At the January 2004 first-Sunday meeting, you stated that in the upcoming year we will face many opportunities for growth related to our physical bodies, issues of financial security and our perspectives on fear. Can you expand upon this and explain why this applies particularly to 2004?
In a linear-time construct, one thing causes another, which causes another in a domino effect. When you move out of the perception that time is linear and you’re able to see that time is much more like a ball—a tennis ball, a softball, maybe a basketball here in Kentucky—with many, many currents that show themselves up over and over, then you can see that it’s not just happening in 2004. Now, both of those ways of looking at time work with what I’ve said you are going to be experiencing in 2004, because you started experiencing it at the end of 2003, which is to say that it’s going to continue on the ball or the line simply because it has already started. So let’s shift the “Why can say that’s going to happen in 2004?” to simply “This is going to continue to happen because it has already started.”
Those particular three—physical bodies, financial security and fear—are happening as the result of a set of “dominoes.” Those dominoes are the Fusion of Masculine and Feminine energy, which then opened the door to a greater flow of high-frequency power through the Guardianship into the Grid, thus bringing about a change in mass consciousness.
Now, change brings what, for most people?
Resistance. Fear.
We’ll use fear for the overall idea. Fear in a human, be it a Guardian or be it a just-awakening human, is a response to a threat to the security system. So in all humans, that’s immediately going to show up in the physical, and in Guardianship it’s going to show up in the financial. Why? Think back to what have said about the people who work at high frequencies: They find that financial issues are the first things and the last things that come up.
So Fusion was followed by the inflow of huge amounts of change energy affecting the Grid, affecting mass consciousness, bringing about fear, showing itself up as an obsessive awareness of the physical experience and financial control and projection issues.
Why is the fear being manifested so much within the Guardianship, when the Guardianship is actually taking a part in making this process happen?
Remember that within the Guardianship, there are those who accept their Guardianship and serve with it—do something about it—and there are those who choose not to do anything about it, and there are those who don’t even know. Now, amongst that small group of those who are awake, aware and activated, which I would love to be able to tell you make up the majority I work with, but the fact is that’s not so—fear is a response not to change as much as to chaos. Now, I would tell you chaos is a good thing. Chaos is a creative power; it is a means for abundance.
Guardians are born into this world—and you can look into your own histories for this—Guardians are born into this world, and they immediately notice that they are extremely limited by this cloak they are wearing, by this costume they have on. And they spend fifteen, twenty thirty years figuring out what it can do and what they can do in it. They’re spending all of those years learning control—hopefully. That’s a good control, not a fear control.
At the point of awakening, particularly awakening to Guardianship, it then becomes not control of the physical, but control of the spiritual self, and activation is a final product of that.
In your lives, which have you been working on longer, the activation of the physical body—learning to control it—or the activation of the spiritual self, learning how to use it? The answer is the physical. For the physical body chaos is fear. For the spiritual body chaos is an open door. But right now, thanks to Fusion, what you’re working on is balancing those two. In the unknown, Guardians fear. Guardians don’t fear things going on in the physical body—and I’m making a very broad statement that really is for those Guardians that are functioning in activation, and that’s really a small group, so I don’t want to imply that all Guardians don’t fear chaos, because that’s not true—but to activated Guardians, chaos is recognized as an opportunity. However, the unknown, being unsure of what you’ll be able to do with it, unsure of whether the physical can hold up, unsure of. . . looking at all of these issues, the unknown brings fear to you. You can deal with spraining your ankle, you can deal with having a chronic disease, you can deal with not knowing hut trusting. That’s what chaos is for. But you can’t deal with that sense of not having control because of not knowing what’s going to happen. That is the fear I’m talking about.
That implies a lack of faith in yourself.
Well, doesn’t it indeed? And not lust yourself. I ended the year 2003 talking about the importance of trust. You know that in Mexico I talked about trust quite a bit. It’s not only trust in yourself—and in reality you’ve had a lot more years, as I said earlier, learning how to trust yourself—it has a whole tot more to do with trusting outside yourself, Paula trusting David, David trusting Paula, Paula and David trusting Frank, Frank trusting …
That’s level one. Level two: Trusting the wisdom gained from experience. Level three: Trusting the unseen.
How does that fear show up in our lives, and how do we get over it?
It shows up, for example, as resistance, anger, frustration and control issues. And those are exactly the sorts of things that you are experiencing. So you can look at the symptoms, put a label on it, see it, and do something about it. The label is fear, but you could probably make it more specific by looking at that particular situation, because each person is going to have their own symptom pattern.
