What are your recommendations for avoiding concerns about aging, such as depression and even fear, and for approaching advanced age in a positive way? 

Humans have a tendency to want to be older in every stage of life until they are older, and then they want to be younger. They’re so hard to satisfy.

First, I would say that a whole lot of the problem with aging has to do with the slow debilitation of the human system. But you don’t want to live forever in a human form, so it’s a good thing it does degenerate.

But the second thing is that it doesn’t have to be that way. Aging, as you know it, is more karma than it is genetics. Genetically, there is absolutely a component that says you’re likely to live this many decades and you are very likely to have these kinds of illnesses. It’s blueprint stuff. But really, if you have had a healthy, active life from your childhood—and I know a lot of young people have healthy, active lives, but then they give that up for thirty or forty years—but if you have had that all of your life, then at the end of life you would not be dealing with the karma of not taking care of the body very well.

The thing that really frustrates people is—as with so many things in life—you can smoke a pack of cigarettes a day for twenty years and when you quit, your body will rebuild. There are so many things like that. But a lifetime of abuse with diet and movement and the way you think and the environment you live in, all of that is going to create a very debilitating set of conditions. And it’s not like, well, when I’m fifty, I’ll clean everything up and it’ll be all right—which you perhaps could do with other things. So the guilt that comes with aging has a lot to do with regretting decisions made earlier. It stems from knowing what you have and have not done for yourself consistently throughout your life. There is a piece of you that says “Oops, bad decisions.” And that guilt creates even more negative consequences.

How can guilt create impressions on the physical? I mean, guilt is a mental thing. So how can that affect the physical?

Well, I think you’re being an editor and asking that for those who may not know. But the answer is, because the mind has a profound effect on the body, which is why part of what you want to keep consistently going on in your life are good mental attitudes and mental beliefs, because these have an effect. What you let in is going to have a lot to do with what shows up.

So don’t be a pessimist.

Yes, and don’t surround yourself with pessimists, because neither of those is helpful.

Even though aging is an effect of karma—which nobody wants to think about but is very much a major point—aging is also the ticket out for most people, not everybody. Aging is a natural process that is not meant to be painful. It’s meant to be a float to the end, like a balloon that is slowly losing its helium. Balloons can last a very long time if that outer shell is doing well. There will definitely be a certain number of leaks, no matter what, but it’s a gentle float rather than a rapid downward decline.

One of the things to remember about aging is that the fear of it makes it worse. However, most people do not fear the aging; they fear the debilitation and the guilt or the shame that often comes with it, even if they’re not fully cognizant that that is behind it. And you fear it because you’re not living in your now. You are living in what was and getting angry at what is now. So you’re resisting, and that process ages you even further.

Many people are afraid of becoming dependent, and that’s very understandable. They see themselves as independent, capable, and therefore able to care for themselves, but the fact of it is, you’re not, and you never have been from the moment you were born, and you never will be. How you feel about living in a society—and the U.S. is a real big one on this, though not all Western cultures are—in which elder wisdom is often ignored, aging is a shameful process, and relying on others means you have failed is a societal construct that needs to end.

Individual unity is not the same thing as rugged individualism or even a dependent unity. It’s neither of those. Your ability to give and receive often shows up the most at the end of your life, and the way you have done that through your life often has a very large effect on having those who want to give to you.

If you’re going to be living in a society that does not value the elderly, then you want to be sure that you take care of yourself mentally, emotionally, and physically throughout your life and that your heart has been open and freely giving and freely receiving throughout your life. Because, as I said in the beginning, karma is about aging, aging is about karma.

You mentioned in the last interview that people who are aging can get together to talk about it and share their concerns.

Anytime there is a group of people going through challenges, it’s always helpful to have a group that can understand what’s going on, bounce ideas around, and simply support each other through it, be it aging or illness or concerns about what the next month is going to bring. It’s good. Community is based on unity.

One of the most frightening aspects of aging is the possibility of succumbing to dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, which affect the basic awareness of who we are. How does Spirit continue to interact with a personality that is impaired in this way?

Anytime spirit is interacting with any version of your personality, it’s not really easy. And if an individual is functioning with dementia, Alzheimer’s or any other kind of neurodegenerative disease, it really isn’t any harder for spirit than if you’re not experiencing that.

The fact that somebody has forgotten who their children are does not mean that they do not have access to the spirit they are, even if it is maybe—rarely, but maybe—in an altered way. Your brain is not what your entity connects to, so it really doesn’t matter spiritually.

