has something mundane about it. Every form on your planet reflects that it is both mundane and magic.

As a result of that, over literally thousands of years, your priests, philosophers, teachers, mathematicians, singers, have been recognizing that all of the parts together reflect something larger, that ultimately the parts would distill down and go into the same categories, beginning with two aspects, whatever those aspects happen to be. Bringing those two aspects together creates something larger—a third—whatever that happens to be. Finally—and here is where it becomes the difference between mundane and magic—one of those converts. It will either convert into something that is going to maintain its nature, or it is going to convert and change its nature.

So, 1 moves to 2, and 2 moves to 3, and 3 moves to 4; however, sometimes 3 has the ability to convert beyond that natural process and move directly to 5. It may not be done in a way that’s obviously seen. It may do 2 to 3 to 4 several times before it does that. 5:3:2 speaks of transformation. The most 4:3:2 can speak of is transition. 5:3:2 adds the element of spirit, which may look like magic.

You have mentioned the need for impeccable intent. Would you describe this concept as you use it and suggest techniques or exercises for developing it?

It’s comforting to have a system, because if you do, then anything that goes wrong can be blamed on the system.

Impeccability is behaving at the highest possible level of your perfection. Impeccability is being without fault, which is what most people unfortunately think perfection means, and it doesn’t. Perfection, as I use it, is what you are, not what you do. Be perfect. It doesn’t mean do everything in such a way that no one else can find fault. Do everything in such a way that you cannot find fault. That whole idea of working to avoid criticism by others begs for constant disruption and pain, because you’re seeking failure, aren’t you? So that you can weed it out, of course! But you’re seeking failure.

Impeccability means doing the best you can where you are with what you have at the moment— and then being accountable for it. Meaning you know when you’re not impeccable, and you know when you are. So seek to have fewer moments when you are not.

But impeccability is not simply activity. When I tell you to be impeccable, I’m not talking of the human version of things. I’m talking of something your spirit would be proud of.