When I say label it, what I’m saying is put a box around it. Usually I tell you not to put a box around something, but this is the “name it, claim it” sort of thing with fear that I’ve been teaching for twenty of your years, or something like that. Name it so you can better see it. Ask “What fear is this?” Don’t just say “That’s fear.” Be more specific: What fear is it? That name is going to allow you then to tap into what you can do about it, because what you would do about the tear that your car is not running properly and you’re going to be stuck without transportation is different from the fear that your bank account is running very low. Even though they’re both, bottom line, the same fear, what you would do about each one depends upon how closely you are able to name it.
So if your bank account is running low what do you need to do?
Get a job. Look for ways of manifesting money.
Will that help you right now with your car not working?
No. And I can see how that ties info your teaching about dealing with emotional reactions by looking back and asking, “I’m angry. What am I afraid of? What does that mean?”
That’s right. Explore. Go into the background of what it is. If you recognize that you’re angry, say, “Oh, anger, that means I’m afraid. What am I afraid of?” rather than “What am I angry about?” Look at the symptoms of the fear—and everybody’s is different, although not all that different. So look at that symptom and say, “So what’s going to happen if that is allowed to rule? Why do I feel the need to control that?” because that’s going to show you the fear.
Let me ask something about how fear can show up in financial issues. Let’s say you have a partnership—personal, business, it doesn’t matter—and each partner has a completely different perspective on finances arising from personal fear, which causes friction. One partner thinks that it is necessary to conserve, to be careful not to spend money. The other one says, “I trust the Universe; I know that whatever I need in the moment will be there or at least come soon,” and spends a lot, perhaps money that’s not really there. It looks like two different fears and two different perspectives that don’t seem to work
That’s because they are both extremes. Neither one of them is correct, because the proper answer is a bit of both—a balance. The first question is, how do you know if what you’re thinking is an extreme rather than balance? And, remember, that would usually show up as a problem only when you have other people you are associating with who either have another extreme or a different view. The way you handle it is not a problem if it’s only you. It’s a problem when your path crosses with another and free will gets involved. It’s relationships that show you the issues. Living your life to defend your way of doing things causes the Universal flow to stop. Having to defend and justify is a function of fear—and a statement of incompletion. While two people are each trying to justify their own versions, the reality is it’s not about being right— that’s what creates the problem—it’s about finding the blend.
Now, back to the question of how you know that you’re at an extreme. Well, I just gave a hint.
When you have to defend your point of view.
Right the first time. Excellent.
Now, here’s the next question: Is an extreme ever correct? Or, to say it another way: Is there ever a time when it is correct to justify your action or belief? Two extreme answers to that question could be, “Of course there is,” and “Not while you live on this planet.” So what is the answer?
Somewhere in the middle.
All right, what would be in the middle?
Rare times.
You’re going with it.
I would think when you have a spiritual understanding that’s really clear to you.
Be careful that you don’t make “spiritual” your weapon, your justification. The answer is, sometimes it’s right; sometimes it’s not right. It’s not “Never!” or “Always.” You were playing with it. Were you able to make sense of it?
Well, there’s a difference for me when I’m defending something and when I’m sup porting a position. I may be coming from “We have to be really conservative with our money; we can’t spend it here,” and the other person is saying, “We need to spend this; we need to trust the Universe on this one.” It becomes part of a negotiation that says, “ What parts of this can we use? Where does trusting the Universe slip into irresponsibility and where is conservative thinking fear-based?”
Good. If you make a decision to first seek what you agree on, you’re going to change the energetic dynamics of the situation. You remember the teaching in the early days of merger? What is it you needed to do to make that merger happen? You needed to look and see what’s the same. And that is true with everything in your life with regard to relationships. In every relationship, success is based on the amplification of what is the same, with one small twist to it. And that small twist is, you only want to look for what is positive and the same. It’s rather obvious, but in reality a very hard thing to do, because your society teaches you negativity; it teaches you that the world is unsafe, that it’s filled with fear, that there is a lot of danger, that pessimism keeps you safe, doesn’t it? So you want to make sure that what you are looking for are similarities that are positive, whole. And once you have established that “we both agree about this and this and this,” you’ve changed the dynamics. You have moved it from a physical issue to a spiritual one. And I will assure you that handling things truly spiritually—not justified spiritually, truly spiritually—attaches you back into the greater flow.
Now, I realize that “attaching you back into the greater flow” is a rather ambiguous statement. What I’m trying not to say is that it guarantees you will get more money in your life. What I’m trying to say is that it opens the door into wholeness in all areas. Financial issues are all about how whole you are. Of course, physical issues are, too.