Remember too, for many people these neurodegenerative diseases are in their blueprint. They have chosen them as a means of leaving or a way of communicating. Sometimes they even knowingly choose the disruption in their personal world—which is how I see such things—because it will make it easier to function outside of the body, outside of this dimensional structure. They want to ensure that they’re going to have a point in their life in which they are able, while in form, to put their response to the disease into the Grid as well. So I don’t see that as a great horror, because this life that is slowly being forgotten is only the tiniest part of your life. Forgetting those things doesn’t mean they’re gone.

At the November first-Sunday meeting you stressed that Guardians need to maintain Divine Neutrality in the next few months and into 2024. How do our personal individual attitudes of neutrality positively affect world conditions?

First, if you’ve got views about neutrality, you’re not being neutral. You’re putting out expectations. So you do not want to be thinking that neutrality looks any particular way. Neutrality is a symptom, not a cause, and that’s a lot of what’s throwing people off.

Let me explain what I mean by that. You’re looking at the world through rose-colored glasses, right? The rose color affects everything you see, doesn’t it? And as long as it’s there and unnoticed—and that’s the important part—as long as it is unnoticed, you’re not going to be able to be neutral, well, divinely neutral. You’re only going to think you are. And the reason I said unnoticed is because if you know, “Alright, everything’s looking a little bit pink, so I need to adapt to that. I need to adjust my thinking in that regard. Okay. So if I am wearing the glasses of Western society’s beliefs about women, then, I need to adjust my thinking and let that go.” Your recognition of the state you generally function in changes the function.

Not acting is not the same as Divine Neutrality. Realizing you don’t need to act is Divine Neutrality. And the only reason you would decide you don’t need to act is because you know what beliefs you have behind that urge to act, and you choose to move or not, based on those beliefs.

Divine Neutrality isn’t not seeing what’s happening in the world. Divine Neutrality isn’t not wanting it to be different. You live in the world; you will see it. Divine Neutrality is about recognizing that there are many more perspectives than the one you’re stuck in at that moment, and, because of that, you’re choosing not to act.

The Form grew up in San Antonio, and as a result of that, she absorbed tremendous amounts of Spanish, but she knows she can’t have a conversation. So much of the world thinks that because they know a little bit, they’ve got it down, and that rules their action, their beliefs, their behavior. They think it’s all that’s needed. But Divine Neutrality moves you from the city center to the mountaintop, where the view is totally different. And when you recognize that different view, then you go back to the city center and you allow.

So it sounds very much like what you’ve said for many years: always remember that there’s a greater weave, that what you see is a very limited perspective and it all gets woven into that greater weave.

Can you make it a conscious thing? “I will be divinely neutral.”

You are wondering—correctly—if a conscious view is still a limited view, how can you attain that neutrality? But actually you can; it just doesn’t mean you are. What I mean by that is, yes, by all means say, “I am choosing to function in Divine Neutrality here.” It doesn’t mean you’re actually going to be functioning in Divine Neutrality right then at that moment. It does mean that you are consciously stepping away into neutrality and that is the start. The key is to be divinely neutral in the middle of the traffic jam, and that takes practice. Like I said, it is a symptom, not a cause.

Now, truthfully, it is a cause because you really do need to choose it. But it’s like living love: I say to you, “You are here in this world for one purpose and that purpose is to live your love. Live love.” And you think, oh, that’s nice, that’s easy. And you find out really quickly the thousand things a day that keep you out of that intent. And those thousand things a day become the journey of your lifetime.

Well, so it is with Divine Neutrality. You set it out there and become very aware of the thousand and one things that keep you from being neutral. Divine Neutrality isn’t not caring. And that’s important.

You’ve recently spoken about acceptance and allowing. It seems those would be important aspects of Divine Neutrality.

A lot of people want to say that accepting and allowing are the same thing, but they’re not. I don’t have to accept what’s going on, insofar as I don’t have to like it, I don’t have to agree with it. But I can allow that this is another perceptual reality, that this is for a purpose that’s not a part of my journey. So I can allow.

As a fellow part of my universe, I can allow you to feel and do and act however you want. It doesn’t mean I accept it for myself. Acceptance is congruency; acceptance is allowing. Allowing is not necessarily accepting.

So you are at a corner and neglect to use your turn signal, and it has made the driver behind you very, very angry. At the next stop sign they hop out of their car and run forward to you and you say, “What kind of idiot are you? Don’t you know what your turn signals are for?” So with someone angry and yelling at you, are you going to accept or allow or both?

Paula: Allow, I would think.

David: Accept.

So, both.

David: You can accept them, but not allow the behavior.