Your first set of workshops for 2004 are about using sound to help bring change into our lives and our world. How can Guardians best use sound this year?
I’m going to move back to New Year’s Eve of 2003. The group tone, the note, the pitch “C” Do you remember what I said you would be doing with that? At that time, I was talking about everything that you were going to do.
Making physical the blessings that we had.
Yes. Which is to say then, that C does what?
It manifests.
Perfect. Sound has been a means of establishing change in this world. It has been the means, always. This dimension is about sound, because this dimension is about frequency slowing down. And what is sound? Frequency; different levels of frequency.
With sound, you have learned to activate within yourself, you have learned to establish a balance-point for change in yourself and in your world. Now, because Guardianship energy—the prototype for everything mass consciousness is going to do, based on changes in the Grid—Guardianship is consciously focusing on dying to the old and becoming not a better human, but god.
Why am I saying god rather than goddess or Source?
Because it implies action.
Yes. Precisely. Because what you are establishing in the world by accepting your godhood is the highest possible frequency of that which creates in this world. So that which is creating in this world is made real with C. What is the first thing that is made real? You are god. You, as god. That’s what that sound is about; that’s where it’s going now. And I’m calling it “the sound of love.” Why?
It’s the highest vibration in this dimension.
And I’m talking about it becoming a creative reality, a manifesting resource.
The process is sort of feeding on itself, particularly with the men: accepting godhood, singing C, creating themselves as god in the process, and creating a sort of feedback loop.
It’s very exciting. Truly.
In your recent energy workings, such as at Serpent Mound, where you had us use the tone C, you have indicated that the men, not the women, are doing the work There are significantly fewer men than women in the Guardianship. How does this affect the results of the toning work?
The first thing to remember is that I have not added C to your toning work. C is put to use at specific workings to bring about a particular effect. So at this point, C is not affecting your toning at all. It doesn’t matter if there are more women than men; it doesn’t matter that sometimes at toning there are no men. Toning is not changed. Toning has a very specific work, and that will continue to be needed, and it won’t change.
At these special workings, does the fact that there are fewer men than women change the dynamics of it for you? Do you have to make adjustments for that?
It depends on who the men are. It depends on who the women are. It depends on how much god-ness is being expressed. You may remember that have said that if there are at least three functioning as god in a group, it would change the dynamics enough to give it a positive function. When I am doing a working—or you are doing a working that I have asked you to do; for example, you go the temple of Quetzalcoatl and, with this focus, do the work— I cannot use C if there are not at least three functioning gods there. Does that mean that those gods must be men, or can it be men and women, or even just women? That’s answered in two ways. The first one is: it doesn’t matter, as long as they are functioning as god. But, here is the second one: The power of the work comes through gender-specific men, not masculine energy, which has fused. So if there is a physical-world change, rather than a spiritual change—you want to bring healing to the tree outside your door that is having trouble: physical world—you need men, If you are bringing healing to the planet as a whole, you need at least three gods.
Now, how do you know if you’ve got three gods? Well, the best way of being sure is to have a whole bunch of men, and then, one with one with one, you can have at least three that are tuned in at any one time.
How similar will the work in Scotland and England be to the Heart Portal work we have done in the past, when we were matching the frequency of a site through sound?
It’s a whole lot like doing Heart Portal work, but opposite. You’re not matching the tone; the site is going to match you, because what you are going to be doing is re-awakening, precisely like Serpent Mound. You are going to be awakening what has been waiting.
One aspect of sound that we sometimes forget is speech— the words we choose to use, our tone and inflection. What can you tell us about the power of sound in speech, as opposed to the communication itself?
The more you are able to harness your personal power, the more flexible your vocalizations are. That’s a very bottom-line, broad statement. You know of people who just speak in a more or less nasal, flat monotone. They are not accessing their personal power, whereas those whose voices contain feelings are accessing it. Now again, that’s very broad, but that’s what your physical ability to craft sound is an expression of.
So, what does that mean if you choose to shout at somebody in anger, as opposed to not raising your voice or not putting that much emotion into it?
You’re accessing your power, but unfortunately, you are misappropriating it. You are using it inappropriately.
So basically you’re saying the communication is the key issue, not the actual tone or use of speech.
Communication and relationships are the means by which everything that has to do with your Guardianship is going to get worked through. So communication involves the way you use words, whereas sound has to do with the way you use your vocal apparatus, and that’s different.