You can allow that this person has become very, very upset about something you’ve done and you accept your responsibility for that. That’s where they work together. But usually when somebody comes up to you very angry about something they perceive you did, which is a trauma function throughout life—somebody tells you, “You’ve ruined my life. You’ve done this horrible stuff.”—well, there’s nothing you can do to allow them to say or not say that, because that ship has sailed. You can allow within yourself whatever you want, but allowing for what somebody else does is outside of you.

Accepting what they have to say doesn’t mean believing it, by the way. Accepting what they have to say and that it has had a profound effect on them is your choice. You accept based on your resilience at the time, pretty much. You allow based on your mastery of yourself.

Well, having said all of that, realize in most people’s minds that “accept” and “allow” are pretty much the same thing and they use them when they want to defend or deny.

So, while you might say, “Well, there’s a vast difference between the two. I accept what’s going on. I don’t allow it to bother me,” that’s just background noise to a lot of people, because this society teaches you that to accept it means you allowed it, to allow it means you accepted it. But Divine Neutrality says otherwise. Divine Neutrality says “I allow and I accept, because I am bigger than both of those things. I am functioning at a higher level than that, and so it doesn’t matter.” It’s the top of the mountain.

Please explain how the incoming energy will be affecting the planet, Guardians and mass consciousness as we go into 2024. And will the eclipse be a turning point energetically?

The eclipse will absolutely be a turning point energetically. However, can I say how mass consciousness and Guardians and you as individuals or the world as a whole—where it is right now—are going to respond to all of that? If I could, I would be an extreme danger to the Plan. So I can’t.

In general, how has mass consciousness been dealing with the changes of the last three years?

The eclipse in 2024 is going to be a winding up of a very big cycle of energy that started way back in 2011 or 2012—I’m not good with time. That’s a long cycle. So how do you deal with the end of cycles? Well, most people never know a cycle has begun or ended, which is to say, it’s just not going to matter very much. But spiritually, energetically, from my point of view, it’s a huge difference. But there aren’t that many people in the world who function with energy well enough to recognize it as a huge difference.

Of course, if you print that, there will surely be a bunch of people saying, “Eh, I see that difference, I’ve got it.” But that’s a part of the process, too.

Stuart: Will they accept or allow that they do that?

Yes. We will accept or allow that they will do that. We will accept and allow that they will do that.

When we look at the world today, it’s hard to believe that Fifth Density has been anchored. What is your perspective on the current world situation and its relation to the Densities?

It is a beautiful day outside here in Lexington, Kentucky. It’s very warm for November and the sky is blue and the trees are multicolored. It’s absolutely gorgeous, so EarthLight has opened the door into this room. And there are things going on outside that doorway that are having a small effect on this room; there’s a bit of a breeze going through. But the door was just opened, so it’s going to take a bit longer for the full effects to become known.

Right now, what you want to remember is that a Density shift was not written into the Plan.

The Density shift, and the timeline shift that started it going, was a wonderful surprise, but it’s the same kind of surprise as if your ten-month-old baby starts to walk. That’s a wonderful surprise, but holy moly, what’s going to happen now that you have a mobile kid running around? Now, having been a parent, you know the delightful terror that comes with that.

Well, that’s sort of what it’s like in that humanity has never made it this far. It’s wonderful, but humanity is already pretty dangerous, so send a few more Watchers and Helpers and make the unseen a little more visible, and let’s bring help wherever it is needed and can be used, because who knows what’s next? So the answer to the first part of your question is, I don’t know. But it’s rather exciting to see what could happen.

You said recently that personal empowerment always requires healing. Can you say more about that relationship between the two of them?

In order for you to fully love yourself, you must heal yourself. But I’m not saying that you must physically heal yourself. You must mentally and emotionally heal yourself. Every life, as I have said over and over, has trauma. You have trauma from childhood and that trauma can be debilitating or it can be a memory you look back on and understand. But the trauma has affected you. It has dented the vessel, and being dented, that vessel has become very used to pouring water out of two different places instead of one, or it has become used to a crooked stream rather than a straight one.

You are on a journey of self-awareness and learning to love yourself. For most people, that means they’ve got to take away all of their mistakes rather than appreciate them. They’ve got to be perfect rather than accepting who and what they are—because all of that self-love starts revealing to you where you have adapted to being without love. [To Paula] I see you get the import of that statement. It’s because of that that most people stop their journey—they don’t want to see that.

That’s what needs healing. Not the dents, but the attitude that you’re not perfect because of the dents, that’s what needs healing.